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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. This works well with fish. Newborn snails need constant access to food though. I had to gauge what they would eat in a day. When I put food in for baby snails they often won’t seek it immediately. They would wash the walls for awhile and then “maybe” go for the food hours later. Also I had to work as well so I’d need to put food in the morning and then head out. Been getting 0 ammonia readings The last few days so it seems things have now normalized in that tank and all but 4 tiny snails were transferred out. 🙂
  2. Forgot to tell @nabokovfan87 I concluded the 24 hour experiment Tap ammonia 0 24 hour aerated water w/ prime 0 Tank 0 Inconclusive? 🤷🏻‍♀️ @Katherine if you end up doing breeder box it’s less reaching in the tank to clean uneaten food and do snail welfare checks, and also you would not have to move the snails from one tank to another later. I’ve only tried the one method so I have nothing to compare it to. It was high maintenance at first because I kept feeding too much food, then i would have to clean it out. I would have to also inspect everything that came out in the white dish to make sure I didn’t suck up snails. This required a magnifying glass. I imagine @Guppysnail hatched multiple ways and can give the pros and cons of breeder box vs tote?
  3. Can you see into your tote well? My plastic is not very see through. I can see the fish through it but I can’t see any details (status of illness). In my case the tote is for QT. Oh, I had an ORD moment at the LFS today. Look at this guy go! He was cruising around outside of water on a piece of plastic that was partly submerged in the tank.
  4. Same. But I recently saw a video about the rabbit snails. They hop! The JTDS doesn’t have a lengthy shell though. Looks kinda cute to me. 🙂
  5. The link I posted above has the same coloration as the original photo you posted @Guppysnail, ID’d as Japanese trap door snail.
  6. Ok @Colu & @nabokovfan87, I went ahead and added the Ick X. I didn’t add salt because last qt I had a bad experience with salt. It killed the nitrifying bacteria on the sponge filter & I ended up with an ammonia spike. I still could end up that way this time. This sponge filter isn’t really seeded, so dumped in the “new tank dosage” of Fritz Zyme 7 and hacked the filter Irene style with an ammonia removing pad and a rubber band. If ammonia does spike even after that, I’ll go after it with Prime. Half of the water in the qt tank came from the main tank too. Also dropped in a second airstone. Setup ain’t pretty; pretty barbaric actually. We’re in emergency response mode here. At least I got to use the gang valve. #thuglife There is a plan. (The cat likes the setup. It’s easier for her to watch fish. Heh)
  7. It did not look like wounds. The fish were active and eating well. No flashing, no scratching. Looked like white patches on the body. Not “fluffy” but on the first fish, the patches were, perhaps, just a teeny bit raised. Had to look really closely to see that. If the fish hadn’t overeaten, I’m not sure I would have noticed the illness. First thing I noticed is the black stripe on the fish was interrupted by “something”. And whatever it is, it has passed to another fish.
  8. I had part plastic and part live for a while. Cost-wise I wanted to space out my purchases. I bought Easy Green with the plants. Your sword is going to want some root tabs; swords are heavy feeders.
  9. Very nice! And the plants will help keep the water quality good for the fish.
  10. Looks like a Japanese trapdoor snail. @Cinnebuns has some of those and maybe could offer care advice? Link <————————<-<—
  11. My red ludwigia has aerial roots too. Not sure why.
  12. I wish I would’ve gotten better pics. Sorry guys. They are in a tote now so no more pics. I must observe from above. I will do the course of medication and then let them in qt for extra week(s). So far I had put the Maracyn in there, this morning. Looks like it is antibacterial + antifungal. I hadn’t done anything with the ick x. All of the warnings on the bottle make me nervous? I looked at photos online and the fish symptoms looks more like columnaris than fungus. I’ve read on other threads that columnaris is really bad? Can wipe out a whole tank? Glad I isolated these guys.
  13. Fungus is not contagious? Fish 1 seemed panicky in qt (wall surfing) but once I added the buddy, they are both cool and immediately socializing. I think he was worried he got separated from his school.
  14. He is so handsome! ORD! 😍 Happy to follow along and offer support! Your tank is pretty!
  15. @Colu not really? It was discoloration on the body, white. And the patches seemed square shaped. Found another neon has it too. Milder case. Symptoms more subtle. Moved out to qt.
  16. I’m jealous! Haha My base of operations here is on such a smaller scale. My qt tank is a tote 🤣 and that’s initially where I floated the incubator. And don’t worry at all about posting here. This isn’t my thread, it’s our thread! You guys have been supporting me the whole journey! I’m so exited for you! 🎉 @Katherine The clutch will be easier to remove if you let it set 24 hr. And in my opinion the best way to get it off with minimal damage is with the test kit card (if you plan to incubate). Some people just leave them where they are and see what happens.
  17. First of all, congratulations! I wouldn’t say it costs much at all. When they are newborn you can give them hard boiled egg yolk. Mine ate it but what they eat is so little you’ll never even make it through a whole egg before they graduate to other food. To measure it, @Guppysnail told me to just dip the moistened end of a bamboo skewer into the hard boiled egg yolk and whatever sticks is what you feed. It becomes dust in the breeder box and coats the walls. Its great because the first thing they do is climb walls. I have had a small pack of algae wafers and it’s been lasting a long time. I only gave them little bits of “MINI wafers” in the beginning. The Repashy will last a good long time too. You may end up vacuuming a lot of that out until you figure out the portion. For my clutch I would put Repashy that was about 1/4 of a die 🎲. Newborns are like sesame seed sized. It isn’t til they get to be pea sized or chickpea size that they begin to eat a bunch but even then, you can give them a green bean and it will last 24 hrs, and keep a piece of cuttlebone in there for the calcium. Will you start a journal? 🙏
  18. I have seen people put a chunk of the ammonia-removing sponge in bags before. —- Guess what? My first baby has left the nest and went to a very good friend; the one who quickly asked if she could have a snail when I announced I was hatching eggs. Here are some of her tanks, and here is the baby acclimating. She put him into quarantine with a like-sized nerite. After he was released, we watched a movie. When we went to check on him later, we found he had traveled. He must have gotten tired after tank exploration because he was snoozing next to an algae wafer. 🤣 He will go into a planted 10gal after his quarantine.
  19. Just do package instructions @Colu? The Maracyn is saying 1 packet per day. IchX is saying daily but do 1/3 water change before each dose.
  20. Oh noes. That’s worrisome. The [thingy we don’t know what it is] might be putting pressure on the exit? 😳
  21. Happy after live brine shrimp! @nabokovfan87 @xXInkedPhoenixX
  22. Thanks for checking. Visual symptoms indicate white fungus. Going to treat QT Tank with Maracyn.
  23. After the snails moved in they ate every last bit of it. Tank is spotless! Took them 2 days. 31 baby snails. All the salvia minima either died or came out in water changes, not sure. Bummer.
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