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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Yea I personally gave up on that one. I feel like shrimp in community tank with most community fish does not work. I have 3 handsize moss, rocks, lots of plants driftwood floating plants and cave but shrimp babies cant make it. I personally don’t really think it works anymore based on how planted the tank is. they never touch adults so I can use it as a cull tank maybe.
  2. Depends on whether the fish decides to kill it or not. They can turn it into a bite size if they want. like a pygmy cory wont do it perhaps for example, but a betta is a betta. Cichlid is a cichlid.
  3. A fish’s behavior is usually determines its relationship with the tankmates tbh. Shrimp is a naturally food source to almost all fish we keep. So you can’t really say it wouldn’t hurt anything. A betta being peaceful does not mean he would not eat food. Shrimp is food. I think this is not reallu related to how peaceful the fish is in terms of character. It is more valid for living in a community tank with other fish or maybe poking snails antennas, but in snails scenario they mostly treat it as a worm so again, food. Shrimp is not different than brine shrimp or worms really Even then, a fish thst fits into another fish’s mouth is still mostly a food.
  4. @Cinnebuns Sharing is caring! Mysteries finished their bigger piece ages ago, rabbits still took only a few bites. They are born to be slow 😄
  5. I did! I cycled my tank when I came back to hobby from a break and used stability+ fish food combo. It worked, but rotting fish food is messy and it adds more than ammonia to the water, mess that you don't really want in the tank so I'm not sure if I would do it again. @Sherry do you have anyone that you trust their tank to? If so, you can get a sponge filter and let it sit in their tank for a couple weeks so it naturally grows beneficial bacteria there. So you can move it to your tank and add stocking very slowly and increase it over time. It is the best way to have a cycled tank imo if you can manage to do that. But please make sure that tank is healthy and one that you trust. You wouldn't want to introduce diseases to your own tank with that
  6. Def agreed. +1. Amazing tanks dude! Idk if he has aquasoil there, but I think aquasoil and a good light plays a really important role for the red color. If the plant is hard, then co2 becomes a bit more important I feel. I'm shocked how my plants kept being red just with aquasoil, I was not expecting that even tho it promotes to increase red colors on plants.
  7. Idk, in my experience, as long as you target feed mystery snails, it is not an issue. I have my rabbits with pest snail tanks, and I managed to decrease their population a lot by target feeding. Mystery snails eat so fast anyway. I think the trick is feeding small portion but more than once a day
  8. I feel like they just die and people find shells around 😄 Even normal fish can considerably pick on them, I really don't think their mouth structure is suitable as they have to suck it all through the shell. I've seen my pleco sucking on MTS by mistake once. But I have no personal experience
  9. Borneos stay small. You can get one if you like. It mainly eats biofilm and algae but also accepts whatever food I throw in my community tanks, in my experience. They don't grow as much as a hillstream loach too. They usually prefer groups but from my experience they do really okay alone. When in groups, they wanna establish territory and you gotta keep at least 3 as 2 is a good number to avoid in general as long as you are not keeping a pair. 3 might a bit extra for a 10g I think. I have one in my 29g, everywhere is hers 😄 They cannot uproot anything, no way. My substrate is so soft and easily moves around, it can't even make any particle move around while eating on it. they are very gentle creatures. But they don't like open areas, they spend time around rocks and plants or hiding in dark corners sometimes, usually sticking to glass.
  10. Kuhlis mouth structure is kinda different than the loaches that are known to eat snails. They basically suck the snail out of its shell. Kuhlis are not really capable of doing that. Here are some examples of mouth structure of kuhlis vs other loaches that are known to eat snails:
  11. Tank size and the difference between room temperatures that you keep your home at and the temperature you aim to have plays a big role on heater selection. Providing info on these two might help
  12. I would get a shrimp complete food which has a balanced combination of veggie and protein content. That seems like the best option. I feed them from time to time, but mystery snails eat it faster than shrimp 😄 too much protein is not good for shrimp from what I've heard from some local shrimp breeders here. Those types of food generally have a good balance
  13. Beautiful fish. I loveed those golds!! Big fan of orange/yellow tones of fish personally. Gold rams are my fav normally. I just had a bonding moment with this guy, otherwise, I would def get a golden ram if I went by the look based on my taste Definitely reading that journal, thanks for sharing! So these are just color differences right. A male and female ram breeds no matter what color they are?
  14. Yes. Goldfish too The amount of babies that are being euthanised is crazy high due to deformities.
  15. Those fish look great 🙂 The bellies are almost as pink as Kribs wow! I make water changes weekly around %25 with gravel vac every week even tho my nitrates don't go high. Water changes are not a chore to me. Definitely can keep up with my schedule on a weekly basis, that's what I always been doing really. Many thanks! I'm not from US, not sure if they are imported or not but seems likely. If its hard to sex them already, probably even harder for juvinilies :') I will keep it either at 27 or 28C then! Do they potentially bully others if they manage to spawn in a community tank, or just protective of the fry in their own corner? My fish are everywhere in the tank! There are many sight blocks that may perform as a block for potential territory I guess. Here is the picture of the tank to give an idea. Would 1 m 1 f do well in here in a community tank? Or just one is a safer bet? A lil bit dirty, pic taken right before weekly maintenance :))
  16. I have never kept neons myself as I don't really like them, so it is based on my assumption and observations. I usually visit my lfs once a week at least, sometimes more than once as it is close to me. They have around 100 tanks, and usually the only fish tanks show constant stress no matter what size group they have are neons and cardinals from my experience. Cardinals being the worst compared to anything else. No matter how many they get, every week, they sold out super duper fast. I feel like neons are way too overbred at this point as they are really on demand. Or they are wildcaught which may make it even worse in terms of hardiness. Same goes for cardinals too, they are mostly wildcaught. Surprisingly, green neons always do great at the store, as they are mostly wild caught and have specific water requirements. I don't know really. They are more expensive and are in less demand tho, from what I've observed. But neons are not as hardy as most tetras imo
  17. Hey guys, Hope your are doing well! As I have set up my new tank like around 2 months ago by now, I have moved some of my fish from my 29g to the new tank. So today, I've decided to get myself a new friend. As the title says, it is a black ram! I've made my research and watched Dean's video and so on. But I wanna hear about the personal experiences of you! My LFS said they have been keeping them on around 24C at the store!! I know they like it much higher. So I've acclimated him around 26 C and increased it to 27C by now. Planning to keep it 28C in the following days, to make sure it is not a sudden increase for the fish both for the ram and other members/plants of the tank. Everything else I keep in the tank can easily like 28C, and My tank reaches 32-33Cs during summer without any harm. I would love to hear some experiences about rams, and tips and personal experiences of any sort you'd like to share as they are somehow being called "sensitive". Other members of the tank are honey gourami, L199, sterbai corys, rabbit snails, rummy noses and a borneo sucker. I wanna move the borneo to my other tank, but catching it is mission impossible. I gave up after 3 times, as it cause stress on other fish which is not worth it. He seems happy so I let it go. He was happy even when it reached 33Cs. so yeah Questions: Is 28C (82.4F) good enough for the ram? Seems like it is the common point for everything in the tank that can enjoy. It will go higher than that during summer naturally anyway. The tank is quite planted. There is a pleco cave, and cave like place made of stone and driftwood. Would getting another ram be suitable in a 29g tank with other tankmates, or would they be bully vs others/between each other? Is it okay to keep one M and one F juviniles and expect them to pair up, or they need to be in big groups and expected to pair themselves? I assume mine is a male, what is the best way to differ a male from female? Internet pics seemed a bit confusing. What happens if a black ram male and golden ram female mates, for example? Do they go back to original GBR color mostly or babies are mixture of the two? Please share your experiences! 🙂 Here is a pic from online: Would be nice to see you guys' opinions and experiences if you want to share! @Guppysnail @Fish Folk @dasaltemelosguy @DiscusLover
  18. I feel like this is more problematic when fish spends time shipped in bags for a longer time. But I think it would be nice to add a drop of prime next time just to be safe. Losing fish might be harsh on the kiddos. I hope they won't face the same issue again. I'm sorry to hear that. I think going for some hardy fish might be a safer bet next time. Any other fish you guys have in mind?
  19. How long have they spent time in the bag before being drip acclimated? If they spent enough, one the bag is opened and air exchange happens, the ph changes and ammonia in the water becomes really toxic directly. Maybe that was the issue? Then ammonia toxicity affected them, so they were gasping on top? What I do is, I usually drop prime or stressguard while drip acclimating a fish. Even tho my fish only spends like 10mins in a bag from my store to home.
  20. You can get spixi snails. Spixi snails eat hydra!
  21. There are a few things to consider about otos. As you already have 7 rasboras, you probably know about the schooling behavior of fish. The more, the merrier. Otos lives in schools of thousands in nature, so at least it is considerably good to keep them in a group in our tanks to make them feel more comfy and safe. Rachel O leary mentions 10 or even 15 min, which means you need a very big tank to support them. I have 5 in a 33g. They are mainly grazers, they eat diatoms, soft green algae and biofilm. Not any other algae really. They do much better in established tanks that has been running for a couple months at least. They are tricky when it comes to feeding. Some never accept any food. Some may accept commercial foods, some people report having success with repashy. You never know if they will ever accept food. Blanched lettuce, zucchini and spinach are some that may work as well. But again, it purely depends on the fish. From my experience, they love to graze on catappa leaves, so I always keep two in my tank, and introduce one whenever I see decaying starts on another. So, if you consider possibility that they will not accept any commercial foods or veggies, your tank and algae/biofilm growth needs to be able to support them. Which means you need to have only a few in a 10g to make sure they can constantly graze, which means you gotta cut from their schooling size. Besides them being fragile, From what I know, if otos don't eat for some time, they lose their gut bacteria. At that point, even if you feed them like crazy at home, it is a ticking bomb that you cannot save them. So people advice to get the ones with full bellies and healthy looking/colorful ones at the store. They are wildcaught. So they may carry potential diseases, especially parasites. A good observation quarantine or direct medicine quarantine is suggested. If you wanna quarantine them in a seperate tank, it is better to run the seperate tank for some time for algae/biofilm build up as well as this is what they eat nonstop. If you have any questions I may try to help. Also they are not really like classic bottom dwellers. They love to be on glass and plants, especially big leaf plants. They are constantly grazing everywhere! Highly recommend lots of plants if you decide to get them
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