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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. This is the second (or third?) time I’m doing this today: @Fish Folk do you have any ideas on @Corbidorbidoodle s ram line breeding ideas?
  2. Haha nice 👍 I like the guppy eyes on the lowest picture!
  3. Nice to see Crowntail doing betta and Serket moving into her new home!! It’s been a real journey and it’s great to see that the end is in sight! Great work!!
  4. I’ve bred Zebra Danios and X-ray tetras in breeder boxes and they were just fine.
  5. Love the look of the banded darter and the rainbow shiners! Youre lucky that you have an unspoiled creek near you, most of the rivers and lakes in Switzerland are full of fertilizer run off😢. Would a 65 gallon pond be ok for a group of rainbow shiners??
  6. That is a superb idea! Teaching them to feed in one set place from hatching so that it doesn’t take forever to catch them out! Thank you very much!
  7. I've had the complete opposite experience, but each to their own, and we are talking about very different types of water and fish.
  8. Sometimes I just lift up the decoration and see what jumps into a net held underneath...
  9. 'Scream' is great fun to watch with a younger sibling 😂 Or maybe this one too:
  10. It can be used for both holding eggs & breeding. What are you planning to breed with it?
  11. @Fish Folk has quite a thing about native fish … I’ll let him explain!
  12. These work really well, but if the net one is cheaper…
  13. If it’s a very hardy fish like a platy or an endler I tend to add a cup of tank water into the bag every 10-15 min and release them after half an hour. With more sensitive fish (and in this case shrimp) I use drip acclimation at varying speeds until the bag is full, which can take from half to one and a half hours. Basically it depends on the species!
  14. Good luck and keep us posted! I expect @Fish Folk could help, as he’s done a decent bit of GBR breeding…
  15. Are you feeding them the appropriate livefoods? I’ll tag @Guppysnail who currently has a tank of them going.
  16. Thanks! I’ll look into it, and see if I might be able to get some after all.
  17. I have yet to find any! They’re supposed to be the easiest Cory species to breed and I’ve managed diddly squat in a species only tank…🤷‍♂️
  18. Thanks for replying! I’ll ask my manager who’ll talk to his boss etc… and we’ll contact the team by website.
  19. I did a harem of 1 males two females and they’re still going 1 year later. I should write a book: ‘The LFS employees guidebook: how to be the best’
  20. If you’re lucky they’ll start breeding! I think marbled and panda Corydoras are quite easy to breed… @Anjum
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