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Everything posted by WhitecloudDynasty

  1. They shouldn't die from temp change, cause i beat my down every week on water change day. They get anywhere from 5-15 degrees colder water. I do that on purpose also to make them hardier.
  2. Doing an out cross right now, so their babies will be old enough by spring to be cross back
  3. Yea the water was around 50 when I pulled him out this morning
  4. He was a bully at a buddy aquarium so I took him and added him to my koi pond, now its getting to the low 40s I'm moving him back inside till next year. I was thinking cross?
  5. My pet peeve is other goldfish owners telling new Hobbits you can't keep that goldfish in that size of a aquarium. Instead of saying you can't, they should suggest you can with more water change. It doesn't work for everything but let's be positive about it. A dying hobby need more new people instead of scaring them away cause they need a 55gallon+
  6. Breeding fish is my 2nd hobby, racing pigeon is my first. Since racing pigeon only have 2 season and breeding fish can be year round, breeding fish starting to take over, little by little.
  7. I believe just north and south Carolina. Within the whole catawba River system. I'm going to my a short documentary this spring and ill share it here
  8. Yes, they are in almost every stream, but different pockets. With a fishing license and the right creek it can be done.
  9. @josh world Its flow into a 110 stock tank, then flow down to another 110 stock tank where the pump pump it back up to the first bucket
  10. So I took the idea from Cory bucket filter and change it a bit more So its 2 5gallon bucket on top of each other. Top one is all sponge running down to 2 3/4 bulk head, which lead to the bottom. The top bucket also have a extra 3/4 pvc hugging the side as a overflow just in case all the sponge get clog up. The bottom connect to the top 2 bulkhead.2 3/4 pvc runs all the way down to 1 T each. The T is there to make sure the water always have a clear way out. It have 1 ...1 1/2 in the middle cut just a few inch shorter than the bucket, so the water will over flow out into the pond. 2nd bucket is all lava rock. So the water have to travel all the way down the 2nd bucket and all the way up before leaving. Pvc size was just base off max gph. The whole idea is to remove the top for cleaning without messing with the beneficial bacteria in the 2nd bucket.
  11. I just decided early this year to work with geenhead shiner, they are native here so I can't sell them or anything, but I believe they will be a fun project to work with. Theyll get an outside tub and 2 aquarium in my fishroom, thats the maximum space I can give them. If they get out of hand ill have to get rid of some of them. I'll to my best to not cross them with my rainbow shiner since they are from the same family. Goal is to bring out the red in the body and white in the fin. You guys/gals are welcome for the ride lol! the photo are not when they are not fire up
  12. Yes its a hifin var platy, and the black molly is a fairy tail cross
  13. I would love to hear how you guy/gal condition your breeder. Ill start it off: This is for my egglayer - I start by separating my male and female for a few weeks/months in advance. Doing this give the female a stress free environment to build up enough eggs at their own pace. - Both setup will have a airstone or a directional flow for water movement. This will keep them swimming since we are keeping them in a glass box, plus this will help burn off the high protein they are getting. Pretty much exercise, itll help with blood flow, working their muscles, and ect...I do add a bit of calcium to keep their bone stronger, i did notice since i been adding small amount calcium i haven't had a old female with bent back after the breeding season. - As for food Male gets their normal full balance fish food, nothing special. They just need to stay fit, healthy, and active. Female gets a higher protein balance fish food with Folate, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and the amino acid methionine. Folate, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and the amino acid methionine are very important in early embryonic development. Most better grade fish food will carry some of the vitamin but i add a bit more just incase the female need more, whatever they cant use will become waste anyway. Live food every now and then - Water quality should always be good The whole idea is to get all your princess in their best condition possible, to be making the highest quality eggs, hatching the healthiest fry If i can think of more ill add more.
  14. Do they breed highfin? Mine never came out highfin
  15. Project bantam Egyptian swift My guard dog, making sure my birds and fish are safe
  16. I also work with Greenhead shiner, in breeding mode they turn all red with all white fin. There have to be a reason they turn red over the other color. As for the red hook idea, I think its made red so it seem the bait is bleeding out.
  17. lack calcium? it takes alot out of a fish to make eggs, and if she dont have enough vitamin,protein,fat..ect she'll take from her own self i even seen skinny female lay eggs ... thats my opinion .
  18. Theyll work too, but you'll have to breed some color to their fin to show up more
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