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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I did buy java moss a few times from ACO and it is doing well.
  2. @TeeJay well anyway. The tank is looking good and we can look forward to shrimpy updates in the meantime. I only ever had ghost shrimp and that was many years ago. There are lots of different cool-looking shrimp on the market today. 🦐
  3. All great ideas! I’m excited to see it spread. 😊
  4. Sorry to hear about this @TeeJay. Seems like you are in a warmer climate and that the problem could have occurred during shipping. Did you drip acclimate them? Or float them to temperature adjust to your tank?
  5. Today clutch 6 was laid. I’ve got to first find a store who will buy snails before deciding what to do. Also I used the @Guppysnail feeding method this morning. Looks like it’s a hit! Quick, everybody get on the raft! The babies are decimating the anubias nana petite. That’s ok. 🙂 I noticed that some of the parasnailing snails grab a piece of duckweed before making their leap. Little parachute? 🤣
  6. I had a dream where I was moving fish too! I remember making sure they had the battery operated air pump and stuff. I don’t know what happened after that, I think the dream changed and I was somewhere else completely. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Pinky is such a pretty fish.
  7. You can add live plants! They love to consume ammonia, nitrites and nitrates! All the stuff! But it would make it tricky to do your testing. You might be expecting a nitrite reading but not get one because the plant ate the nitrite.
  8. You just have to make sure there’s no coffee powder in the grinder when you do it. 😉 Did you let the clutch hatch naturally or did you crumble it? If left to hatch naturally snails will hatch at different times and you’ll have a size difference. I moved my gang out to a 10 gallon. I keep a close watch on parameters. There is parasnailing all over the place. They are adorable! No worries, just take the bulb off and let them come out the other end. 😊
  9. Thanks! I do have a tank that only has baby snails, and after the snails move out I will be looking to add some fish. Maybe these guys would fit the bill, and some bottom feeders like corys.
  10. Snails often do not survive a cycling process. You should wait to add them.
  11. Saw these guys at the LFS. They are so cool. I thought they were mating because the 2 of them would form a circle, like follow the leader, stop, and then flare. Beautiful and interesting. I asked the employee what they were and he said they are threadfin or threadfish? A type of rainbowfish. He said they are peaceful community fish. I asked if they were a mated pair. He told me they are two males, and what looked like a mating dance was just an “I’m better than you” flare, kind of like bettas do. What do we know about these fish? Where do they come from and what are their needs?
  12. Oh the ones that people grow with oatmeal and whatnot are microworms.
  13. I have a few updates. The remainder of clutch 2 was unsuccessful. I gave it a few hours and there was no change. 😢 However! Clutch 2 had some successes. Here is a clip showing what happened along the way. (Also one crumble of the .. crumblier(?) part about two weeks ago yielded 12-13 healthy babies. ) Also at the time of my determining the outcome of clutch 2, 3 more land snails arrived at my door. This Sprouts mailer has been handy for removal and transport to the shade garden.
  14. No. Fritz Zyme works with the ammonia. It provides the bacteria that eat the ammonia. If the tank is cycled, then you're good to add fish, but it's a good idea to add them gradually so as not to introduce too much extra bioload to the filter at a time, because that can happen, even in a cycled tank. Yes. @Fish Folk also recommended Dr. Tim's (different from the ammonia you have). That or the Fritz Zyme do the same thing.
  15. If no used filter available, Fritz Zyme 7 is good.
  16. Juveniles? Your tank is too clean @nabokovfan87. Feed more 💩. 😆
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