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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I got some plants at the LFS today. I believe these are hornwort and water sprite, and I got a bonus plant. I also like this graphic they drew.
  2. The LFS didn’t have things labeled too well. Are these hornwort and water sprite? What is the bonus plant?
  3. Filtration woes (for the 29 gallon tank) I’m discouraged. This year I changed to sand. It was looking good but I can’t seem to keep it clean. I think I figured out why. Filtration. UGH! My least favorite thing to deal with. To put it into perspective, I will vac the detritus, and the next day, this again. A month or so ago, I had a filter problem. My filter died and I switched to an AquaClear. I cut my media to fit the AquaClear. It was fine until power failures occurred, and the AC would dump all its water and run dry when the power came back on (often when I was at work and couldn’t prime the filter). Meanwhile @nabokovfan87 helped me fix the Penguin. Took the AC back. Now here’s where I think the problems started. I put the chopped up media into the Penguin. So, chunks of sponges and floss instead of properly fitting media. I did this for fear of losing my beneficial bacteria. I didn’t put 2 and 2 together; I knew the mega snail was a waste factory and figured it is what it is. But now I’m not sure. That much waste overnight? Everywhere? I think not. What I think is happening is that detritus is flowing through the sponge chunks and not really getting filtered. So today I did a big water change in order to vac a lot. Maybe like 40% water change. It made a huge mess. I cut the filter off during this because of water level, and a lot of the detritus fell back down on the sand. I cut fine floss (the green and white stuff) to PROPER size (6” x 7”). I don’t have enough coarse sponge to cut to size but I did my best and filled the gaps with the coarse sponge chunks. If any filter NERMs are still with me up to this point, I could use some help. I want to optimize the filter to prevent all this gunk from going out into the tank. I know I need to pick up another coarse sponge so I could cut to size. I want to preserve my nitrogen cycle as much as possible. Today I took out half of the seeded chunks in order to fit the new stuff. I also added a 29g sponge filter to help. (Thanks CARE package!) The filter shown in pics is the Penguin biowheel 200. No wheel is in it though. The wheel had a tear, and I had to retire it. Hence the outflow sponge. Also should note that I removed the pre filter sponge but it’s still in the tank to preserve the bacteria. I just need to get a lot of these floating particles cleared up after the recent vac. There was quite a bit.
  4. Welcome! You’re at the right place for aquarium advice! This is a friendly environment here. You will enjoy it. I agree with @nabokovfan87 as far as going to half doses and weaning them off of it completely as they’ve had it in their water for 2 years.
  5. That thread is so good, Mick. Such creativity! Thanks for sharing.
  6. This is the only social media I participate in. I don't like it anywhere else. 🙂 How do you get it going, or do you just allow gravity to start it?
  7. That's a cute little tank. If you add new driftwood kind of close to when you add the shrimp, the driftwood will create biofilm that the shrimp like to eat. You can boil the driftwood first to kill anything bad.
  8. They are new to me too. I am having good luck with java fern. It doesn't get planted, it just gets tied to an object in the tank, and it takes its nutrients out of the water. It only needs low light too.
  9. When I was younger I used to put seashells in the tank. Not even sure what that does to the parameters, but when you're a kid you just want the tank to look pretty. Probably adds calcium and whatnot; same effect as crushed coral? Wasn't that many. Just 2 or 3. I didn't even boil them, but I did rinse them under the tap. Fortunately had no ill effects.
  10. I am enjoying seeing the growth progress. Thanks for sharing! Looks like a happy little plant.
  11. It only took 2 days of training with the flashlight, and now the Bolivian Ram instantly goes to her cave at mealtime. First I feed the tetras at the opposite corner of the tank to distract them. Then I wedge the tip of the turkey baster between the wood and the cave, so the tetras do not see the food coming out of the end of it. (They do know to look for that.) They have no idea any other food was placed in there, and she eats peacefully. Today she had the variety platter of Xtreme Krill flakes and Cichlid Gold.
  12. I bought this and I truly love it, and the material is fish safe. Comes with a rubber oring as well. Tank refiller 9000
  13. I have one on these that sometimes I hang on the tank too. They are super cheap.
  14. You’ve just got to be careful with the rigid plastic, as it cracks easily when drilled. If you have the breeder box with the mesh on the bottom, I wonder how that would work as a water change helper?
  15. I took out a snail on that demo. LOL. See him fall? Sorry bud!
  16. Hehe. Yeah I know…. I just didn’t want to change too much at once since they’ve been soaking in meds for a week.
  17. @nabokovfan87 I made this! It was easy and it works great!
  18. Congratulations! Looking good! Also I want to apologize if I seem to be intercepting your conversations. I get overexcited when it comes to snails! 🫢
  19. I hesitate to go level 3, as what we are looking at could be damage rather than persisting illness. I am thinking we need to nurture their slime coat for a few. Changed 60% water so far. 30% this morning, then 30% this afternoon. The tank water is still discolored from the Jungle Fungus meds.
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