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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. @nabokovfan87has been doing A LOT of algae experiments lately, maybe he can help. As for the plants, I highly recommend Reverse Respiration:
  2. Welcome to the forum!! He's a very beautiful betta and I love your scape(s)!
  3. What a nice little helper! Mine took a dump in the hole I dug for a 40 gal rainbow shiner pond for absolutely no reason whatsoever! Now she's trying to chew a hole in my sock for the millionth time!
  4. Talking about the price of pellets over a nice cup of refreshing mulm...☕
  5. Any luck???(Sorry I'm just trying to while away some time at a ski lift, first one up/last one down!) When unboxing at my LFS, I could hardly tell the difference between bag of Aspidoras 1 and bag of Aspidoras 2. Or was it 3? Or 4? 5? 6....
  6. Just started reading this thread; you've some a long way from putting walls up! Looking great, and thanks for some ideas for my own future fish room 😈
  7. How are the Badis Babys doing? Replace 'scud' with 'brocol'i and try explaining to my godson🤣
  8. There's a theme here isn't there? Would @Guppysnail like a throne out of Easy Green to be made for her? 😜
  9. 5-6 months according to the article, and I've also read that some only hatch upon the second contact with water (which prevents wild populations from dying out if there's a short wet spell which soon dries up).
  10. Sounds like he was trying to squeeze some free stuff out of you 😉. Try selling a limited quantity to the LFS (after speaking to the manager) and maybe a couple on here.
  11. Thanks! I'm just waiting to see if anything cool crops up...rather buy eggs than adults:you never know where they've been🙃
  12. Might as well throw in a couple of Ingots while you're at it!
  13. I take it you're going to try @Fish Folk s peat-in-a-jar idea?
  14. Refrigerate the bag at all?? Putting the spawning media in a glass container is a superb idea! I have a friend who covered the entire bottom of a 8 gal tank with spawning mops in the hope to breed white clouds 😂
  15. Thanks! It's been playing up for over a year (algae, ich, bust sealing), but finally settled down a month ago and looks amazing compared to before! When I set it up I was just interested in the amount of fish species I could fit in...I've since learned that 30+ neons is nicer than 5 of each tetra at my equivalent of PetSmart!
  16. New one....I bet you'll probably even recognise the fis from the previous video...same Oscar. 🙄
  17. You reminded me: the snail eggs from my LFS have hatched and I currently have half a ton of snailets on my hands, and they're magenta. I'll try and post a couple of pics...quite tempted to keep a couple for fun in my 65 gal. Would Mystery Snails be OK with an Angelfish?
  18. Do it if you can! @Fish Folk has done 2 (?) beautiful guppy colonies : 'Precious Metals' and something else...
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