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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Tiger barbs! We love them with @nabokovfan87 😄 I really enjoy seeing barbs lately. They are adorable dude
  2. 😄😄 FOR NOW. She said, If they have given me these apistos for free, I would decline. ?!?!!! I see her point. She expects something colorful in a level of neon tetra or similar flashy look. Which is def not my type at all 😄 Maybe! Maybe tolstoy or anewbie has an idea about this part.
  3. They are all so pretty! I was with a friend who is not a fishkeeper. She is like,, these look pretty boring, why do you even want them? Get something colorful 🤣 Why is alenquer so expensive? Are they rare or something? Borellii is less than half of the price of alenquers. Hongsloi and elizabethae are same price, in the middle.
  4. Visited lfs today and got the pictures of the ones I liked. That part of the store is super shiny so I tried blocking some light my hand. Not even close to be successful 🤣 Yellowish ones are females in general I guess, right? Apisto Agas. alenquer: I loooved the male on right😍 Borellii: Elizabethae: Hongsloi: too densely planted tank, only could take a pic of one @anewbie @tolstoy21 @jwcarlson @Fish Folk
  5. In the video we watched before, the bamboos were stuck in the substrate or something. Maybe try to stick some of them to the substrate, vertically, if they hold firm!
  6. Due to water softener system. It removes all gh from the tap. We got it in the home after I quit hobby, and after years I've decided to come back. So now I have to work with what I have, which is fine. I just need to dose Equilibrium. If there is any salt, it should be minimal I bet, cause I keep shrimp, mystery/rabbit/ramshorn/MTs snails with no issues. I can scape it in a way they would enjoy the most. I have lots of plants I can use including a big echinodorus leopard. I can introduce alder cones and indian almond leaves. My RO already reads low ph around 6ish and low kh as well, so I can just use it, or mix it. Normally in my tanks, I use %50 tap %50 RO during water changes.
  7. will read/watch those! thanks for the recommendations I have catappa leaves and alder cones on hand, I use them in all of my tanks! I assume those would be enough? That fish looks great. You guys make me want them more by sharing lots of beauties aaa Thanks!! I will watch these videos for sure. I have a time a head to consider and make lots of research of them, so these infos and videos are all great for me. I don't wanna rush it directly
  8. They look like James and Jessie from pokemon. Now you need a catfish in the middle. Prepare for trouble! Make it double! To protect the tank from devastation! To unite all people within our species! To denounce the evils of snoopy's poop & no-snello days! To extend our reach to the floating plants above! NIBBLES! & SHRIMPY! Team Chick-In blasts off at the speed of filter flow! GIVE US A ZUCCHINI NOW OR PREPARE TO FIGHT!
  9. They look amazing! 🥰 What I get confused about is, do they noticably use the height? Because although this tank does not carry too much gallons due to being short, the length and width sounded good to me as it is pretty close to 20gL, just a bit shorter in height and lower in lenght but same width 🤔 Height of the tank adds a lot to the gallons as you know. Otherwise, if this tank had the same height of 20L, it would be only around 4g/20 Liters difference between the tanks! 29g shares the same baseline too. Very beautiful fish you have there dude. Thanks for sharing your experience with me 🙂 Hearing about experiences is really important to me I agree that borelliis look very beautiful. I'm leaning towards them a lot too!!
  10. thanks for the good info! I have a tank that I can spare a male or female if needed from time to time. Idk my tds exactly as I don't have a tds reader, but my gh reads 0 on both tap and RO. I mentioned it above, it probably got lost between a lot of zeros 😄. I raise it with equilibrium in my tanks based on the tank and the stocking. So I can manually set it up in accordance with the needs of the fish. So no problems on that one! Are apistos active swimmers? They seem super chill and lazy from the videos I watched and my observation from LFS. I have lots of driftwood and plants I can use! I can easily get this covered
  11. Hey guys, Hope you are doing well. Today, I got myself a tank, mainly for the purposes of breeding apistos! I have a spare HOB, heater, light, mat as well as aquasoil. So all I need was a tank and fish basically. Lots of plant cuttings I can take from my other tanks! As I have no previous experience with any apisto species, I'd like to get some info for the basics for setting up a breeding tank for the apistos. I am planning to get 1m 1f, unless it is sold as 1m:2f in the LFS. Questions: From what I've been told, they like caves. So I will try to introduce caves. The question is, is one enough, or more than one is ideal? Is the location of caves important? Like should they have vision blocking decorations or plants in between, or does not matter as mainly females claim the caves and there will be only one anyway? Would an aquasoil base work for the apistos? I'd like to use what I have on my hand rather than buying something new. I also like planting a lot, so aquasoil does the job well for me in general and I don't like topping it up. I have RO water too. Should I use RO water in that tank, or just the tap water? My tap reads, 8.0, 0 gh, 20 kh, 0/0/20nitrate. I boost gh with Equilibrium in any case. My RO reads around 6.0ish ph, very low kh, 0gh, 0/0/0. Would breeding pair need a clean-up crew with them, or is it for the best to leave them alone? The tank info: The tank is 55cmx33cmx21.5cmh. So it is wide and long, but pretty short. Thought this would be suitable for a breeding pair as they are mostly a bottom dwellers and enjoy that sort of swimming space. What do you think? The pic of the tank: Potential apistos I consider are Fire Reds, Borellis, elizabethae, hongsloi. Or maybe anything interesting my LFS carries in the future. Please share your opinion and advices for me! Apisto guys unite and help Lennie to join the family! 😄@anewbie, @tolstoy21, @Rube_Goldfish, @jwcarlson, @Fish Folk, @NOLANANO
  12. Idk how it exactly harms fish, but it kills bacteria. That is a problematic part, may cause a cycle crash. However, I've done it before and I've never faced any issues. I just dose the whole tank amount of prime, mix it all around, and fill the tank afterwards. That's the key I guess
  13. I'd like to share some opinion and what works for me personally. That looks like a 20g Long . So the tank is short but long. Therefore, it gives good amount of swimming space to fish in length, however, the light can reach the plants more directly and in higher amounts. Therefore, it makes them more prone to algae in general. Especially considering at the beginning, plants try to establish themself in the new tank conditions, melt, try to grow roots and so on. During this time, they cannot really make use of stuff in the tank, so algae has a chance to use the extra nutritiens and grow. Therefore I would try to cover the light some with floating plants, or dim it. It looks quite bright for the amount of plants you have, at least from the picture. I know it can be costy, but for planted tanks, I think densely planting with healthy looking plants from the start works the best in my experience. If you have a chance to add more plants, that could be pretty nice I believe. I personally think that you should try to explore your own lighting and fertilizer routes. Everyone has different tanks and different preferences. Even in my jungle looking densely planted tanks, I've never fully dosed a fertilizer in my life ever and also never extended a lighting period of 7 hours. I never dose N in my tanks. I personally think it is an algae booster. As long as I have a good amount of fish and inverts, I have nitrate there. Also my tap water has nitrate too. So I have to take that into consideration personally. Water changes introduce nitrate in my tanks for example. In new tanks, I always start with 6 hours of lighting. I again personally think anything more than 6 hour at the beginning works on the team algae. You would like to enrich your inert substrate for a better nutrition for root feeders. That's really important. Plants can't perform a growth when they lack something. Excess nutritien and not enough nutritient both means plants can't perform a good growth, so both of these situations help to team algae again. I would add a fast grower like Hornwort or Elodea, if you have no issues with keeping them legally in where you live. Balancing fast growing-slow growing ratio plays an important role in my opinion. Hope it helps, P.S: great looking gourami 🙂
  14. Thanks for the help offer! I am not planning to keep or breed them, at least for now. But if I do in the future I will let you know! Lately, I've decided to keep myself off from snails for a bit, after losing Rick. I am planning to focus on my fish more instead.
  15. Somebody come geeeeet herrrr, she’s actin’ like a betttaa
  16. Madagascar lace gets HUGE! 5 gallon is wayy to small for it. Also consider what your tank temperature rises to during summer. They go dormant above 24-25C or so if I am not wrong. I really wanted to keep it in my new tank but that dormant issue made me step back, as I always keep my tanks above those temps
  17. Thanks for sharing with us. That's helpful! Hope noone would need it :')
  18. Hope red roots ain't going to that tank. They would crush the smoll red roots there 🤣
  19. I think it is just that snails are not popular much in the hobby in my country I guess. We only have nerites, some mystery snails variations and rabbit snails. Besides "pest" snails ofc.
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