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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. There are mixed opinions on feeding in quarantine. Let’s ask @Colu Are you treating an illness or is this a preventative quarantine for newly bought fish?
  2. @Fish Folk It's been awhile, but this thread needs a well-deserved bump. Also I wanted to add I found a nifty thingy (haven't tried it yet). It's a 2 stage brine shrimp net and you use both nets at the same time. The first (top) net catches egg shells but allows the shrimp to fall through. The second net will hold the shrimps and then you can use the medicine syringe/airline hose dealio on the shrimps that are sitting in that net. Or what I do is turn the net inside out and lower it into a cup of tank water. So you can harvest the hatch, and then when you are ready to dump out your hatchery, you can use the net system to organize the harvest and then transfer to your freezing trays. Prevents some of the harvest from going down the drain (I only usually harvest at 48 and 72 hours, then I start to see die-off so I freeze the rest.)
  3. Check this out. I refer to this quite a bit. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish Do not use "marine" or "reef" salt, nor table salt (has anti-caking agents) - look for "aquarium salt". This is the stuff if you're going with API brand. I like fritz better because it is smaller granules and dissolves better, but I used API for many years prior to finding Fritz. You'll want to dilute the salt w/ tank water before adding to the tank. Welcome to the forum!
  4. Doing very well! Today was their first water change. They had paracleanse first dose and now a two week rest, with some carbon. They eat well and are coloring up, and they don’t seem to mind the white light anymore. I only use the light briefly once or twice a day to check symptoms (none so far!) A bit dusty here from siphoning. I put some catappa tea in the water too; and a leaf.
  5. Do you dilute it for cleaning larger things (ie: pond pump w/ 1/2" long (Python-type) hose?
  6. Pretend like they are starving to death and desperate for food during all waking hours (even when they were just fed).
  7. Funny, it never crossed my mind to order it online. 🙂
  8. For some reason I can never find the big jugs of it like some people get. I'd have to clear a shelf of the little ones at the local drug store if I wanted enough for practical use.
  9. I recall a member video by co op and they were saying that the fry are tricky to sustain because they are not going to eat commercial foods; you have to have infusoria available like all the time until they get big enough to eat the baby brine shrimps.
  10. I use mild bleach solution, rinse 3x in tap water, then I run dechlorinated water through it. Dechlorinator ensures any remaining chlorine from the bleach is eliminated.
  11. 2 pics from last night. I’m just posting them because I think they’re cute.
  12. Small light is a little better. I can light one corner of the tank, and whoever is comfortable with it can swim under it. Some are ok with it. And someone is not sure. A few minutes later: ”Hmm.. maybe this is ok?”
  13. I release flakes under the surface so they are not just sitting on top. They waft around and eventually settle on the sand. Rams are fun indeed! Inquisitive for sure. There is a sliding glass door not far. The tank gets light from that during the day, and we go in and out in the morning and at dinner time to feed birds. I don’t think the tank has vibrations. I think the ram is more afraid of my movements and the aquarium light. The ram has been using the log swim through, but when he’s more scared he goes into the back corner behind the sponge filter. Last night I added a terra cotta pot with the opening facing toward the back of the tank. So he has an option for cover, away from the things happening at the front of the tank. I will keep an eye on him to see if he uses it. If not, I will try a rock. I put construction paper on the wall he was having the most problems with reflection. I need to fast this tank today. The tetras were soo fat yesterday from all the ram feeding attempts.
  14. Sometimes sitting, sometimes obsessing over reflection - I did cover that wall now, and sometimes exploring. But the ram is startled very easily: wrong color light, or sees my movements.. goes and hides. Still trying to figure out what light he will tolerate. Fair observation, based on what you’ve been shown. Full video
  15. Ok I think the ram did eat some of the frozen brine shrimp! I saw the pecks, but didn’t see any sand spitting after, so I believe it only ate the shrimp off the surface of the sand. I really tried to get different lighting but the ram went into the corner and wouldn’t move until I changed color. 😐 This guy is a tricky one. Also, good news, the tetras are now ok with white light. So that’s progress for at least some of the tank inhabitants. This video is heavily edited. A lot of the time the ram was just hovering; taking no action. Also the ram is having problems spending a lot of time with its own reflection, so I may need to apply something like construction paper to those side walls. The tetras are way overfed at this point! What with all the catering attempts to the ram(!) I saw some flashing from the ram too. Not much, but here and there.
  16. Tried live brine. All 3 rams did not notice it. The 2 new rams did not touch frozen bloodworms. Snoopy eats them. Maybe frozen brine would be ok since it is bigger than bbs and easier to see. Will try, but lighting won’t be great. All he does is hide if the white light is on. Also guys, the ram that I bought for my friend- she was picked up last night. Friend took the most adorable photo of her today: Ram ignores
  17. The creature/thing seems to be cut/chewed/broken in half, if that helps. So what we are looking at is half of a thing..
  18. The OP hasn’t stated the reason for the change to RO yet; let’s see if they indicate whether the change is to troubleshoot some sort of issue, or a different reason.
  19. I had to switch to drip water changes because doing bucket water changes, even small 10% ones, I would lose shrimp. Shrimp don’t do well with change. Consistency is best, in my experience.
  20. Why switch to RO? Why not keep things consistent by continuing to use tap water? I use tap water, and my colony is absolutely thriving.
  21. The quarantine tank with ember tetras and a Bolivian ram had this unusual thing. A fish was trying to eat it, but it was too large for the fish’s mouth. I used Google lens on it, and this came up? This was formerly a shrimp tank too, could it be a piece of shrimp molt? Idk..? https://youtube.com/shorts/-2zLC3SjkVQ?si=eLOYeQ55DiHxcUm9 The fish are in Paracleanse, but this seems like it would be too big for a fish to pass.
  22. Folks I cannot get the new ram to eat any offered foods. However the ram will sand sift all day. Fortunately the tank is seeded. But the ram will literally swim right by foods, including bloodworms. Also I KNOW it sees when Repashy falls from the surface, but still it will not try it. Any suggestions? Should I do bacter ae or Repashy powder to coat the sand? Ram seems to have good energy and spirit and is exploring around but is too skinny.
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