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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. You should make an Irene-style quarantine tub for your fish if you decide to dose tank with the dog dewormer.
  2. What is LD? I used baking soda successfully. It was quick.
  3. Do you guys think the carbon may be counteracting Prime's ammo-lock feature? Also, what do you guys think of these? https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/ammonia-reducing-filter-pad
  4. I saw some of these online. Maybe you need one? 🙂
  5. I am certain this is ultra controversial and you'd need to take your critters out of your tank, but it was an interesting watch nonetheless:
  6. That's been my experience with York also. She's also been guilty of chewing off the ludwigia at the stem level too though. Usually when I find it, the part where it was chewed was brown & slimy, so it probably was on its way out. I replanted all those ludwigia and they grew into new plants. You are so sweet. ORD! ❤️ Thank you so much. I'm glad you're enjoying it! Might I remind you that this journal was your idea? 🙂 I love writing posts about the snails. My husband does NOT care to hear about the snails, but I need to talk about them because I'm still excited all the time at everything they do! Example: "I have some groundbreaking news!" (The day I found the different color mystery snail in the tank that I had not even put snails into yet). Husband: "It better not be about snails." 🤐 They are so cute and unique, and taking care of them gives my life purpose. Watching the eggs hatch was magical; I was at the tank for 3-4 hours during that time: watching, gently helping, rinsing newborn snails off the little styrofoam platform, down into the breeder box so they could join their buddies and find the food. By posting I do feel like I'm helping the folks that are new to hatching mystery snails. At some point someone will find a clutch and have that panicked, yet curious response to it and want to hatch it, but yet they don't know the first thing about it. That was me! I put a lot of tags on this thread so that those folks can easily find this and read about what they can expect (cuteness).
  7. Snails benefit from caves. 😊 They like to sleep in them. Have at least one. I remember York used to sleep in a battleship every day. Doubt she’d fit in there now! 🐷 Here’s an older picture. You can see what my aquarium used to look like! 😳🙄🥸 Anyway, you can see her battleship there. Helmet equipped, she was ready for anything! 💪 Now she sleeps in the flowerpots or log or just wherever.
  8. One snail is snoozing in a cave. Someone appreciates the caves! Most of the other snails are ravaging the green bean. There is not enough room on the green bean for everyone so I ended up offering a side dish of Repashy. Other snails are up at the waterline enjoying the bubbles. The bubbles have been surprisingly popular! It blows around their little feelers, kind of like a dog sticking its head out of a car window and letting its ears flap in the wind. Apparently they like that.
  9. On my way home from work, I stopped at the hardware store and found some baby snail condos. I mean, just in case they wanted some shade. 😎 When I got home, everyone was out and about. I felt a lot better. I like to put a rock in front of each condo. Its like putting up a house number. So that snail 1 can give directions to snail 2. “Hey, come meet me at my house. The address is light gray rock.” One snail checks out the new digs immediately.
  10. I recently made Repashy for my snails for the first time! It was easy to work with, easy to slice into whatever size you need. You can store the prepared food in the fridge for 2 weeks or freeze it for 6 months. Took 20 minutes for it to set. And yep, some people dip things into it when it is first mixed - ie: pleco caves, decorations, etc, and the aquatic life will graze on it. I haven't tried that yet, but it sounds like fun and I plan to do it on my next batch. My fish like it too. The only downside I have noticed so far is that it will become a goo pile if they don't eat it. They like it, don't get me wrong, but I didn't know how much to give them at first. But in my tank the food stayed where I placed it, and I just sucked up the uneaten goo with a turkey baster. And my tank does have quite a bit of current. As far as Xtreme krill flakes, I switched to them on Friday. The fish love them! I was using Aqueon flakes before, but with the Xtreme Krill flakes they were a lot more excited! Also the flakes are red, and when my black neons eat it, I can see the red food through their clear jaw while they are chewing it, and then it disappears as they swallow it down. Fun to watch! LOL
  11. Check this out @A Moore: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish
  12. It's called bedazzling your tank. 🙂 I think the tracks look cool.
  13. I think @Katherine knows what brown diatoms look like? And the nerites are going to amaze you. Go to bed and then look at your tank in the morning. They are very efficient! (oh but if you ended up with females, they will lay eggs on the glass at some point. They can't hatch though. They will only hatch in brackish.)
  14. Googling worm catcher for aquarium yielded some interesting results. You'd just need to figure out what is the best bait to put in one.
  15. Hang in there, Pinky! @Colu do you have any ideas?
  16. I found an article which might explain things. https://petfishonline.com/why-snail-digging/ The snails may be burrowing because: They are trying to escape light. They did burrow after I turned the light on, but they never have before. However, I don't have any caves in the tank. Maybe I should add at least one. The water parameters were not good and/or snails are stressed. I tested ammonia and nitrite. Ammonia was at about a .2 but I used Prime so it's nontoxic ammonia. Nitrite was 0. I didn't run any other test. I should have though, to get more information. They are looking for food. Perhaps they don't recognize the banquet block as food and are trying to find food anywhere in the tank that they can. These are the things from the article that made sense to me. When I get home this afternoon, I am going to check water temperature because I didn't look at that this morning, and I am also going to give them a "swim-through" flowerpot or a little log decoration so they have some shade. Interesting!!! This is so bizarre @Guppysnail! I didn't expect this! Living up to their name "mystery" snail. I am thankful that I decide to use sand vs. bare bottom. It allows them to do what they need to do for their own wellbeing. They know best. I'm just along for the ride. And what an amazing one it has been. Loving every minute.
  17. Had an unusual experience with the banquet food block. Yesterday was the first time the babies have had it. First off, I think only 3 ate it. 24 hours later nearly every snail is.. asleep? Not the norm. Also some snails are attempting to burrow. I did dig up some snails as a welfare check, and they were ok. I removed the food block and did a water change and snails started moving around. However, after that, nearly every snail began to burrow. The only change I made to the tank was the banquet food block. So, why are they burrowing? Did it release CO2 into the water? Does something that was released not feel comfortable on their skin? Green bean and algae wafer is on the menu today. Possibly another water change after work if everyone is still acting weird. And I didn’t even know mystery snails burrow.
  18. Found 4 more land snails yesterday! Today I made the decision to freeze clutch 6. I have also listed most of the snail babies for sale here on the forum. Today I gave them a nano banquet block. Seems like they are enjoying it. I want to see how long it lasts because next week I plan to take a trip with an overnight stay, and I think the block(s) would be a good choice for food during that time. I also added a second sponge filter and it is undergoing inspection now.
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