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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. In 33g, I have 5 otos and 16 pygmy cories. They seem pretty chill all the time! Would love to have more than 5 but it gets tricky to supplement them natural grazing areas. Sometimes two chase each other, It seems like some breeding action. They are fairly new, but I am hoping to see some babies, as they look really comfy in the tank and there are lots of plants to enjoy. Thankfully they accept commercial food and veggies! But I think corys again taught them how to eat. I think it is because their behavior and look is very similar to pygmys, as they both love to play around plants and school. Pygmys mistake them as a part of their school too and follow them around sometimes!
  2. Well, in this forum, everyone's concern is the fish and providing them a good care. Asking and trying to learn is always nice. But answers in fishkeeping are generally not direct but needs to touch lots of points to provide the best of help. Your question at the beginning leads to "I have two nerites but I want more clean up crew members for my tiger barbs", and then," I have my tiger barbs in a 10g". Corys and kuhlis won't fit in that 10g ideally as a part of grow out tank anyway, as it is already overstocked the way it is. And smaller than ideal sized tank and group sizes, tiger barbs gets agressive. Most corys grow in big sizes, and loaches need a big sifting surface. And we can by no means assume you are planning to move them from the way the question asked. Also this info matches your avatar and the pics you have shared in another topic, and if so, you also have another fish there too, and your tigers seems a pretty good size that is out of 10g limit already, from last year. If the pics you have shared belong to another tanks with rockpiles and dwarf sag and tiger barbs from last year, then okay. Again, our concern is fish's wellbeing, so we just gonna advice it even if it is not what was asked. Everyone here will try to help you with their best knowledge. Noone really is judgy here. If someone mentions something, it is almost always for the good. This is the only place I've never seen someone trying to proving a point or acting bossy really. Don't take the suggestions negatively please.
  3. Def very close to 7.0 or maybe just a lil higher imo. Hope you like it! I use their ammonia/ammonium, gh and ph. Very happy about all of them so far 😄
  4. I see someone has never kept mystery snails! 😛 They are full of character! But I see your point. If your tank was on diatom stage, I assume it is new? You may try to offer them some blanched veggies like zucchini or spinach, or some repashy and algae wafers to support their diet. Just organic and no pesticide is the rule. And peel the zucchinis just in case, as fish don't really eat the peel and the seeds.
  5. Happy to see another Sera tester! 😄 I think it is the way you think. But closer to 7.0. My 50cube reads 7.5 and it is def different than this color. Can you take a pic from right on top? I think thats the easier way to read sera kit.
  6. They are great fish. But not a plant, algae or fertilizer 🤣 They are amazing what they do, but a bit limited! Generally "algae clean up crew" members all have a different role in the tank. They don't exactly eat what a shrimp, SAE or snail eat. Like SAE can eat hair algae/bba, nerites can eat green dots, snails can pick on hair algae, but these guys can't. They only eat diatoms, soft green algae and biofilm. But again, besides all the positives, We all gotta keep the just because we love them. Maybe you can even breed them and make the tank breds more common in the hobby! Best of luck,
  7. They look like Borneo suckers They may have different patterns like tiger/striped/zebra, spotted, etc.
  8. I had a bad experience with foam too. In one of my crypt order, two of them decided to grow all the roots inside the foam at the opposite direction towards each other. Literally had to either break all the roots or plant it that way. I cut the foam as much as I can and planted them that way :') They are doing amazing! But I know there is a piece of foam inside my tank substrate. It is disturbing 😄 I kinda liked wool a bit better, but def agree it can be a mess especially for rhizome ones.
  9. Adorable! Do you have any idea if they breed between the ones have different patterns/look, or only with the same ones? Btw, Idk if you are interested, but I have noticed mine are schooling with pygmy corys like crazy! They even follow them up to take a gulp of air sometimes and it is so funny. They literally see themselves as a part of the big pygmy cory school.
  10. 10 gallon with 11 tiger barbs?? And looking for even more fish?
  11. I sometimes relate to this guy too much -What's your spirit animal? +Nerite snail. -W.Wha? +🐌🧋
  12. Generally for snails, probably pointy face loaches are the way to go. But loaches can be a lil fussy. Something to keep in mind. Also they need a big group like cories and they are super active. Zebra, yoyo, clown and dwarf chain loaches are all good. Probably zebra, dwarf chains and yoyos are considerable for your tank size. I don't know how good dwarf chain loaches are good at eating snails. Keep in mind besides normal tank feeding, algae, decaying plant matter, dead fish, etc are all snail food. So when considering snail food in the tank, you should consider these all as a potential food source. So balancing a tank and keeping up with maintenance plays a big role. As well as adding competition of food sources, which u have nerites, SAE and shrimp as well as corys
  13. That does not really prove anything. Something off does not mean they will not make it through every molting, seeing issues is the time you start to question. They usually stress molt directly after being introduced to a new environment/parameters anyway. Early stress molting may trigger death too. But probably they made it through. Shrimpscience says 10gh as uplimit for neocaridinas, yours is above 16. Something to consider. If there is no very obvious reasons, and as you claim your fish can't hurt anything, then move towards other potential stuff. a couple losses can be considered normal but if it is more than that, it is very likely to be something off, because neocaridinas are really hardy creatures.
  14. Very similar to what I had success with! Fish def loved it in this way. I agree I just didn't wait that much but stirred a lot 😄
  15. I guess we divide it by 17.8 for dgh right? if so, it is more than 16? That might be a reason why you are having loss. Higher gh than needed makes their shell so firm so they cannot crack the molt and die.
  16. My sterbais are horny as hell. Get them and they will make everyone party in your tank Wink wink
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