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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Maybe your male platies are not into females love is love 🤣
  2. If you need any further help with snails info, please don’t hesitate to ask. the only problem I can think of is nerites being natural grazers and hardly accepting food and veggies. So they might starve if there is no natural food growth in the tank. Maybe keep lights on for a long period to provide at least some algae growth and dose a bit of liquid ferts? also in case it is an emergency setup, and dont have a cycled sponge in the tank, with mystery snail bioload, 2.5g might reach toxic ammonia levels super quick. Which explains them staying on top are you using ich-x to treat your tanks? @Colu is Ich-X not snail safe?
  3. I cleaned my prefilter sponge today during tank maintenance. But I aint sending it to you. I love how the dirty one disturbs you :3 it has to live in your imagination. Also those shrimps are in 50cube… I have orange sakuras in 29g…
  4. I normally use lava rock on bottom + aquasoil on top to cut the costs. Do you think aquasoil on bottom + another substrate on top is better? Does it still leech in this way or not? I feel like it would be a lil risky when MTS pokes it this way. Potential leeches and may turn the aquasoil over top mess the subsrate
  5. @kneeSadly not available here. We only have Ista, Tropica and Neo right now 😞
  6. It might be due to you are reading ph out of the tap directly, without aerating it. Aerating increases ph. Try to aerate your tap water for some time and test it again to see if it will read any higher
  7. Hey guys, Hope you are doing well. Lately I am planning to upgrade my 29g to a 40. Currently in that tank, I have a JBL plant dirt on bottom+ JBL manado on top around 7cms with roottabs. In one of my tanks, I've used Tropica's aquasoil but lately it seems hard to find, only one source, and it is expensive. Has anyone have any experience with Neo Aquarium soil? What's the difference between Brown soil/1mm/3mm, which one worked well for you? http://www.aquario.co.kr/neoSoil/neosoil.php Has it leeched stuff for you? It shows a 40+days of water chance schedule mostly every 2 days and 3 days. That's big. I did a similar maintenance for tropica but this feels too much, literally it is 2x more the time, as I've spent only around 2.5-3 weeks for tropica's one. How much it leeches exactly? Should I wait that much to introduce fish? I have one middle sized sponge filter and one HOB filter that will directly go into the new tank as well. The fish that will move to this new tank are rummynoses, honey gourami, black rams, sterbai corys and L199. I've seen this schedule on their site. I have no Idea why there is NO2 reading coming from the substrate??: Maintaining stable water quality "Since NH3/NH4 and NO2 disappear very quickly at the beginning of the setting, there is little chance of bad algae" DAY NH3/NH4(mg/l) NO2(mg/l) NO3(mg/l) Original Water 0 0 12.5 2016.04.05 0.3 3 100 2016.04.11 0 0 50 2016.04.18 0 0 25 2016.04.23 0 0 12.5 Water Change Schedule %50 water change so often for 1.5months in seems big for me. I always do 20-25% water change in my tanks. I did big water changes so often with tropica in the first 3 weeks but I started doing it once a week around %20 later on. Never read ammonia or nitrite after introducing my established filter. some other options are: 1- No aquasoil. Buying more JBL manado and move my all old subtrate to this new tank as well. Means much less option for potential aquascaping as it never holds any shape firmly due to super soft structure, and limits plant options to some extend as it is inert and not every plant has been growing well with roottabs and fert dosing in my experience. 2- Maybe using lots of lavarock on bottom and neo aquasoil on top of it for some good plant growth? Helps with budget and it seems pretty good so for in my other tank. 3- Potentially using lavarock bottom and aquasoil on top of it, starting from middle to back side (or in a different type of aquascape), and using sand in front as corys and rams love sifting through it. This is JBL Manado: https://www.jbl.de/en/products/detail/3398/jbl-manado?country=us Would love to hear experiences. @knee, @Mmiller2001 any opinions guys?
  8. 82F is hot for most fish and inverts. There are rarely fish and snails that enjoy these temps. Like GBR/discus or rabbit snails. Both of my nerites and mysterys usually spend time at the top on the water line from time to time. Mystery snails usually use their siphon to breathe on top, and nerites like to eat white residue on top of the glass. But it can be a sign of something going wrong as well. Only way to tell is testing the water. Also why is temp so high? 74F is the ideal number for mystery snails. high temp means fast growth, weak shell, much more active snail and needs more food in general. Shorter lifespan. anything above 77F/78F starts being far from ideal for mysterys I would say. I can't imagine a mystery snail and a nerite in a 2.5g tho. It would take 10 second for mystery snail to complete a whole tour in that tank Mystery snails have a big bioload. It might have messed up with your water parameters. What are the test results? Is the tank cycled?
  9. Spinach is actually quite high in calcium but also in oxalate! Oxalate sadly block calcium absorbtion. So spinach is not the best food for the snails or most calcium requiring creatures like tortoises in general. But ofcourse an option to feed sparingly for variety in their diet But rarely I would say, and not for calcium intake purposes
  10. My iron only comes from all in one fert (tropica premium)+equilibrium during water changes. Sadly we don't have american flag fish here 😞 Do you remove it with a tooth brush or something? Tweezers seem inefficent. Or maybe I'm doing something wrong
  11. Facts! 😄 It is such an annoying thing to have istg. Yesterday when I was watching, one of my rummy noses choked on it almost. I once found by rabbit snail and berried shrimp's leg got stuck in it too. It annoys me so hard. Has anyone had any success with SAE vs hair algae and staghorn? Do they eat it when it is short or eat it when it is longer too?
  12. If it is any help, my gh from tap is 0 so I dose equilibrium to my tanks. So all gh is coming from equilibrium. I support calcium in their diet constantly too, except for nerites. 29g has 10gh, 33g has 6 gh. All nerites, mystery snails and rabbits have perfect shells on both tanks. So I wanna say 6gh by dosing equilibrium seems enough for my case. Seachem Equilibrium analysis: Guaranteed Analysis Amounts per 1 g Soluble Potash (K2O) 23.0% Calcium (Ca) 8.06% Magnesium (Mg) 2.41% Iron (Fe) 0.11% Manganese (Mn) 0.06% This is how it is dosed to increase the gh in tanks: To raise mineral content/general hardness (GH) by 1 meq/L (3 dH), add 16 g (1 tablespoon) for every 80 L (20 US gallons) when setting up an aquarium or when making water changes (add to new water). Leaving it to your math to calculate the calcium content in the 33g 6gh tank 😄
  13. Well, I’ve tried all the recommendations above and sadly none worked for me. so I wanted to update something I’ve tried today and it worked wonders. I cut the cubes in much smaller pieces with a knife, then soaked them in the water by constantly trying to squish them with a tweezer. When they were soaked enough, I’ve stirred it all for a couple minutes like a soup🤣 surprisingly, i have only very little floating on top and they were easily pushed down by hob. They used to sit on top for ages. Maybe it helps anyone. Definitely my nee way to feed it, also prevents bloating issue on a good degree from what I observed!
  14. I love how the mystery snail is holding all the food and Snoopy be like: Nope. I can't fight this monster 🤣 *Swims away* More like Poop Converter 😄
  15. How long has it been since you had your nerite? How is the shell compared to the day you got it, and how is the new growth if there is any? that might tell if you have enough tbf. If you have a good growth and shell does not look any worse than the day you got it, you are probably good to go
  16. He playing. He remembers docs saying chew your food more as it is healthier! He is playing to the cams. Def not faking it ;D
  17. I wanna say baby MTS. Surprisingly MTS grows really slow in my experience. They give birth to live babies. Don't worry. My tank was quite infested with them as well, but lately, I managed to decrease their population a lot. My suggestions would be: -Everything in the tank is a sort of snail food. Any extra food, algae, decaying plant matter and so on. Try to fix algae issues, overfeeding and keep up with maintenance. I would say weekly maintence including gravel vac to get rid of any detrius, manual collection of decaying plant matter. Trying to balance tank system, light, ferts, plant growth and such. -Add competition to their potential food. Especially Algae eaters and bottom dwellers. So basically they leave much less potential food for these snails in the tank. Helps a lot with balancing their population. Please don't be demotivated. I had to deal with this situation and look for half a year. But I kept doing my maintenance and weekly gravel and cleaning up every week without slacking off. Today, I finally managed to balance everything. A lot of us go through these sort of situation. To err is human 🙂 Also don't forget that these guys are actually beneficial. It is just the look that can be unpleasing which I understand. Don't lose hope and your love of fishkeeping. By the time and attempt to correcting stuff, it finds a way. Better late than never. I hope this helps, Also I think they spend more time under the substrate when there is more oxygen in the tank, in my experience, which means less unpleasing look. Whats your filter/oxygen sources based on your tank sizes?
  18. As far as I know, only spixis really eat them but they may be hard to find
  19. Those plants and wools indeed introduce beneficial bacteria too!
  20. Glad to hear you are having a progress! plants definitely help a lot. I’m sorry for your loss again. Hope you face no more issues in the future and have a happy tank with your fish friends
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