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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Agreed! With a backup plan, can be tried. Without one, such a hard commitment to make for everything in the tank and may lead frustration. Might be very demotivating.
  2. Hey @juliana-mae, Welcome to the forum. All of those plants are slow growers. So it is hard to comment on your fertilizer/light routine when you make a change, as seeing results on plants may take weeks to show up. I would recommend keeping lights to 6-7 hours, and adding floating plants on top to block some light and shade the anubias, otherwise, it is very likely it will end up being covered in algae, as they are slow growers, and they are very close to light source and get a direct light in the middle. Your betta would enjoy some floating plants too! Do you like floating plants? Tannins are nothing harmful. With the water changes, they will go away by the time. the "brown" on anubias can be brown diatoms, which is common in new setups. You may try to scrub the leaf gently and see if it comes off easily. If it does, it is very likely brown diatoms. Nothing to worry. You can manually remove it that way. When the tank starts maturing, it will go away, unless your water has silica in it, which is not really common. You really don't need to dose a lot with slow grower plants. I would dose much less than recommended and observe any potential deficiencies. Anything that plants can't utilize, works on the team algae. Floating plants may help consuming excess nutritients in the water column too as they are fast growers!
  3. Yeah, their temperament changes a lot. I love bettas, such grumpy puppys! I would love to have one in my community tanks but I hear a lot of different stories. Sharing as much as experience we can helps to see any potential scenarios I believe, as experiences are just very unique in general. And far from stating any facts It is just I'm not sure if it is a good idea to deal with potential agression of a betta especially without a backup plan/tank when someone is newbie in the hobby. But I see your point! And I definitely agree 🙂 I would not keep betta with shrimp by any means personally tho. I have friends who have literally seen bettas actively hunting adults. Not worth risking and having a sad experience to me.
  4. @Cinnebuns can you please share your betta community tank and guppy-betta experiences here as well. Maybe it helps
  5. I never really kept barbs before, I am pretty new to them as well. @nabokovfan87 has more experience with them. Tiger barbs are slightly different than odessa/gold/rosy barbs in terms of character it seems. But they all seem to be a joy to watch. They don't feel like a schooling fish, but more like a tank full of centerpiece fishes. Such character!
  6. Couple days ago I got rosy barbs. They added way too much character to the tank. My LFS had only 2m:3f. I'm looking forward them to get more in stock. Rather than barbs, goodluck finding friendly angels! 😄 they are usually meanies sadly. I have always wanted to keep them but they scare me more than barbs do. Definitely! I was assuming eliminating angels from the plan and adding barbs in! 😄 But not really seriously. I just like screaming barbs whenever I see a big enough tank 😄 Idk who is more meanies tho. Potential fin nippers, or tank bully angels, especially during breeding time >_>
  7. Beautiful tank. I wanna scream barbs! BARRRBSSS!!! 🤣 They are a joy. I'm so excited to see how your tank will be like. It is always nice to start something new.
  8. They look amazing! Is a ph of 7.5 too high for some time? I will be decreasing it gradually when I setup their new tank. MY LFS keeps them all around this ph, none gets any special treatment. So all borellis, alenquer, elizabethae and hongsloi are being kept at around this ph at the store. I got medication doses from Odd duck based on 7.5gr of food, so rather than throwing the food to trash and wasting it, I thought maybe I should treat my all tanks and fish all together, as I've never medicated them before. So that means keeping apistos in the 50cube during the treatment process, and moving them to their own tank later on, probably based on their potential agression too. What do you think? Also I've listened the podcast @Fish Folk recommended. It was very helpful! During the podcast, he mentioned that borelliis have the biggest spawn compared to other apistos. Probably that is the reason why they are the cheapest I guess.
  9. decaying plant matter maybe. Why are you dosing excel into a fresh new tank?
  10. What's the tank size and the stocking you keep your pair with? only guppies? I'm sorry to hear that. It is so hard to get over when you lose a family member. fire reds look very wild at my lfs too!!! Maybe they are more agressive than normal agassiziis? Like normal german blue rams and black rams. Black rams having reputation of being more agressive. Who knows! Pretty sure one female killed another in my lfs too. So from your "peaceful" experience, the only option I have is alenquers. Which is way too expensive for a reason. The thing is, putting a female and male together does not guarantee breeding or pairing up right? Even if I decide to be willing to pay for a pair. Are females generally yellow-ish or all yellowish ones are ready to breed?
  11. @cavdad45 I've seen you mentioned having an apisto pair! Please share your experience 🙂
  12. Hey there, Welcome to the forum. As some peeps mentioned above, I would be cautious about guppys. They breed A LOT. I know many people started with guppys and got frustrated. Please don't take this as a demotivation. But breeding is an issue with livebearers and you cannot really control it, until you go with only males. Betta's suitability in a community tank depends on the betta itself. One can be super peaceful, another one may be very agressive. If you won't have a back up plan, I would skip this one as well. What do you think of honey gouramis? They are very peaceful. You may have one male honey gourami maybe? Or 3 male guppies. I would go with a more lazy group of schoolers instead of active swimmers as your tank is tall. I personally think ember tetras is a good example for that one. They have a nice color and not super active. Pygmy cories are doable. They may help to clean up the extra uneaten food particles, but bottom dwellers need specific feeding too, don't forget. I keep rabbit snails as well. Rabbit snails need some sort of requirements. Warm temperature around 26-27C, soft sand substrate to burry, calcium content in the water and a ph over 7.2 or so. They also need a specific diet, you need to feed them blanched organic veggies, and prepare snellos. If you need further info and interested in keeping them, please don't hesitate to ask anything. Would love to help. Here is one of mine 🙂 Btw, in my own very personal experience, no matter how much plant cover you have, if you don't have a big established shrimp colony going on, it does not work in a community tank well. As long as a shrimp fit into a fish's mouth, it is a food. If I were you, I would consider some algae eaters. Maybe 2-3 nerite snails, 3 borneo suckers, etc.
  13. Are those yours?? Cuties 😄 The first one gives a calmer vibe ngl. I feel like the second one already teared off someones face and wearing it as a coat already!!! 🤣
  14. Oh definitely! I don't believe in black and whites in fishkeeping mostly. Also ones experience does not make something a fact or valid. For instance, personally, I have been keeping and breeding softwater acidic fish with my 20kh and 8.0/8.2ph tap water. That might have worked for me but may cause problems for someone else's fish for example, maybe lethal results! The experiences are very unique and far from stating facts in the hobby in general. But surely helps us to gain some information and see potential situations before they may happen. I believe that is very valuable. That is the main reason why I created a topic tbh. If you wanna find a source to support your opinion, you can find a valid one online in a way. You can find a writing that supports keeping a goldfish in a 5 liter bowl is great. You get me? So yea, I'm here trying to learn from you guys' experience the best I can. Has been ages, but I kept african cichlids and blood parrots long time ago. Now black rams. So when it comes to cichlid behavior, I understand what you guys really mean. I'm not trying to force a bare minimum. I'm just trying to learn really, and I really feel like it is possible. Especially considering I have potential to seperate male and female if needed. Lots of breeders breed their fish in very small tanks without any plant, decoration, and so on. I am ready to provide them the best planted, driftwood, cave tank with lots of leaf litter, alder cones, RO water/if necessary and so on. Otherwise, I would just read a few care guides, watch 2 videos and buy the fish really. I just wanna hear you guys and get some opinion. Oh also, to me personally, I believe fish breeding has nothing to do with being happy really. I don't think it indicates a fish's happiness by any means. I just think it is a survival instinct, and it can be even triggered by stress or so. I've already obtained lots of good info here and I'm glad I created the topic
  15. I never said someone has suggested a hongsloi. I said I checked their sizes online, due to it being mentioned as the biggest of them all previously. I was comparing sizes, as you mentioned only borelli was possible due to being on the smaller side in terms of size. I understand the potential agression very well and I appreciate everyone sharing experiences. I read everything in detail, I wouldn't like to cause any repeating. I just don't wanna make a mistake. I've read about their breeding report on the site you recommended to me in another thread. "I placed a pair of A. Hongsloi of unknown parentage in a homemade breeding tank of about 7 gallons. The tank measures about 23"L x 7"W x 8"H so it is quite long in relation to wide. I placed about 3/4" of fine sand on the bottom and place several broken pots for caves along with several large rocks placed to divide the sight lines in the tank. I added several water sprite plants anchored with small stones and several clumps of java moss. Finally I added a couple of handfuls of Oak leaves. It didn't take long for the pair to settle in and within a couple of days the female had nearly sealed herself into one of the caves. The male seemed oblivious and enjoyed the tank. After 8 days the female began to bring the fry out of the cave. The first day they were still living on their yolk sacs and did very little swimming and made no attempt to feed. However by the second day mother was sheparding the fry around the tank under the close supervision of the male. He was an active partner in brood care and the female welcomed him into the shoal of fry. After several weeks the female began to make a few courtship displays to the male but never was their any aggression between them." http://www.dwarfcichlid.com/Apistogramma_hongsloi.php So I'm just asking and trying to learn. Yikes, that's sad. Is there any calmer species out of the ones mentioned above, or? Are they all chiuahuas or is there any golden retriever there? 😄 Or are they like bettas and gouramis, rather than species, it is the fish's individual character? I spent around some time in 3 different days at my lfs watching them. In terms of agression, I've witnessed borelli male chasing other males and female chasing other females, and ag. fire reds chasing literally everyone. Others all seemed docile and peaceful. But of course being juvenile and not in a breeding mood may have an impact on that one for sure as I understand.
  16. What I'm confused about is, internet says apisto hongsloi reaches 7cm adult size. which means 2.75''. That's half of the size of my L199 living in a 60x40cm footprint tank but tall. If hongsloi is the biggest one between all of these, then it should be okay in terms of fish size I guess, as they are not really active swimmers. Like even a betta can reach 3'' size itself in some cases. @anewbie If it has nothing to do with fish size but only potential agression then idk.
  17. Could you please share more details for tank parameters like Ammonia/nitrite/nitrate, ph, kh , gh/tds, temperature etc Also, @Colu
  18. They are very small as of now. I can seperate them if needed. I have two extra tanks not setup and one 10g tub that can be established anytime. That's not an issue. I just wonder if they would be a better choice to be kept in one of these community tanks rather than the tank I got recently considering potential breeding and tankmates. I believe their own special tank is still the way to go.
  19. Well, I can put them in my 50cube tank too. Would it be a better choice? But it is a community tank and will make breeding pretty hard I bet. Also a pair may bully the tank mates?? That tank has a mystery snail, 4 red lizard whiptails, 5 rosy barbs, 16 pygmy cories. Tannins and heavily planted: The other tank I recently set up. 100cmx40x40. 160liters/42 gallon approximately. This one will have 3 SAE, 1 L199 pleco, 3 black blue rams (1m:2f), honey gourami, 5 sterbai corys and 9 rummy noses moved into. I am taking their original tank down. I haven't considered this one as most people said don't keep rams and apistos together.
  20. There was also a pure metallic blue/grey one in the borelli tank. A male. I couldn't see anything like that when I googled too. Basically a borellii, but full metalic blue. No yellows! You can see it on left on that picture, but blurry. Aquaticarts tank bred ones also have yellow fins! There are many with yellow fins when I googled too. I haven't noticed till you mentioned it. I don't think any of them are wildcaught to be honest. They were getting all of their apistos from european breeders if I am not wrong, that is why they are expensive I bet.
  21. They are one of the dream fish I have! Just a huge school of tiget barbs in a big big tank 🙂 Currently I am enjoying rosy barbs very much. I've always scared of keeping barbs due to bad aggressive/nippy reputation on them. I definitely wanna keep more in the future. Amazing fish!
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