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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. @Guppysnail has apistos and bristlenose. Maybe she can weigh in with ideas?
  2. I love the journal so far @Pokey! It has snails so of course I’m following along. 🙂 I do think some of your shrimps are females. Females are bigger and have a more rounded/fuller abdomen. The males have an inward curved abdomen. Shrimps love boiled veggies like green beans or spinach. Be sure to have a calcium food source to help them out with shell growth.
  3. So now another comparison, rooibos only Vs Existing rooibos tannins + catappa leaves overnight (catappa leaves were previously boiled, steeped for 8-10 hrs, then frozen), + 5 alder cones (not boiled). All lights are on the same setting. Previous additions of catappa tea only never got the water dark like this. Also I think it depends on the leaves. My first few orders of catappa leaves (last year) were large and produced a darker brew, but in the subsequent orders, the leaves were smaller and leeched significantly less, despite adding an additional one to the boil pot. I don’t think the tannin level related to size since I added the additional leaf, but rather, it was something else about the leaves. When dry these looked paler than previous orders, for some reason. @nabokovfan87 you’ve asked me in the past what I use for blackwater, and I didn’t have a good answer (Fritz Dark Water doesn’t really do anything) but now I do!
  4. Thanks. My treatment was in late July/early August so it has been a minute. 🙂
  5. I don’t know how I didn’t discover this journal sooner. All caught up. Amazing to see the progress! I bet they were a big hit at Keystone Clash!
  6. This looks like it could be vorticella. I’ve no personal experience with it, but it does look consistent with vorticella pictures I have seen. Vorticella ID Vorticella treatment
  7. Rooibos tea into the betta tank for 17 hours. Then some catappa leaves
  8. I never put snails back after No Planaria because of this. I have been afraid to because you never really know. However, the tanks I treated now have bunch of limpets that have appeared and seem to be doing well. I assume they may have come from the bacter ae I add to these tanks. Or from playing musical plants. Not sure. During treatment some MTS emerged from substrate. I removed them ASAP and they were ok. And every now and then I will still see one in that tank. Idk how. I did run the carbon for at least a week, I think. And siphoned the sand once or twice. Hard to do because of shrimplets.
  9. I used the instructions on this site to do the treatment.
  10. The ones I had used previously in tanks had not been frozen. I plan to check these each week to see how long they truly last.
  11. Ok guys I did it. Put some leaves again. I had a bunch of my freezer. That’s where I put them after I boil them for tea, then later I feed to shrimps. Geppetto is really really happy @SkaleyAquatics @Epiphanaea ok now back to the original topic 😌
  12. Come to think of it, my bad experience with leaves was mainly in a shrimp tank, where I couldn’t siphon because there were always shrimplets. Should work fine in the betta tank. In the meantime I put a rooibos tea bag in overnight. Here is before & after. There are a bunch of new crypts in there; I’m waiting for them to fill out the tank. They get easy green and root tabs.
  13. Something’s brewing in Geppetto’s tank… Before & after, 17 hrs, no boiling. Also, one of his plants has an algae “pom pom” LOL I will add some leaves and pull them in one week. I’m not a fan of the mess they make when they decay. I will add mopani as well. People complain about tannins in mopani, so I think it will be a nice addition for him. P.S. The rooibos smells kinda like eucalyptus. Mediciny? Has lots of antioxidants and beneficial properties like catappa leaves. He does still tail bite, on occasion. ORD look at him peeking.. Also when he comes out he does this little back & forth dance. Ok well, I now realize leaves aren’t just “mess” and “tannins” - they serve as enrichment. I don’t know why I didn’t consider them as such before. My fish is teaching me. I wonder if he will make a bubble nest today, with these new, embraced changes. Additional bonus, his colors actually look more vivid with the tannins in there. Idk why. I can see more of his greens. Yes. He is a blue & green fish! I knew that because I had shined a flashlight on him at night, once in the past. When the light came on today, he and the shrimp were sleeping next to each other on the sand. Then they woke up, looked at each other, and were both like Aw, HAYL NAW! Geppetto flared and the shrimp zoomed. Reminds me of those one night stands in movies where the morning comes and it’s like “ok, you gotta go, here’s your stuff”(throws the stuff at the person) 🤣
  14. TBH I am in love with the wilds. They are all unique in their own way. Looking in the blue tank, there are very few that don’t have the black pattern. I’d have to cull most and have a pretty empty top tank if I were to try to keep the line. I don’t see the value in it, if I were just doing it for myself. I just have more fun watching wilds. It’s like, wow look at that one! Whoa, check this other one out! Constantly surprising me with all of their outfits.
  15. I have used No Planaria on shrimp successfully to rid them of flatworms. It is absolutely not snail safe so be sure to remove your snail friends. Run carbon after treatment. (Note: prior to that I used PraziPro which did NOT work)
  16. So I pretty much messed up the blue dream tank by failing to cull. Now most have this black ink blot or stripe pattern. Not looking nice. I plan to combine the two tanks and reduce my maintenance. Not that I do much maintenance on these. But I dislike kneeling, then doubling over just to observe the bottom shelf tank. (First few photos are from blue dream tank, the rest are from wild tank. Currently they are goin all gangbusters over algae wafers. Heh. In that dish you can see some more of the stripe/blot blue ones.) Oh and the last photos.. a shrimplet I thought was too cute not to include, and a berried wild mama with a very cool pattern.
  17. Micro sword is underrated. It’s very carefree and it lives on and on and on. You have to be willing to tack down the runners with plant weights though. Plants from runners shown here.
  18. No Planeria would work, but it will definitely kill any snails you have. But if no arrow shaped head, it’s probably just a beneficial worm. I wouldn’t go through the trouble TBH
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