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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Careful. I've heard some horror stories of folks that have added carbonated water to the tank, and all the fish died.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    How to maintain a breeder box full of baby mystery snails.
  3. Congratulations! Mystery snails are so much fun! Hard boiled egg yolk is a great starter food. It won’t take much. Just a bit on the end of a bamboo skewer, swirl that around in the breeder box. Repeat until it looks like a light powder coating on the walls and floor. New babies usually seek out biofilm. Algae wafers are good too because they soften quickly. Break them up into little bits and scatter in the breeder box. You’ll want to get them onto a calcium rich food or supplement right away, for their shells (banquet block, crab cuisine, etc). I kept food in there at all times. Breeder box should be cleaned daily. I used a turkey baster. The journal link in my signature line will take you to a lot of info.
  4. The little LFS near me sells driftwood chunks for $2.50 each. They have milk crates full of the chunks that they allowed me to rummage through. It was great for my little 10 gallon tank.
  5. Yeah definitely open to opinion. Hehe I was culling a bunch of limpets the other day. There were just too many. It was ridiculous.
  6. @Guppysnail keeps bristlenose plecos. I'm not sure if the type of wood makes a difference or if they will eat any wood. Maybe she can help with this question?
  7. Your parameters are good. Being that the fish are so new, it's very likely that this fish could have arrived with an illness, despite not showing outward symptoms. Do you have the option to move this fish out to a quarantine tank?
  8. I have a tank stand that accommodates a 10 gallon on the top shelf and a 5.5 gallon on the lower shelf. Would it be feasible to use a 5.5 for quarantine? Anyone tried it? Up to this point I've been using a tote, but I have to take the fish out to examine them. I cannot see progression of disease through the plastic. I realize dosing would have to be precise, maybe use a digital scale?
  9. I was on another thread about shrimp deaths earlier today. Says they don't tolerate water changes well at all?
  10. Embrace the tiny creatures ---> clip 🙂
  11. Makes sense because they are free-swimming whenever substrate is disturbed (and sometimes when it's not). Gravel vacuuming helps to cull them.
  12. No kidding? Then mine are probably limpets. I have limpets in another tank, and I have moved mulm & decor, etc between tanks.
  13. I almost forgot to boil some green beans this morning! The snail army got Snello and some banquet block, with crab cuisine sprinkled on top. (Crab cuisine does look like sprinkles, doesn't it?) It was a glorious sundae, and they sure do love their Snello. However, they'll blow through all that in an hour, guaranteed. They're going to have to wait for their second course, because I had to go to work, and the green bean was too hot to serve.
  14. The lily looks awesome. I honestly can't believe how much it grows in one day.
  15. What else is in your tank? My nerite eggs don't look bright white like the objects in your photo. They are more translucent.
  16. Could be detritus worms? (harmless) @Colu @Odd Duck @nabokovfan87
  17. Could be detritus worms? (Harmless) @Colu @Odd Duck @nabokovfan87
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