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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. We have a similar liking I see! 🙂
  2. Tbh, I even give my snails only 5-6 foods and snello+veggies and they snack on catappa leaf everyday. They eat all bottom feeder tabs of corys/pleco/red lizards, spirulina tab, NLS Algaemax, Hikari Algae wafer and crab cuisine as well as my complete shrimp food that includes lots of herbs and veggies and some calcium. I just get my food portions the smallest size to keep them fresh. Pea protein is the first ingredient, followed by fish meal second. This is not really a veggie food, this is a protein food tbf. As a vegan, I use pea protein a lot. It is most commonly used product as a dust in vegan protein shakes for muscle building, as well as in foods as a meat substitude. Hikari crab cuisine has some calcium but it is protein rich food again. Snails don't need this many proteins but mainly a snello/veggies. I think 3 food is limiting all alone for snails but that is again my personal opinion.
  3. It is the morning food of everyone in my tanks 😄 Their evening meal changes everyday based on the tank and fish/snails/shrimp in it
  4. I personally think only 3 food is pretty limiting and may work if you have a species only tank. If I keep corydoras only, good quality 3 bottom feeder food + frozen food sounds good. However considering I always keep community tanks, and my fish and snails have varying needs, 3 is not ideally enough in my opinion. I have like 10 foods I'm feeding my tanks in total, but every fish get their own sort of 3-4 food combination besides the food fall down to substrate, if any. My top 3 would be: 1- Sera O nip tab. Not the best ingredients but fish go crazy for it, even otos. Def everyones fav in all tanks. A good treat once a week. 2- NLS Thera A+. My personal fav community tank food as a pellet. From top to bottom level, everyone enjoys it, and it has good ingredients. 3- My own snello recipe lol I am indifferent about anything else really. I just like having options. I don't wanna eat the same food myself everyday 😄
  5. which one was it? I feel like horned ones are more fragile compared to others. But that is a very limited experience of mine between zebras and horned ones. Zebras seem to be much hardier
  6. We have nerites that are endemic to Turkey which can reproduce in freshwater! They are called "Theodoxus anatolicus". But they also don't accept food like other nerites, so giving them enough to graze on can be tough. Also seems like they live in nature around the 15C temps, which is far from my tank temps. My tanks are 25 and 27-28Cs. So I don't keep them. There is something going one with this zebra egglaying issue maybe? 😄
  7. I had 3 of those before and they were great! I currenly have zebras only. Good info. Thanks for sharing. So it does not really eat algae anywhere else? 😄 Btw, have u seen any difference between laying eggs? My horned ones were laying much less compared to zebras
  8. Well, my lfs got so many new nerites in stock. They got the following snails. I'm planning to get horned ones, as they were my fav but o-rings and onion look pretty cool too. I already have zebras. Any experience with all these, or black helmets? They are all super cool. I can't decide which ones to get! O-ring nerites This horned ones: Military helmet: Spotted tiger: Zebras:
  9. Man.. great fish! They need their own youtube channel so I can watch them chilling in their beautiful tanks. Make it happen! 😄
  10. I wouldn't say less than a year is normal, unless you keep them in a much warmer environment than ideal temp which is around 74F, so their lifespan shortens as a result. I would say 1-1.5 years is normal personally with a good care. Mystery snails grow up pretty fast, mine have reached their adult size around 1.5 months from a size of a coin. So they could be already aged when you got them, or maybe recently got to that size. It is hard to tell. Also they require much more in depth feeding schedule to follow, lots of blanched veggies, calcium and protein foods, snellos etc, which are not a necessary part of pond snails' and nerites' diet. The only common thing mysteries have with those other two is not being kept in an acidic ph, and having calcium content in the water. So it is hard to compare mysteries wellbeing with other two.
  11. Beautiful tank. Hope you can get rid of the problem asap
  12. No I meant a base for seperating them from other normal freshwater community fish. An aspect, whether something you mentioned here or maybe something different. Like everything in this table needs to make some sort of sense to be seperate from "freshwater community" right? As an example: https://seachem.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015544794-FAQ-Can-I-use-Seachem-ParaGuard-in-a-tank-where-I-m-keeping- I'm just thinking out loud
  13. I believe there must be a scientific base for this. It is recommended by seachem to start dosing lower amount of medicine in scaleless fish tanks too. the also classify scaleless fish as a category in their safety dosage charts . Idk about other medicine. I don't think a company may depend their instruction on a humor, but I may be wrong. It just makes no sense in that way.
  14. She is my friend, I told her to join the forum 🙂 So she already knows my opinions but, @Guppysnail has a big group so she might help!
  15. Welcome to the forum @Keegan484, It is definitely not a dumb question. You are here to ask and learn from experiences, which is quite normal. You probably did not receive an answer because not many people keep puffers, so people probably did not want to give a wrong advice. Here I am tagging people that maybe can help you in this regard at least based on some puffer experience if not this species : @mountaintoppufferkeeper @Grizzly @Beardedbillygoat1975 @CJs Aquatics
  16. @rockfisher Yea I have a very similar one I use as a 10g quarantine tank
  17. Rick directly ate dead shrimp in a couple seconds. I've witnessed it with my eyes. So it would be impossible to find a dead body I bet with 8 I bet :')
  18. The tank looks great. I really wanna try blackwater setup one day!
  19. I'm sorry for your loss. We talked about it a lil back then with @Chick-In-Of-TheSea. I've never kept neons myself, but whenever I visit my LFS, they be the only fish that show constant stress no matter what batch that is. I personally believe them not to be very hardy, especially after being this popular in the hobby. Any plans for the new additions?
  20. Thanks for your responses! I've decided that vase is way too small to create an ideal place and planning to introduce them all to my 10g tub for now. @AllFishNoBrakes beautiful deep red colored ramshorns and I loved the red root floaters. Looking lovely
  21. I think it is because due to overbreeding and body deformations, a lot of fish in different species cannot healthily make it to the point they are showing all the "cute look aspects" and looks that people expect to see as a result of their breeding attempt, and most fish basically cannot survive healthily to that point. Like fancy goldfish. The amount of culling is insane. And then the amount of fish that reach to that point that looks "desirable" to people is quite rare. I personally can't compare selective breeding, and having to euthanize tons of fish by thinking they would be predated on nature anyway. Fish tanks are kept by humans and we make the decisions. It is not nature in a glass box we must understand. What you provide, goes in there. Ofcourse we can surely embrace nature and imitade positive sides of it into our tanks. Opinions may differ of course. But they get kept being culled weeks by weeks. So yea. When you actually get a few ones reaching adulthood out of a ton, they are expensive. Maybe that's why. Because the juveniles you have in the store is likely won't end up as the fancy goldfish they sell for huge amount of cash
  22. Can I utilise something like this vase as a "pest snail" tank for some time when I take my 29g tank down. I know I don't have tons of snails there right now. I have lots of root plants, floating plants, moss ball and an anubias as well as substrate I can dump in to make this some sort of a walstadt tank or a tank setup tank functions without a filter/airstone. I can turn this into a jungle directly! Any tips and personal experience on this sort of small setups? For now, I don't wanna dump in the MTS and 3-4 mini ramshorns I have in the new tank. But I want to have them in my betta tank I am planning to have someday , a bit after I'm done setting up my new tank maybe. Maybe sometime not even close, who knows. I'm already over the budget for the new tank lol. Please share your ideas if it is possible or it is just too small even for MTS/mini ramshorns. I would love to see your own setup as well, if there is any. Picture: If this is by no means doable, I will consider keeping my 10g QT tub and put them all there, as I can't kill snails. I like them. I just don't want them in the new setup but for another setup in the future.
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