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Everything posted by MickS77

  1. I got rid of mine purely for aesthetics. I didn't want them overtaking the tank and looking unsightly like some kind of algae.
  2. Nice variety of fish, what kind of plants did you order?
  3. I suspect it was something to do with being a dirted tank. @Cory was recently talking about his own bad experiences with a dirted tank causing tank crashes. There are a lot of factors in play with all that bio-mass in the tank. What kind of test kit are you using, strips or liquid?
  4. Are you dosing anything like Easy Carbon? Vallisneria can be sensitive to that stuff. Is the light turned up all the way? There are a lot of types of Vallisneria so it could be a type that doesn't grow that tall. A picture would help too.
  5. Ryo! Love the channel. It's so cool to see what the aquarium hobby is like in Japan. Your videos are very well done and inspirational.
  6. Thanks! I haven't heard of that but I'll look into it. I'll probably just put another handful of leaves in.
  7. I don't bother with it. If you put them in an outdoor I'd worry about them getting some funky algae on them, then bringing that into your tank.
  8. I added the first fish to the tank. Three Vin Rio Tetras. I'm hoping to get more when my LFS can. It's a 75 gallon tank and has been seasoning since the beginning of May. I'm planning to add more botanicals back in to darken the water again. Next up out of QT will be a group of Lemon Tetras.
  9. Okay I added options depending on peoples definitions of what "plop & drop" is. Which is also interesting.
  10. Exactly why I prefer getting them out of that bag water ASAP.
  11. The question came up earlier about matching your tank parameters to the parameters of the fish arriving by mail. I'm curious what everyone does in that case? Do you worry about? what experiences you've had good and bad? I personally just float to temperature, then "plop and drop" discarding the water
  12. I agree with @Brandy I would cut your tap water 50/50 with RODI water. If they're really soft water fish try adding some peat, something with tannins, along with the RODI water. If you don't have that I wouldn't really worry about the ph. I think drip acclimating is iffy, depends on what kind of shape they arrive in. That bag water can be really bad for the fish. I personally would just float them to temperature and scoop into the bag like a cup of water at a time, for a half hour or so.
  13. Curious if anyone has heard of this brand or has one of their tanks? I'm considering a 40 gallon breeder from Seapora for my next display tank. My LFS has started carrying Seapora due to the availability of other brands. I was pretty impressed with the quality of them, really consistent black silicone and heavier thicker glass than usual. Interestingly it seems even their 40B size comes with a center brace.
  14. Great tip Dean, I will be trying this next time I move fry. Standard airline tubing is big enough?
  15. Very nice, I may have to add a quick disconnect now 🤔
  16. Brine shrimp eggs? bulk airline tubing? new easy feeders? outlet timers? those potted plant holders you told Cory not to film haha
  17. Very nifty, I like the use of the critter keeper, thanks for sharing 👍
  18. @Bill Smith How do they handle the heat of being outside? I don't want my T5 light to cook this thing while sitting under it haha
  19. I'd add lots more plants to cover up the back wall, looks good otherwise!
  20. Thats the only thing I can think of too...🤔 Try something like a big old pipe wrench to get leverage on it or a wooden clamp to safely get a grip on it
  21. I could see a canister filter having trouble with the GLA reactor. The GLA reactor is so big, like a two liter bottle. I think a canister would lose a lot of flow trying to fill the reactor with water and push it all through, not dissolving the CO2 completely. As the canister gets dirty the flow will get even less. I would go with the NilocG reactor in your case. I ran the GLA reactor on my 110 gallon but stopped using after only a day. It was too loud with the sound of the water running through it. I was not running it off a canister filter. I was using a separate pump in my sump to run it. So maybe it was too much flow or too much CO2 idk. I went back to running my Aqua Medic 1000 reactor and that works just fine.
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