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Everything posted by Rikostan

  1. Welcome Phil! Sounds like you really hit the ground running since coming back. I'd love to see some pics of the tanks when you get a chance. Enjoy the forum!
  2. Welcome! I hear ya about the nerm free zone. My wife has been an angel about listening to me, but I can see her eyes gloss over after just a couple of minutes and I know she's gone to her happy place. Tons of nerms here!
  3. So many people rediscovering the hobby! I've only been here for like three months, but that seems to be a reoccurring theme. I suppose it's the same with every hobby... Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you have the makings of a fishroom already!
  4. The tank is done . Got all the plants I want in there. Not all of them were Co-Op plants, so expecting some die off and melting. I mean I'll get some of that with the Co-Op plants too, but it hasn't been much so far in my other tanks. It's going to be fun watching this grow in over the next few months!
  5. Welcome, Lee! I hear ya about the tanks helping with depression and anxiety. I retired not that long ago and did struggle a bit with depression. I didn't really have the same sense of purpose I had when I was working daily. Starting up fishkeeping again after 40+ years really helped and I jumped into it with gusto. Tons of friendly, helpful people here, I'm sure you're going to enjoy the place!
  6. Welcome! Love all the shots, but especially that first one
  7. Awesome, thanks so much, exactly the type of feedback I was looking for! .
  8. I had a surprise Sunday delivery of substrate, so I finished putting it in the 55 gallon. I also planted all the stuff I had on hand, but I am waiting on some nana petite and some micro sword from the Co-Op to complete it. Just waiting for it to cycle now, so I can get my first rainbow fish.
  9. Thanks for the response @Travis! I am home all day, and our mail lady always honks the horn, so I can run out and get packages, even if they would have fit in the mail box. She's pretty awesome that way, so no worries there. This is my first winter living the fishy lifestyle in the internet age, so I am just trying to gauge what to expect. Sounds like I might need to buy some of the fish early. I suppose I can just leave one batch in the QT tank longer. 6-8 CBD should do fine in a ten gallon for a month. Not sure what to do with the rainbows though... Hopefully the tank cycles quickly. I did put a sponge filter that was in another tank in there.
  10. I see a lot of stores use heat packs to ship fish during colder times of the year, but is there like a cut off temperature or time most stores stop shipping? I'm in the snow belt in upstate NY, and while we don't get as cold as Minnesota or North Dakota, we do get down to single digits for quite a few days each winter. I won't be ready to stock my newest tank until early November, but maybe as late as December. Temps will hover around freezing most days during that period, will they still ship then? TIA! {EDIT} I realize I can just contact a few stores and find out what their polices are, but I was hoping to get sort of a general rule for shipping
  11. I decided on my fish... 8 Boeseman's, and 8-10 CPD. I'm also thinking some purple mystery snails and some type of Neocaridina shrimp, but haven't settled on which variety yet. I have Cherry Shrimp in one tank and some Blue Dream in another, so I might just end up moving some of them over. It's going to be at least another month before I order them, maybe even two, so I might have to bite the bullet and find some "locally" I say locally, but it'll be a pretty long drive. Do stores still ship to cold climates in the winter time?
  12. This side of the tank is starting to come together. I have some nana petite coming that I am going to tuck in the hole marked with the N, and some Micro Sword that will go in the area marked with the C. So now we just wait for the last bag of substrate and those last few plants. I went ahead and filled the tank, even though I need to put in some more eco-complete because I just got tired of waiting. It's no George Farmer, it's not even a George Lopez, but for my very first build, I'm diggin' it. I'm hoping it'll grow in nicely over the next few months. And yeah, I know... I went a little overboard with the glue on that front moss. First time using Gorilla Glue in water. I switched to a rapid fuse glue after doing the moss.
  13. I feel like the Co-Op is only really going to be able to recommend wholesalers, like Aqua Huna. Otherwise they would have to spend a lot of time vetting stores that they wouldn't normally do a lot of business with. I do like the idea of a community sourced option though. Like a dedicated area where we could post about good and bad experiences with stores. I could still see an avenue for abuse there, but with this community, I feel that it would be pretty low. I'm in the same boat as you. I have a petco about an hour away, a petsmart an hour the other direction and that's it. The nearest actual fish store is about an hour and a half drive, so I have bought all my fish and shrimp online... granted that's a pretty small amount. I have only bought two orders of shrimp and two orders of guppies so far, but I am happy with the 3 different places I bought from and wouldn't mind sharing my experience.
  14. I picked up one of the JBJ controllers that @Daniel recommended a while back for my 55 gallon ,but the 45 needed one too, so I just grabbed one of the inkbird ones. It'll be interesting to see if there is any major difference between them over the upcoming months.
  15. I know some of them actually do use lids, but they leave them off for the photo shoot.
  16. Congrats on the year! It's easy to support the Co-Op since besides how much they do for the hobby, their prices are pretty darn good and you know it's always a good product. I've only been back into the hobby for about 3 months now, but I've placed 5 of the free shipping orders and I'm about to put in my 6th. Love getting that box.
  17. That's probably pretty handy for those people who hate to see power cables or can't get a power strip into a good position. My tanks are in my home office, so I don't care that much if I see cables, so the power strip is mounted at pretty much eye level. I don't have anything plugged into it that needs to be powered off gracefully, so pulling the plug is all I need to do. I hope it doesn't sound like I am disparaging these devices. I do get why other people like and use them. Hopefully somebody will bring up something I haven't thought of(shouldn't be hard!) that will make me go "Hmmm, that's a great idea!"
  18. if you get a chance, check out some of his other stuff. Most of it has a great sense of humor, especially if you like geek culture!
  19. LOl for some reason that reminded me of this Jonathan Coulton song.
  20. Which way do you say it? I see a lot of people spell it out as Coop, which makes me think of chickens, but I think of it more as a collective, so Co-Op. I know the official spelling/pronunciation is Co-Op, but how do you say it in your head or out loud? Is it "The Coop" or "The Co-Op?
  21. Some good points there! I run the Finnex lights on the tanks that don't have the Fluval, so the power switch is right on top, if I need to turn them on or off manually. I also mounted the power strips at the highest point on my stand so I don't have to mess around under it all. I might be old, but I'm lazy too... 🙂 The reset after a power outage might be an issue, but we have a generator, so if I lose power long enough for that to come into play, I have bigger issues. I'm sure they will fit the bill for a lot of other people and I have other KASA products that work great, but for now these just don't do anything for me. That's probably just due to my lack of imagination though.
  22. What benefit do they have over regular non-smart timers for somebody who doesn't really leave the house? And just for the record, I am not a luddite or anything... I was an IT guy for 25 yeas, so I do enjoy using tech, but I am just not really seeing a reason to get any of them. I only have 5 tanks up and running too, maybe they hold more benefit for people with an actual fishroom.
  23. I actually have one already that was included in something I bought off of amazon... I can't even remember what it was, maybe a smart scale. I am struggling to find a use for it though. I have quite a few smart devices in the house already and all my lights on the tanks are either already on timers or are Fluval 3.0s. Since I rarely leave the house these days, I don't really have a need for something remote. I suppose I could just put the lights on it, so I could control them via voice...
  24. I've only placed 5 orders total since I came back to the hobby a couple of months ago, but all 5 have had Co-Op sponge filters.
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