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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. I always say cherry barbs or zebra danios in this case, but seeing as it's with a betta I'd go with ember tetras or chili rasboras. Here's @Dean’s Fishroom picking out his faves at the Co-Op:
  2. I agree with @Flynn Naysmith, goldfish would be really nice; but I have seen a 40 gal with 50+ white cloud mountain minnows in and it looks AMAZING.
  3. Rainwater is practically the same as RO water. As soon as there's a storm or something, rush outside with a nice big bucket!
  4. I have the hardest water known to man 😉 ...and I always make sure there's lots of hardscape in my tanks from my local river. There is one sport however where calcium rich water has dripped down for idk how long and has made a sort of almost pure calcium formation. Might add some of that.
  5. That looks like 30+! How many guppies do you have in that colony??
  6. I was going through some old pics on my laptop, when I stumbled upon an old video of my bettas laying eggs (June 2021). Seeing as my parents would be LIVID if I started a YouTube channel, I've sifted through individual frames to find the different stages of the process. I hope this will be informative to all those budding betta breeders out there! Stage 1 : Male/female pair meet under bubble nest Stage 2: The male embraces the female by turning her on her back Stage 3 : The male fertilises some eggs. Stage 4: The male releases the female, and goes to pick up the eggs released by the female, which he then spits into the bubble nest. Stage 5: The end product: And a couple of months later: The tank was a 15 gal breeder which was a bit 'kitsch', and was planted with some Hygrophilia sp. Have any other members bred bettas?
  7. I agree with @Fish Folk, the bottom 3 pics are showing tiger hillstream loaches (very fun to breed!) and the top one is called a 'leopard' in my LFS.
  8. Do you have any snails in there? Are there any fish that could harm it? How are you doing on filtration?
  9. Rather not think about that until the time comes...!
  10. I'm certain this will be very useful to some of the newbies out there!
  11. Really want to get my hands on some of those! They're beautiful!
  12. Here's a bit of inspiration for you 😉 !
  13. Sorry, but it's practically impossible to tell what plant it may be when all you can see are a couple of titchy leaves! Maybe Hygrophilia Difformis? Plant it and see what happens!
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