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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. He says to go outside if using the soldering iron. I just poked holes with a screwdriver when I did it.
  2. Tetras are good hardwater fish and come in multiple varieties.
  3. Critique this for me @nabokovfan87? sound dampening sponge: Already significantly less detritus! 😍 You can compare this one to the photos over on the Bolivian ram journal in my signature line below. Those really show the root issue well. 🫤 I assure you I was keeping up with tank maintenance!
  4. Thanks! I’ve seen that type of foam in stores, but never really knew its purpose or the logic behind it. It reminds me of soundproofing foam for studios, aka egg crate foam.
  5. What sort of issues would those types of sponges solve?
  6. I can’t believe you’ve been dealing with this for over a month now. 😞
  7. Put 2 binder clips on the rim of the tank, and put your strainer handle in between the binder clips.
  8. Snails will eat the hair algae as well as the biofilm created by the driftwood. 🐌
  9. Put them in a breeder box with a lid @Cinnebuns
  10. Maybe it's not visible in the photo, but the filter is packed full. No room to put the ceramic or anything else. I would have to remove some stuff to make changes. Black coarse foam <-- ceramic <--- intake Black coarse foam Seeded fine foam New fine foam ⬇️ outflow ⬇️ sponge @ waterfall to dampen sound. Went to 2 stores today. Both out of coarse foam. 😞
  11. So if I have a limpet population explosion, if I am able to pick them out, I can drop them in the seltzer?
  12. Oh no kidding? (Sorry, the thread was long and I only skimmed it. ) I’ve got a brown coating on some plants that I can certainly try it out with. Also if it helps you guys I put these plants in seltzer 16 hr weighted with a plate and I kept it in a dark pantry. I left the container uncovered. The plants looks healthy coming out of it and the process appears to have killed this snail. (I didn’t even know this snail was on the plants.) I used Origin sparkling water. (Plants on towels are before treatment and plants in tank are after treatment)
  13. I got some new plants for the tank. Water sprite and anacharis. The snails seem to be enjoying them, and the plants will will help me with parameters. When I put the plants into the tank, I noticed something floating. A ramshorn snail, I believe. I don’t think this little guy made it.. I had done a 16 hour seltzer soak. Look at his color. A complete camouflage with the plant material. Bummer.
  14. Over the past few days, I noticed the snails were becoming lethargic. I have been constantly monitoring parameters and providing the nutrition they need. Also, water changes occur twice daily to ensure ammonia stays in check, and to ensure food waste does not build up. Despite this, the limpet population is getting crazy. You know I had to pick limpets off of most snail shells before they couple came over to adopt snails? Also I used a credit card to push a lot of the limpets down into the sand so the the tank had good aesthetic. So last night I decided to fast them, and so I pulled out the green bean before I went to bed. This morning, all snails were active and cruising around. I think I will continue this process. I have read that snails can overeat and get tummy aches. Some were even laying upside down sometimes which was alarming. So, to summarize, snails before fasting: Snails at the end of the fast. See how they are all over the tank now?
  15. Finally I gave all the bad looking, black spotted Java fern a haircut. Long overdue. I am keeping the trimmed pieces in the breeder box because trimmed leaves of Java fern, if left to float, will make babies. I just didn’t want it to get stuck to the filters. I added some other plants, water sprite and what I believed was hornwort but may actually be something else according to my plant ID help thread. I will have to find out the care requirements to see if I need to put it into the substrate. For now I sunk everything with plant anchors. Also I got a bonus plant! @Fish Folk told me it was a lily. Also before I read the forums, I chopped all the hornwort-looking-stuff in half. Then reapplied plant anchors. Hope that was the right thing to do. Who knows? LOL
  16. I think there's a few things going on, but I wanted to ask if you see a ton more snails at night? Maybe there is that many hiding? I don’t have the types of snails that burrow. I just have 2 mystery snails and 1 nerite that stay out and about. I already see my problem. I just jammed a whole bunch of stuff into it and didn’t leave any gaps for water flow. My logic was, if the sponge is coarse, water flows through it. I need to leave a gap. Then where would I keep the ceramic media? Drop in the water flow gap at the rear? There’s a bit, a layer about as thick as if you spread margarine on toast, before it melts. My own fault for using media chunks instead of cutting to size. But after cutting things to size for the AquaClear, which I initially thought I was going to keep, I didn’t have enough materials on hand anymore to cut things properly for the Penguin. This is my siphon. The tank is taller than the hard plastic. I need to get a longer one. Can’t go wider because I’ve got that big piece of spider wood to work around. I usually just angle the siphon and make a swirling motion above the sand, but more recently I’ve been going a little bit into the sand and crimping. I think I will keep doing that because it keeps the sand looking nicer and it prevents that ugly line in the front of the tank where the layers form. I knew I had a filter problem when the detritus was collecting in one area. The filter is in the back right corner and it flows forward, hangs a left, and then a big pile of detritus forms in the back left corner. (All of these directional are from viewer perspective, facing the tank.) This photo was taken this morning. How inefficient. The water is just flowing over top of the coarse sponge. Fortunately the filter floss is getting the final pass. But yeah, I need to go get more coarse sponge to cut to size. Think I can add some Fritz Zyme 7 directly to the HOB once I create my water flow gap and put new PROPERLY CUT coarse sponge in there? Prevent parameter swing? As always, thanks for taking the time to break things down @nabokovfan87. Filtration is not something I really take an interest in. Rookie mistake, heh. Kind of embarrassing considering how many years I’ve been keeping aquariums. But only within the last year did I find ACO and learn some tips and move away from the default cartridges.
  17. Mine never has. I have red ludwigia planted, and she leaves it alone. She usually looks for objects that she thinks are food and picks at them.
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