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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. Corydora Fry are still alive! I added some live BBS to their breeder box (Most went out the bottom where the big fish got to eat it) but i saw movement in the fry! Im hoping for orange bellies, but they might not be hungry yet, i shall set up my hatcher again for tommorow.
  2. The true reason anakin went to the dark side:
  3. nice! welcome to our forum! Yeah i have seen for Mint that adding old fish water got it to grow better, all that nitrogen helps. Please post a picture of your tank, we want to see it.
  4. I just got a really good picture of Garra Guy (He was sitting on the leaf very still for a while which made photographing him easy) : Should i make this my new Profile Picture? what do you guys think?
  5. @TheSwissAquaristwhich is why you'll never see it coming when i start the err.. Non Platy Obsessers group. (????????????) or the Platy Haters Group (again ?????????????)
  6. i have right now a Glowfish light that came with my tank kit. It had clips for attatching it to the rim, but it was a rather weak light, i have it right now on my 2 project tanks, here are the clips it used to attatch to the rim:
  7. ah yes, hawaiin variatus platy or something like that.
  8. i doubt many people will understand this one, but its mostly about Advertising:
  9. Disclaimer: I understand this could cause some fights/jealousy, this is not my intention with this post. The question is simple. Do you have a LFS? I know some people are talking about going to Big Box Stores ( i was going to type the abreviation BBS, but that is more often Baby Brine Shrimp) because they dont have a LFS. Im trying to understand better how many user on here have LFSs. So 1.do you have one? 2.If yes How Many 3.If yes how far away is it from you? there is no need to post any store names here. so here is me: 1.I have a LFS 2.I am very fortunate i have 2 and they are both pretty good. For me its a trade off of going to the smaller one, less selection but cheaper, or the bigger one more selection but more expensive. 3. 1 is a 10-15minute walk, the other is around a 20minute drive, but can be reached by public transit (as i said im very fortnate when it comes to LFSs)
  10. @TheSwissAquaristthere is moss and bio-rings covering the bottom of the tank, there are also big peices of coarse sponge just floating in the back. The point is to provide lots of hiding spots for fry in case i cant move the females once they give birth, i might remove 1/2 females though to give me better success rates. (so the other females arent predating on the fry i want to keep). Oof... MTS hitting me hard. If i had another tank i could still get fry from my target female, but i have no open tank space for it. update: Why am i doing this again? I had a target in mind, but ive lost the fish needed for that, i guess at this point this project has become Raise a bunch of platy fry and see what colors you get! Nothing wrong with that, just wont be my goal. I am trying to get the red back half into a tuxedo platy, thats the one i care about most. (One of my females in here is a tuxedo)
  11. Update its been a while since my last one. Not much has changed, as expected no fry yet, i have another 2-3weeks before the fish are done gestating. I have added Bio RIngs to the bottom of the tank for good fry protection.
  12. @TheSwissAquarist you've used an ACO sponge filter? I thought they weren't available in europe. but on topic: I agree with @nabokovfan87 on the pros of the Tidal fiters. I dislike that the 35 has no intake tube, so guarding the intake is slightly more complicated. i like the ACO sponge filter, but it doesnt provide find filtration so i have it paired with a tidal 35. I do want to try the Aqueon HOBs. I saw the Prime Time Aquatics video on them, and it might be the solution i need. I would have to mod it by adding my own flow control (Probably adding a Ball Valve to the intake tube) but there is no perfect filter. I will say this about UG filters. My grandfather has a 10gallon guppy tank thats been going for DECADES. All he does is feed, and occasionally change water. That tank has a UG filter, and it uses 4in of gravel. I think keeping a tank that long (No live plants) and that well with that filter gives it some credibility.
  13. ive done a water change. I had to remember to take some old water out for the herbs, and i want to check it for little creatures later (Ex. Copepods, Detritus Worms). The water in my tank is still dirt even after the water change, but i have my HOB running so it should help take care of it. Ive crushed some flake for the corydora fry, they are too small to know if they're eating yet. Im really hoping they are, i have BBS that i will be harvesting for them tonight. everything else going moderatly well. I do need to trim back on my platy population soon, i have too many, and definetly too many Males, that are fighting all them time. (Nipping and chasing each other, no damage seen though). Im still waiting for my platies in the 5 to drop fry, but i have another few weeks till they'll be ready.
  14. There are corydoras in here: Cant see them? dont worry neither can i. (i need to look very hard to see them, itll be easier tonight when they'll have BBS bellies.) i am going to do the "squeeze the sponge filter" trick, to try to get tons of little detritivores in here as a food source, and give the little cories some hiding spots. Ive seen no detriments using this method, and ive seen copepods and detritus worms in squeezed out filter media water, so this should work fine, itll just make the fry harder to see, but at this point they are already really hard to see. so i messed it up amd got stuff all over my tank. Here is a picture: looks like a great time for a water change! once i get my water change done, i will get my cory fry some food. I have used my Easy Fry and Small Fish Food for a while and it was around halfway full, so i mixed in Hikari First Bites, and Crushed krill flake. I wish i didnt though, as i like first bites because its bright orange so it lets me know they are eating, i guess i could just crush the flake and get the red belly effect. Ill also add in some water from my copepod/infusoria/green water culture, to try to get some little things for the fry to eat.
  15. @lewkallow me to clarify. My platies will do exactly what you described in your guppies. However i have around 30 platies. With 3platies it shouldnt be much of an issue. also just keep in mind the biggest egg predators you will have are the parents. Ive had cories lay eggs, then immediately turn around and eat them. The male following the females around, he'll eat the eggs too,
  16. keep their population under control and platies would work.
  17. @TeeJay here is my opinion: For a species only setup do the 20long to give them more room. However if you are adding something like Endlers as dithers, do the high so that the endlers can have the top level and the gudgeons can have the bottom.
  18. i dont think you understand. Im very fortunate. My LFS is a 10-15minute walk from my house, i will walk fish home as long as the weather is nice enough. Yeah this is the perfect site to find other people obsessed with very common fish. If you have any feedback on my platy breeding project, id be happy to hear it )
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