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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Check ammonia daily if you are using Maracyn. It has a tendency to disrupt the beneficial bacteria in/on filters. @Big B
  2. What works for me is adding Indian almond leaves to the tank or boiling them and letting that “tea” cool, then adding that to the tank. Indian almond leaves have antibacterial and antifungal properties.
  3. Sure was! And a 20 gallon would work just fine. They are ready for breakfast! The other tetras are black neons and head-and-taillight tetras. I got those by mistake. I was trying to buy more pristellas but LFS just got their shipment and everyone was pale. In QT they developed their color and I was like ummmm… these are not pristellas! But I kept them anyway and they fit in with the group just fine and school with them.
  4. Anytime you medicate fish, it stresses them and could cause other complications or weakness. Meds also make it harder for the fish to breathe because it changes the viscosity of the water (makes it thicker). Instead of using meds, I would advise you to use aquarium salt. Consider it a "broad spectrum" treatment and preventative. It will provide electrolytes and stimulate their slime coat as well. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish. If you do see ich develop at any point, it cannot survive in warm water. You'd want to raise the temp to 86 (gradually, 1 degree per hour) and keep it there until all symptoms are gone + a few extra days.
  5. That's an awesome plan! In the meantime, isn't it fun to watch them? Once they are released into the tote, it will be fun to see them all over the place.
  6. Yep! You are good. This is the size of my kids when I moved them. 6 gallon is going to be too small though, for their (eventual) waste level and food requirements. You'll want to have a plan to adopt them out soon and test your water for ammonia daily. Water change if you get a reading. I was struggling to keep ammonia down in a 10 gallon, and when they were chickpea sized I had to change water twice a day, using Prime to detoxify any residual ammonia til the next water change. I had about 45 snails at the time. @Guppysnail @Cinnebuns As far as finding food, a powdered food such as Repashy soilent green (unprepared) or Sera Micron could be an option; and a calcium supplement (such as crab cuisine). Those foods coat the walls of the tote and the snails will always have access. If you can add more live plants as well, that is going to help water quality. P.S. Your snail babies are very very cute @Confetto! ♥️
  7. Hey guys. Check out this Bolivian ram artwork (watercolor) by @Zeaqua!
  8. I make a lot of invert videos and not many fish videos. So here’s the gang. The pristellas are over a decade old.
  9. This guy is FAST! Have not seen reproduction (yet). Hoping it doesn’t get all crazy. Just rollin’ the dice for now. It hitchhiked in from the sword plant from the Walstad jar, and somehow.. I allowed it.. 🫣 It’s shell is coppery when the light hits it.
  10. I’m at 80 and 180 for gH and kH @nabokovfan87
  11. I give my dude 4-5 pellets twice a day or a very small piece of Repashy once a day. Or Frozen bloodworms, 4 or 5. Same qty with frozen brine shrimp: 4 or 5.
  12. ? Care instructions I’ve seen always say cories like water on the softer side.
  13. Similar thing happened to me. Life got busy and I stopped culling. Now the blue dreams have a black inkspot pattern and some have a striped pattern down their back. Also at one point I gave my friend 25 of the good genetic blue dreams. So my blue dream tank was looking kinda empty with a few of the inkspot shrimp which were never looking too active, unless they got something special, like spinach or shrimp lolly. My wild tank is always super active and swimming all around. So I just combined the 2 colonies. My wild shrimp are actually my favorite shrimp because they are all different, and I’m very happy and content with the decision I made. The tank is full of energy and life. I’ve come to realize I don’t care about cosmetic issues. If they are healthy and happy, so am I. And I am always delighted when I see a new pattern in the youngsters.
  14. Hummingbird hobby update; yard animals Hummingbirds are in migration to Honduras now and visits I get may be very temporary. I am grateful for and charmed by them.
  15. It would be a good idea to add a heater so you can prevent those 10 degree temp swings which can be hard on the animals.
  16. This is normal, and it's nutritious for snails and plecos, shrimp, fish, etc. Given you don't have any critters in there yet, you can use a (new) toothbrush to remove it, and suck the slime out with a turkey baster. Here is a helpful article for new tank setup. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/fish-tank-cycling Also a video about the nitrogen cycle, the most important part of setting up a new tank. You are a step ahead since you added bacteria to your tank. Do you have a test kit yet? You'll need a test kit for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate (there are other tests, but these are the main ones for now). You can get liquid test kit (such as the API master test kit) or test strips. Multi-test strips will not have ammonia test on them. The ammonia one is separate. This cycle should be completed before adding fish (meaning you are reading nitrates, but zero ammonia and zero nitrite). You can feed the bacteria you added to the tank by adding a tiny pinch of fish food every now & then.
  17. Your parameters are very similar to mine. My pH is a little higher, but my understanding is that a pH above 7 is ok for shrimp and snails. Where do you buy your shrimp? If you buy them locally they should be ok with your tap water. If you buy them online, they may have been raised in RO water which is very different. What is the feeding regime. Snails eat a lot and have to be fed more than you think. They also need more nutrients than algae alone can provide - they need a combo of protein, calcium, and vegetable matter. Shrimps should have vegetable-based protein food, as animal-based protein can result in molting problems. What is the temperature?
  18. What kind of snails are they? The bladder snails put air in their shells on purpose, but I don't think other snails do that. Unless it's a ridiculous mystery snail playing on an airstone... Sidenote: do I spot a glass catfish? 😍
  19. ORD I need some pygmy cories. I don't think any cories are in the cards for me. I have really hard water. 😭
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