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Everything posted by WhitecloudDynasty

  1. Started a few years back with golden shortfin male bred to the best regular longfin female i had to create F1. All F1 came out as standard shortfin fish, but carry the gene for gold and/or longfin. Since both gene are recessive, to get a golden longfin(double recessive) the baby will need to have both recessive gene of the gold and longfin from both parent. Next step was choosing the best F1 to breed with themselves in hope they happen to carry the 2 gene. Chances are 25% non carry/50% carry but no show/25% carry and show. In real life I got less that 10% that came out gold and about 25% came out longfin.(longfin at this time was very low quality, they just show sign of being long-"er" than shortfin). But with my luck I happen to get a very nice golden longfin in this batch(bottom photo at 4 month old). Breeding F2 with F2 So I ended keeping 2 golden longfin male and 3 longfin female 1 gold and 2 regular. Only keeping the golden babies(F3). Took the F3 and pair them back to their father(F2). Bottom photo.. Young fish aren't long enough, they wasn't even 4 month old yet. Right now F4 is growing up as fry. And I have already started a new pairing for a different set of F1 so ill have something to cross to when the F4 stuff gets too inbred. Bottom photo is the parents of the new F1 completely unrelated to the first family. Backtracking a bit, the first family all had yellowtips or whitetips, but 2 fish in F3 batch. They were longfin regular color fish that carry the gold gene, they are green/red. So I put them together hoping they kick out a few golden fry with a different fin color. I'm also crossing F4 to shortfin gold and F4 to F3(uncle) just to have something different to bring back into the family. Hopefully guy/guy are going the same and we can cross bloodline one day. Its pretty fun when you go back is see their history. If you made it this far thanks, I do enjoy working with these fish..I'll photo bomb from here.....
  2. Painted the fish room black and it feels so weird at first
  3. thats funny, I wonder if mine does that also
  4. I use a Samsung galaxy 9plus on pro mode, and manuel focus.
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