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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. She cannot use an autofeeder due to her jumpers.
  2. @nabokovfan87 you are like a filter encyclopedia. 😆 Does your employment relate to anything mechanical, bychance? Seems you love tinkering. My dad & brother are the same way. They go "curb-shopping" in the neighborhood and find vaccum cleaners, paper shredders, air compressors, or whatever people are throwing away - and they fix them up!
  3. I haven't noticed any stress in the tetras. The main issue was that they were stealing the ram's food. Lots of flow in the tank. They often play in the current.
  4. Watch the ram at the end. She’s like what the.. oh, it’s fine. It’s just raining snails. (The usual.) 😂
  5. Nerites are egg layers, not live bearers, and their eggs cannot hatch unless they are in brackish water.
  6. Marineland Penguin Biowheel 200 (sans biowheel) 🤣 Bunch of detritus was being washed back out in the tank. @nabokovfan87 helped me resolve the issue and this is the end result. Inflow > seeded floss > water flow in back > new coarse sponge (gap under it) > new filter floss > seeded ceramic media (fully submerged) > coarse sponge in outflow to dampen sound (placed UNDER the lid). Also the tops of sponges are above water level (except for those first seeded sponges at inflow- those are submerged). Works great, no more detritus piles.
  7. I’ve always seen plants pearling on videos. The other day I bought a water sprite. Says it can be floated but I just dropped it in with the plant weight. It’s been in there since maybe Friday. Discovered some other forum members planted theirs, so I did that this morning, with a root tab. Look! It’s pearling! You plant NERMs are probably like, yeah yeah yeah.. but up to this point I’ve had Java moss, Java fern, micro sword, and anubias, and I never saw any of them do this. So this is a special moment. 🥰
  8. The best algae eater is a nerite snail! They don’t care about plants. They just clean the glass. Sometimes decor. Loaches tend to burrow and will be more likely to uproot plants. I’ve heard of cories uprooting plants too.
  9. Can you place the tank somewhere where it will get some sunlight? I’m not saying put it in full sun but maybe get an hour of daylight per day. This will encourage algae and a lot of critters will eat that. Also if you could put your light on a timer. Maybe increase the time the tank is lit. You still want to have darkness though to allow your critters to rest. Live plants also help.
  10. Prime (and other dechlorinators) lowers the usable oxygen in the water, and if not dosed properly the creatures in the tank will have trouble breathing. Source:
  11. Is that a little mystery snail on the filter? Also I believe I spot a bladder snail. I’m trying to find the shrimp but it’s like playing Where’s Waldo? Maybe next time you drop in a boiled veggie we will see all the shrimp.
  12. The great limpet culling of 2022. I removed literally every limpet I could find in my 10 gallon and dropped them in Origin sparkling water. Results: Before. You may have to zoom in. It was worse that what it looks in the photo. All over driftwood, rocks, plants, filters, snail shells, and glass. Length of project 1 hr 45 min. This photo was taken on Saturday. After: My hands are like prunes now… By no means did I get them all. There are baby ones in there. So hard to see them. So now I’m gonna “cull em as I see em”. 🤣 To be fair, some limpets were damaged during removal, so we cannot label the seltzer as the sole cause of death. But for the ones that were alive when dropped in, they sure aren’t climbing walls. You’d be amazed at how fast limpets move. I used a credit card last week to push em all down into the sand to prepare for visitors coming to adopt snails. Within about 2 minutes they were halfway up the walls again. They have the most epic suction ever. It was horrible to deal with because they’re so “sticky” and so small. I culled the limpets because they are sticking to the snails, and I’m trying to sell the snails. It has become too tedious for me to pick limpets off every snail when someone comes over to adopt.
  13. I'm sorry you lost fish and that some fish are ill. Re: Snails No it is not. You'd need to remove the snails before med trio. Not sure about the other fish. Paging Dr. @Colu
  14. Your snails are very cute. Looks like you have 2 colors there.
  15. Seems to be a trend with neons? We have had a similar discussion over here:
  16. That's true. For anyone I couldn't determine within 30-45 minutes, I would let a container sit and check it later. I can't do an edit on this post, as the voting is still in progress on this contest. Hopefully they will announce the results soon! There are some great entries!
  17. I figured out why the snails were a little lethargic the past few days. Originally I thought it was overeating, and that temporary fast I did (just overnight) helped temporarily. So, I determined it was a growth spurt. They all had the little spikes along the edge of their shells. They are back to their usual nomming now. It's very interesting to learn about critters' behaviors. It's one thing to know habitat and nutrition, but sometimes they do things that just stump me.
  18. I keep two of these in my emergency kit. If the power goes out and there's a water problem, we have a solution. This product is designed for people that go out into the wilderness and it allows them to safely drink directly from lakes, ditches, etc. https://lifestraw.com/products/lifestraw I know that we planted tank people don't like charcoal, but could charcoal be an option in this scenario where it is known that the water is contaminated? Do a good ol' default charcoal cartridge that comes with basically every new filter purchase?
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