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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Don't you have 0 gh with water softener? I get 0 gh with my water softener. 🤔 So I end up using equilibrium in my tanks for plants and inverts/fish
  2. Any potential water change/topping up without a dechlorinator? I would vacuum clean those big gravels too, maybe too much food stucked on the floor rotting gradually if your dad does not know how to feed fish potentially? So uneatend food ended up sinking fast and being trapped in the substrate?
  3. I cannot comment on crushed coral as personally, I like to have a a direct impact on what I am putting in the tank if they will be playing around water parameters. I always use Equilibrium. I personally just scoop it and pour it all over the tank, just the amount I do with a water change. Cloudy for a lil time and then disappears. I don't even shake it in a seperate container and try to dissolve myself. Just put it in directly but not at a single spot. Single spot takes longer time to dissolve in my experience. If you are not doing so much water changes, I feel like Equilibrium should be okay. you have a direct impact on dosage, so you can target your ideal GH, and you know what you have in your water. Crushed coral increases gh with calcium for sure. But what about magnesium? Does it provide magnesium? I don't know much about that part. Also CC will increase KH and PH too, which I already have high readings myself. What about you? As I only need GH boost up as my tap reads 0, but already have high ph and kh, Equilibrium is the way to go for me!
  4. Kratos started a new movement. Kratosism 🤣 All followers shall conserve energy. Too lazy to have any other rules. -THE END- Signature: 🐌Kratos
  5. "One small step for a snail, one giant leap for snail-kind" -Not Neil Armstrong Kratos helps me which nerite not to get recently. Sorry boi. no offense but you be a lazy one!
  6. Also dissolved co2 seems to play a role to increase cataract too it seems? Do you use co2 in that tank? https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272754711_Effects_of_Dissolved_Carbon_Dioxide_on_Cataract_Formation_and_Progression_in_Juvenile_Atlantic_Cod_Gadus_morhua_L https://umaine.edu/cooperative-aquaculture/investigation-of-cataracts-in-atlantic-cod/ No clue if these are any related. I just found it to be interesting and googling with you at the same time hoping to find anything useful!
  7. Stress is really bad for the fish. I assume we can say wild caughts are mostly more exposed to stress factor, starting from nature to end up in our tanks, just as you mentioned. Also, a fish that is raised similar to your water parameters do better in your tank. For wildcaught fish, you should meet their water parameters and needs in the nature. If they were living in 6.0 ph in the nature and you put the wild caught fish in your 8.0 ph tank, they will probably just won't make it. Tank-raised fish especially from your local area do much better adapting in general. Including food acceptance. Fish don't eat pellet food in nature, so you never exactly know if wild caughts will ever accept commercial fish food. Creating the exact nature environment for those fish is kinda hard and takes work to match and balance stuff with every water change or so. Probably you can pay for tank raised fish a lil more but save money on potential products to condition water for wildcaught fish, and have a higher chance of success at the end.
  8. My fav fish! Make sure to learn whether they are wild caught or tank bred when you are getting some. Wild caught ones seem to be very fragile. Irene had a video about it before, a bad experience. To avoid any potential problems, I highly would recommend going with the tank bred pygmys! I have 16 tank breds, all doing fine even in 8.0 ph! But it is my own experience ofcourse. Hmm. I don't really know about your light but, a couple of floating plants should be okay to have I bet. When I kept my anubias in very shade under both normal floating plants and elodea, it was giving lots of new leaves and flowering! When I removed the thick elodea and most of the floating plants, it suddently got covered in algae... In my experience they really like shade and love to have a very lil light. That's what worked the best for me at least. the wildcaught pygmy cory video of @Irene :
  9. As long as ammonia and nitrite clears up and plants perform a good growth, must be good to go! 1ppm of nitrite is still pretty toxic but there is definitely a progress. Nitrite to nitrate takes a bit longer than ammonia to nitrite bacterias building up. The tank looks pretty too!! Hope it all goes well this time 🙏🏼 Any plans on the stocking? 🙂 A personal suggestion, I would add a floating plant to that tank. Would be nice to shade slow grower anubias some and help a lot more with the nitrate usage! Also most fish enjoy a plant cover on top. Would love to send you some if I were to live nearby. My amazon frogbits and water lettuce are going crazy! Can you get floating plants by any chance? Or do you even like them?
  10. Interesting. Did some googling and I've found this @knee https://fishhistopathology.com/?p=2697 Seems like cataract do exist in fish and there are many reasons that may cause that. That would be hard to sort out which one I guess
  11. how is it going @Sherry? Any progress on the cycling and tank building? Keep us updated!
  12. Best pillow in the world! Doggo's belly ^^ Such a beautiful color dude! What name are you thinking of for your new buddies? @TheSwissAquarist
  13. Same! That was the only attempt of a snail escape I have seen. Thankfully I was awake and heard the noise! It could end up very bad… I can’t happen to find those beautiful ramshorns here! The pinks, reds and leopards look very cool 5 years is a very good lifespan for them! They should’ve really liked it in there in your tank. Do you keep your tanks on colder side or were they accepting any commercial foods by any means? I need the secrets of this 5 year lifepans :))
  14. I feel like thats an O-ring nerite, but not sure. Maybe @Cinnebuns may help!
  15. Too late! you are a mother of 6 bois. Damn, their tank must be smelly....🐌😄
  16. Well, that was my last try to help you kindly to be honest. I had to see this coming from your previous messages whenever I tried to help you before. Anyway, goodluck dude
  17. Don't get this as a negative thing but I would encourage feeding more veggie content more often. And zucchini is not that rich in nutritions. I give snello to my snails once every two days which includes calcium, protein, and pumpkin, collard greens, a lil bit spinach cause oxalytes block calcium intake, carrot, and green beans with algae mixed in. Every other day, they get a blanched veggie if they are not receiving snello that day. Mine don't like broccoli and stuff so I eliminated them from my recipe otherwise they don't eat their snello. I personally find it the best to freeze some of the veggies when we happen to buy any to home, and feed them just by grabbing a leaf or a cube of pumpkin etc from the freezer. It makes everything super easy, highly recommended.
  18. And there you used the luck of your life! 😁
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