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Everything posted by Ken

  1. The view from my chair right now, about 9:30pm our time. I spend way too much time just like this after the Mrs. goes to bed. @Ben Ochart just got a giant new tank, I'm not much of a cichlid fan but he presents a lot of good general knowledge.
  2. I keep the bag in the bucket I use to carry around the end of the Python to prevent drips on the carpet. my shrimp and I like some mulm, but not that much dumped all at once😉.
  3. According to this you're high light. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/pages/led-aquarium-lighting
  4. I have both Lemons and Cardinals in a 40. The Lemons can blend into the Amazon Sword and Val a bit despite their bright looking colors. The Cardinals pop from across the room. My Lemons are more active and larger than the Cardinals.
  5. Get the Kasa Smart Plugs (greatest thing since sliced bread) and adjust the total light time how you want with a siesta in the middle for when you're not home. The fish don't care, you can cut back algae and the plants do well. I run them with both kit hoods and LED lights.
  6. I put two assassins in my 20L about 3 months ago to help with the pest snail problem. I haven't seen any evidence that they have eaten any of the cherry shrimp, nor are they getting ahead of the pest snail population. I am debating whether to add more assassins or just keep trapping out the pest snails. Common wisdom is that if your snail population is growing you're over feeding and should cut back. I don't seem to be able to do that. Maybe it could work for you.
  7. I feed both... for very different uses. Easy Fry is very small and works really well for fry early on. Extreme Nano isn't really all that small, I use it for every-day food for all my of community fish.
  8. I've only used plant weights a few times and have never bought such a thing... but here's what I did when I needed some. https://www.acehardware.com/departments/tools/welding-and-soldering-tools/soldering-accessories/27159 There's a bunch on a roll and it bends easily. I'm sure whatever part of the world you're in has lead free solder. I used the kind with lead though, so far we all lived. Avoid rosin core.
  9. I would probably try it. Hillstream Loaches are great fun to watch.
  10. I was going to suggest that, but don't know for sure. My unheated tank with Hillstream Loaches in it is in the living room and I haven't seen temps under 70 degrees.
  11. I'm afraid I'm not much help with the problems you've been having, my usual reaction to issues is to wait them out (so long as nobody is getting hurt). But my heavens that bowl is neat, I need one of those.
  12. I caught shrimp for my regular LFS delivery. People have asked several times on here how to catch shrimp, this is the best I've come up with so far. A jam jar and some shrimp food. Dump them in a net to cull and sort. Too little or berried they go back in the tank, just right go in the bucket that goes to the LFS.
  13. Turkey! That's cool. I would take the advice above and grind up the best food you can get.
  14. I use the CoOp Easy Fry and Small Fish Food Hikari First Bites. It's actually a mix of the two since I dumped the rest of the Hikari in the CoOp bottle because the Hikari packaging is so hard to use. I've never fed BBS because I think it would have to die and sink to the bottom before they got it, for some reason in my mind that would be harder on water quality.
  15. I recently had a similar situation. I was losing shrimp and snails at an alarming rate. I had what I thought were just detritus worms, common knowledge is they don't hurt anything, so I didn't pay them a lot of attention. They turned out to be Planaria. Planaria are really hard on invertebrates. Google Planaria and shrimp. The ones I had didn't have the textbook arrow shaped head just kind of larger. It wasn't until I nuked the tank with Panacure-C that the die off stopped.
  16. A little more info would help everyone help you.
  17. You can always treat the whole tank with the med-trio when adding the new fish. Or, just watch closely for any trouble and have meds on hand to treat if anything comes up.
  18. If the tank has been running for a few weeks it will be fine. Keep an eye on the ammonia just in case.
  19. I only know of one local club out of SLC and they don't seem to meet very often, or know about the internet. There is a semi-active Facebook Group Called Utah County Aquarium-something and an associated buy-sell page.
  20. Welcome, I look at Timp front on. We live in a nice place.
  21. November 2020. I think I heard it mentioned on a video and figured I better go have a look. Tons of good knowledge and good people on here.
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