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Everything posted by WhitecloudDynasty

  1. Yay or Nay? Side project ... mini butterfly koi look-a-like
  2. I would like a way to talk to my fish and ask .. how you doing? what they would like to eat today?
  3. Thanks for your kind words. I'm just a normal backyard bredder, that have goals set very high lol
  4. I have a trick to get them to fully color up sooner in life, since it take them a long time to get their color and even longer to get their full adult color, my lfs can't sell a plain minnow at 15$ lol. I plan to line breed fish that show color sooner, better color(blue family and red family) and perfect conformation. As for 100% fire up thats base on day by day, but its pretty often, about once a week even now when the temp drop to 50ish. If you watched to video all of these are about the same age, only a few weeks apart. Anyway the color up fish in the video was part of my testing all male got their full adult color within the testing, I brought in more to see if I can recreate it again. If this work hopefully they can become more popular and my lfs can move more of them at a younger age. I'm not gonna say what the project is until I can prove it a few more time. But I'm sure you can guess it 😏. Thats only my experience with this family.
  5. Thanks, I don't have nearly the experience other people have, plus I'm not really setup up for quality video lol! I'm just a super picky obsess backyard breeder
  6. I made a post on here already about how I bred mine. Raising up is pretty much like other fish, alot of bbs About 4-5 month old
  7. Bred over 400 rainbow shiner and got 2 golden body, I'm happy with these golden body, their red is alot stronger Photo is for comparison Before and after Both female
  8. It pop up every now and then, I had a few gold that was color less
  9. Yes, the reason I keep them separated is so the female have a chance to build up more eggs, if you don't separate them they'll still spawn but your yeid will be low. Plus they can and will spawn on days you aren't ready for them too, like in the main aquarium. After one or two try the male will pick up really quick on why they are in the breeding box, so its up to the female if she is ready to drop.
  10. Bred over 400 fish and culled almost half These are farm stock and they carry deformity. Such a shame for a native fish to have this much deformity being in the fish trade. Top photo..top 2 was cull due to having a short face Bottom phot..top female was kept and bottom female was culled I didn't notice at first but alot of the fry had weak dorsal which came from one of the breeding female. She won't be breeding for me next year. bottom photo..the bad female is at the bottom with a weak dorsal. On top of her is a older female for comparison
  11. Here's my breeding setup for my rainbow shiner 10gallon Sponge filter with a directional flow Temp at 70 Ph 7.3 ish This setup will only work if "she" is ready. It may take more than 1 try. I wouldn't leave them in their for more than 2 day, since the male can rub her side open. Separate the male and female. I start by pumping up my female with quality food/dry food for a few days to weeks. When she is fat with eggs, I'll place her with the male in a plant basket with a few good size rocks that night. Spongefilter flow will be pointed into the basket. They should spawn in the morning and be done soon after. I'll remove the parents and collect the eggs. I treat the eggs just like how you'll do for rainbow eggs. The whole idea is to have a setup where the parent have no chance of touching the eggs. In the wild theyll be swimming upstream and when they spawn the egg is blow downstream immediately. In a home aquarium most hobbies will breed them in large group so the fish that aren't breeding is eating the eggs.
  12. So young white cloud are born with a strong blue lateral line and lose it as they age. Anyone working on keeping the blue on the fish?
  13. I have a clean golden on the other side of this family, bottom photo Maybe I'll turn them all black with red fin? It would be fun. Do you like a red line better?
  14. Yay or Nay? do you prefer a clean golden instead? top photo..1st generation bottom photo 2nd generation
  15. I'm happy to hear you follow me in YouTube when my stuff isn't edited or done well lol I do appreciate the support
  16. Sweet video, its easier with fish since I get about 100-200 fry every set so my chancesgets better. It'll be more fun if I had the room and time. Hopefully someone is doing the same
  17. My F4 babies are pure golden longfin and 100% comes out gold, I'm now just working to make them longer. Making them cleaner,healthier, some more variety in color and genetic before I introduce them to the market. I hate to be the breeder that make a family of fish that ppls will talk bad about. Same happen to me 10 year ago with golden longfin I bought, they wasn't producing any fry. My guess is they was too inbred, some ppls are scare or don't have the time to put in the work crossing them out and working them back in. Maybe it was a bad gene, who really know. Just like highfin platy had a bad gene, now breeder made or found a better gene for highfin and they are amazing now. You should try again and we can trade in the future.
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