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  1. We discovered a fav male platy stuck in a hole of the shrimp hide yesterday. When I helped free him, I saw the damage to his fins on either side. One is gone, just stringy remains. The other is partially gone. There was a large white ‘raw’ spot on top and underneath, his belly was missing fins, and it looked like blood under the surface. He swam at the top of his male tank then went to the bottom. Last night I moved him here, in the female tank. This morning he developed this white fluff on top and underneath. At first I thought, fungus but I have never seen it grow this fast. He’s not eating. Is he healing? Or dying.. How can I make him more comfortable? I have all the meds and water treatments. thank you for your time and sound advice P.S. what was the right thing to do? It’s regrettable that I caused damage in the rescue. Can you explain in detail the best way to free a (terrified) stuck fish?
  2. Literally overnight my betta's caudal fin is half gone. Attached is a picture from yesterday (4/16) and today (4/17). Here are the changes,.. fully cycled tank for the past 2 months, BUT I did an 80% water change to add a new substrate. The tank still has old filters, plants and decor. One detail is that the old water was dark (which I didn't like) from Almond Leaves. Temp is 78. Only tank mate is a nice little Rabbit Snail. Let me know what you think? API Water parameters are pH-6.6 AMM-0 NO2-0 NO3-0 Also, I think I may have hard water..which could be a reason his pectoral fins are crinckled. ANyways. If you can, I would love your thoughts.
  3. Brief synopsis of previously transpired events: My halfmoon betta, Floyd, was lethargic, barely eating, and was losing color drastically. I reached out for advice, and determined he was suffering from fin rot. I quarantined and treated him with erythromycin and stress guard, and at the recommendation of a few forum members, added almond/cattappa leaves for additional antibiotic properties. Present day: I am happy to announce that after a full week in quarantine, Floyd has made a full recovery! A few days before he was due to be put back in his home tank, I decided to upgrade him from his normal 5 gallon home, to a 20 gallon retirement tank. His previous 5 gallon house had a filter that was causing very strong flow that was built into the tank and I was not able to remove. I believe it was causing him stress from being pushed around and may have led to him getting fin rot. I did try to buffer the flow using a small piece of filter sponge, but it didn’t do much. While I know his rapid decline was caused by him trying to fight off the infection, he had definitely slowed down in recent months, so I figured it was time to give him a chill place to live out the rest of his life. Floyd currently resides in a 20 gallon (tall?) with a peaceful Aquarium Co-op sponge filter, so no more harsh flow! He has the plants and little rock house from his old tank, and a new log to swim around. I also got him a betta log, so that he has somewhere secure where he can rest near the surface so he can get air when he needs it. I did some research and found out that older food can make fish sick as well (makes sense, old food would make humans sick) so I tossed out his betta pellets that were at least a year old, and got him a small pouch of Hikari Betta Bio-Gold. Its small enough that I’ll finish it in about three months and replace it with a fresh pouch so his food is never going bad. I’ll include some pictures below. Also yes, I know, my current light situation is janky at best! It came from my old 2.5 gallon tank, so its very small for a 20 gal, but I’m saving up for a more appropriate one. And finally, a big thank you to everyone who commented on my original post with any and all advice on how to help my poor boy. There were a few days before I started treatment that I thought I was going to lose Floyd. I know his passing is eventually inevitable, but I wanted to do everything in my power to help him recover, or at least ease any pain he might have been feeling if it were to be his last few days. You folks helped me more than you know, and I am so grateful Floyd is alive and well! Thank you thank you thank you 🥲😊❤️🐟
  4. Help! My new betta has ripped his right fin and I have never dealt with something like this before. 😱 He has white fins, so I can see what looks like blood, and even as I watched him over the last ten minutes he's started having a hard time using it and is mostly holding it against his body. This is absolutely a new tear, as I've been watching him very closely. He is in a 29 g community tank with nerite and mystery snails, blue velvet and amano shrimp, and albino and panda corys. Since I've had him (about a week) he won't eat from the top and is much more interested in the repashy the snails and corys eat (and gets pretty adventurous searching for it) He's a dumbo half-moon male, and originally I'd been planning on a female in part to avoid something like this, but fell in love with this guy Here's the parameters as per ACO test strips: (ammonia zero; nitrates were 0-10 range before I dosed with EZ Green). Temp 77. There's a sponge filter with air stone and a HOB on lowest flow with the output sort of buffered by a sponge. I'd really appreciate some help here for next steps. I'm very worried for him. I have the quarantine trio Cory recommends on hand, but with the baby snails and everybody else in there I'm reluctant to use it. I don't have a separate med tank (the original quarantine tank turned into a nursery when everybody started breeding 🤦‍♂️)
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