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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Looks like there is a live stream coming up a 6 PM Eastern.
  2. Sometimes not thinking at all works. I know I do it all the time. I have several very happy tanks that have a light (Stingray) some hornwort (or water sprite) and airstone. In one tank the livebearers and dwarf cichlids are breeding constantly. In another tank the zebrafish and guppies are multiplying. I don't change the water. I don't know what the water parameters are as I have never checked. Both tanks had a lot of algae at one point early on but I didn't do anything about it. The algae went away on its own after a bit. Less can be more.
  3. @Blurb got theirs to flower and boy was that beautiful. Here is what they did: If it were me, I would move it inside, just know I have never had one so my advice is based on assuming that it will appreciate the warmer temperatures.
  4. I don't have screens or predator protection over my ponds, but I do have quite a bit of floating plants. I haven't noticed any predation on the fish (or anything else) in the ponds. I live in a rural area about 2500 ft from a Great Blue Heron rookery. I have had otters prey on fish in the creek just down the hill from my fish pools, but not the fish in my pools. Like @Streetwise I had a unlucky squirrel that came for a drink in one of my Brute trash cans used for fairy shrimp and drowned. Since then I have placed branches in any container with water so that anything that wants out can get out.
  5. Crinum calamistratum is native to equatorial Central and West Africa. I suspect that it will not appreciate cool temperatures, but I do not know that for sure.
  6. The topic is specifically asking for a review of everyone's experience with a specific company. Therefore, I am locking this topic.
  7. What time of day do you take your pH measurements. I ask because pH varies widely over the course of a day. It usually much higher in the late afternoon and very low in the mornings. Even a 1/2 to a full point swing over the course of a day doesn't seem to cause any stress.
  8. Since the days have started to grow longer I thought that it wasn't too early to get going on my next summer tubbing project. Last year I had put in 20 different kinds of thyme and a few sages in a rock wall bed I had constructed in a wet area down from our garden (notice all the emersed Hydrocotyl at the base of the wall and not as visible also emersed dwarf hair grass). I am playing with the arrangement of the tubs which are sitting on clumps of cattails but I don't think I am happy with it yet. My plan is to keep building the rock wall in a big arc that curves around the tubs on the south side and extend the brick pathway around the north side. Then I can fill in the voids with soil and plant more different kinds of thyme or whatever around the pools. I am sure the cattails will likely shoot up and through whatever I lay on top of them. I haven't put in above ground pools in the past so any suggestions are appreciated.
  9. Well, it seems like we have pretty much explored that issue.
  10. Cherry shrimp seem to do just fine under ice. Yesterday it was 18°F in the morning and a couple of inches of ice had formed on the cherry shrimp pond. I went out and broke a hole through the ice to harvest some shrimp and I noticed there were definitely two kinds of ice. One had formed with round trapped bubbles. And the other kind had formed with long linear bubbles. How does air get trapped in ice? And what causes one kind to form instead of the other?
  11. Stumpy was one of the Leopoldi angels I sold recently to my LFS and when I sold the batch I pointed him out as one of the fish. Somebody bought him.
  12. I had a baby angelfish with no tail once. It was in a batch of baby angelfish in a community aquarium where maybe 10 out of the original 500 baby angels survived being eaten by the other fish in the aquarium. The complete lack of tail didn't seem to cause the fish any problems. We called the fish 'Stumpy'. Most of my baby fish are raised in community aquariums so only a few make it to adults. It is rare for a fish with a deformity to survive the growing up process in a survival of the fittest situation. If they survive then they have what it takes and I keep them.
  13. I have always wondered what shrimp eat other than the food I provide. This shrimp seems to be picking the surface of this bladderwort plant clean? So it is eating biofilm? No, no please don't eat my beneficial bacteria.🙂
  14. @Mness42, this might seem hardhearted to you to but I am going to lock this topic. The reason is that this violates the spirit of this forum. This forum is here to talk about the world of community planted aquariums. People help other people share the joy and solve the problems related to keeping fish and plants. Yes, we talk about what TV shows we like and even what other pets we keep, but this is the wrong forum to ask advice on this problem.
  15. Of course it depends on which seller you buy from. There was an earlier discussion of this on this thread:
  16. Sometimes changing the layout of the aquarium helps. How many times have they bred?
  17. I know, it has been that kind of year.
  18. I think they are okay. They look about right for 1 month old.
  19. I think powdered sheep manure was the Root Tabs of its day.🙂
  20. I have a pair of Apistogramma nijsenni that spawn like clockwork in a heavily populated community aquarium. Twice recently I have borrowed the breeding cave with eggs attached and and let the eggs hatch in empty aquarium. You can see that the fry from the the first batch look like groupers compared to the fry from the second batch. I have also dropped some angelfish eggs and pygmy sunfish eggs in this aquarium also but I don't think either of these are likely to hatch.
  21. I think I am at least as interested in the custom aquarium as I am the fish. Tell me more about the aquarium.
  22. I used approximately one and one half 5 gallon buckets of soil dug out of the asparagus bed in my garden. 🙂
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