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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. That's such a cute face. I'm jelly you guys have access to so many different snails!
  2. Sshhh. It's a cherry too Don't spoil its game! Let him feel included 😄
  3. Chiuahuas! 😄😄 Do you have any on your mind that are considerably more peaceful from the common species?
  4. That's amazing. Thank you so much!
  5. Great news for you! A lil bit sad news for me. Cause I was expecting SAE to be the potential answer for keeping my new tank hair algae free 😄
  6. Def agreed. I have one rimmed 29g, and one rimless 50 cube. Now having another rimless 160 Liters tank custom made with a thicker glass. I think they look much better visually, also not dependent on the frame potentially being damaged over time. You just have to make sure to thickness of glass is ideal for the size of the tank. Some are made way too thin
  7. Yea, I can imagine. Too bad I'd like to have apistos in the tank where I keep my shrimps at. I barely have any shrimps left in my ram tank, not because due to rams, but I personally don't believe shrimp really make it in a community tank how densely planted it is. My tank literally has lots of plants, 3 handsized mosses and caves. But nope. Juviniles can't make it there, I blame rummy noses the most. I guess you starting with a colony of 40 might've helped it a lot. Even if half of them are females, Imagine the amount of babies that 20 females can have. Oof 😄 So even not all juviniles can make it, some def will.
  8. That is the exact pleco behavior. So that's really the first thing you gotta accept sadly if you want plecos 😄 I have one L199 in my 29g, and yes, he always hide. They just don't feel safe, maybe unless your light is very very dim. They are nocturnal naturally 🙂 If you would consider them, Highly recommend whiptails. I have L010as (red lizard whiptails), and they never hide! Perfect size for a 30g. Get a group of 4-5, as they like to socialize. They are not picky, eats literally everything I drop to the tank. Plays around plant leaves, sometimes on the glass, rocks, driftwood... they are always out.
  9. Many thanks! It looks great. I'm more into those common species tbf. So that will work great for me
  10. I have only really played HS. I just keep having a phase I find myself playing it then quitting not while after. It either needs very consistent gameplay or investing too much money. Otherwise it is really hard to play with a deck that is not aimed to hit the face. I really don’t enjoy aggro decks myself. And control decks are usually very expensive to build and keep up with the meta. Priest player here 🙂 I have never tried any other card games really. My friends called me to play gwent many times but it just seemed meh to me, although it is much friendly for a f2p from what they say. maybe I may try the marvel snap one day 🙂
  11. You can smell check big snails. Take a whiff, and it will make u gag if it is dead. Something useful in general for big snails I’m sorry to hear that
  12. @Odd Duck many thanks for the help. He is also Turkish so I think only levamisole we can find is being used for cattle and sheeps here :,) I adviced him the praziquantel you guys helped me to select before.
  13. Eyy I’ve found another gamer! how come no HS? 🙂
  14. Yes! Their in store names do change a lot for honey gouramis, no surprise 🙂 As long as you are able to differentiate what is what, then you are good to go! if you are not sure, we can try to help here as well. I regret only getting one instead of a group as well, I have never ever seen them in my lfs again 🙂 one of my regrets. I love gouramis
  15. Hey guys, I am creating this topic for my friend @Gorkem He has been having issues lately with his fish, as they were starting to gasp and end up dying one by one. This seems to occur only on one fish at a time. This is his tank: This is the reaction of fish: I personally thought It may be due to one of the following reasons: 1- High plant content, low surface agitation. Fish having struggle with oxygenation after night time. However, only one at a time seems weird on this one. 2- Potential stress due to betta. He mentioned his betta seems nice and peaceful in general and rarely flares on any fish, but still does that from time to time. 3- Potential ammonia/nitrite poisoning. Nitrite seems to read 0, he does not have a test kit for ammonia sadly. But I guess it would affect more than a fish at once rather than this. 4- Maybe parasites? Here is his test results: @Colu, @Odd Duck any ideas guys?
  16. Beautiful fish! And yes they can live with other color variations of honey gouramis. They are the same family. It is generally just not adviced to mix different gourami species. What do you mean by dwarf honeys? If you mean dwarf gouramis, that's a no go. But for other color variations of honeys, like sunsets, you are good to go. Just make sure they are honeys. Sometimes thick lips are marketed as honeys too
  17. Too bad there is not much info available even when they are this common in the hobby. Sad 😄
  18. I personally always buy fish from my lfs, so fish spend around 10-15 min time in the bag from lfs to home. I only have my shrimp and sometimes snails shipped to me. I always drip acclimate my stuff, even if they are shipped. I just change the time based on the species I am drip acclimating. If it is a more fragile fish like otos, I take my time and keep it longer. If it is a hardy species that directly do better in my water, I keep the acclimation time shorter. When drip acclimating fish, I always use stressguard. When acclimating shipped stuff, I use prime. These all worked perfectly for me so far, and my ph and kh is above the limit of most fish I have been keeping in this hobby. I personally feel like drip acclimating is much better, but that is just a personal opinion and experience. I have no experience regarding shipped fish, but I think shrimp is also pretty sensitive. They just poop less than a normal fish during the journey mostly 🙂
  19. I personally came from the opposite side, Always had HOB and decided to introduce sponge filter later on. I think the combination is great. A great opportunity to increase the quality of life in the tank, in my opinion. I keep my sponge filter in the only dead spot in the tank. HOB helps with flow, as well as gives you a chance to introduce biomedia, mechanical filter, and chemical filter and a small waterfall effect. In my case, sponge filter helped me to get rid of from a dead spot and helped with more surface agitation, and fish enjoy that more oxygen content in the water. Also sponge filter surface is full of yummys for fish and shrimp to pick on! But other than that, as others mentioned, you def not need a combination of two. If your budget allows, it may be nice to have
  20. I will keep an eye on them! It rarely happens for now. Moving to a bigger tank soon will help even more I bet. Other than that they usually socialize and spend time hanging out together
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