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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Do you use rainwater or a mechanical unit? My RO water is snow!
  2. Maybe try moving the majority over and see how the rest do? In that case Apistogramma would seem like a cool choice for the guppy population control. Alternatively just sell/give away the guppies.
  3. I’d be impressed if you could find any fish that will eat guppy fry but not cherry shrimplets…a fish that only lives in the top half of an aquarium… African Butterfly Fish? Splash tetras?? Any biggish tetra could work…?? @brandonnaturally @Patrick_G @Chick-In-Of-TheSea @Guppysnail has some; any comments?
  4. Apistogramma will decimate both… but some kind of gourami could work really well.
  5. Just read the coolest bunch of ‘articles’ in a long time… I’ll come along for any future rides 😎!
  6. You could also go for ember tetras, as they do super well with bettas.
  7. Have you thought about removing the predators?
  8. 🤔In theory…yes but I expect there’s gonna be something annoying…
  9. Thanks for putting the effort in 😊! Nice hand btw 🤣.
  10. From what I’ve heard you put a transparent container with some mulm or dead plant matter in on a windowsill. Eventually microorganisms turn up and start breeding, along with algae cells, which then creates green water. Feed fry with pipettes of green water, tea or tablespoons work OK. Please post some pics of the babes once they’re hatched 😁
  11. @Colu could have some ideas. I think their correct common name are “Glowlight Tetras”
  12. Much more flexible. Bettas come from waters which are at a pH of 5.5 - 6.5 and survive anywhere between 5.5 and 8 these days. Info comes from my LFS manager (my boss 😂)
  13. Put in some pH sinker, which is readily available at pet stores, but be super careful with it. It is literally very low quality acid.
  14. Stress or a potential outbreak of worms…your choice!
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