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  1. Finally… I think the nightmare is over. After feeding kanaplex via food for a little over two weeks. Then waiting another week or so, I am finally starting to see fin growth AND bubble blowing. He is even getting the blue back on his face 🥹. He got a bad case of fin rot after the cycled crashed. Now, water is good, fins are growing, and Moby is my happy, gentle, and excitable little guy. Thank you all so much for your help, you literally saved his life and my heart!! ♥️
  2. I ended up feeding him the kanaplex Mix for two and a half weeks skipping about three feedings total here and there to not overload but wasn’t seeing much progress fin-wise. I stopped after that and just waited to see what happened and his energy level was about back to normal. Anyway… we have fin growth and bubble blowing!!! It worked! He’s even starting to get some blue back on his face ☺️How is your little guy doing?
  3. I don’t know that mine is. I’ve been giving it to him for a little over a week now and I think he is still losing fun. Maybe not as fast but it’s so hard to tell. He’s still eating and everything just lost over half his tail. 😢
  4. It is? I think mine is doing well. At least doesn’t seem to be getting worse 🫣 How is yours?
  5. Oh good I’m so glad he is feeling better. I started giving mine that mixture yesterday so no improvement yet. But he is still eating well. He just has lost about half of his fins since what I thought was fin growth was actually the fin turning white before falling off 😢 How many times a day are you feeding?
  6. How is he doing? I just went to the fish store to get the stuff y’all suggested because my fish is having similar symptoms after some recent issues with my nitrogen filter. Anyway, I ended up having a 15 minute badgering session where the employees argued with me for wanting to feed my betta the kanaplex. They said fin rot is an external/cosmetic issue and needs to be treated externally by treating the tank. When I told them I didn’t want to do that after the recent nightmare I had when I crashed my good bacteria they laughed at me and said kanaplex won’t kill my bacteria. They also said that Focus was only for some other kind of meds and wouldn’t work with the kanaplex. So I’m just curious if this method is working for you. I hope your little guy is feeling better. He is beautiful!
  7. That’s awesome. She probably enjoys having the company. That’s why I try to interact with Moby so he doesn’t get bored. Haha
  8. Oh wow Grace is beautiful. Love the setup and everything. Is she an adult or baby?
  9. That’s so cool. I’ve read about them having very loving personalities.
  10. Oh she sounds awesome. Do you have any pictures of her??
  11. The crazy thing is I don’t remember a time where I haven’t had a betta and I’ve never had issues like this. And I even had them in those crazy small bowls believing the pet stores that they were happy in a small space like that. I never even had a filter or a heater. Definitely never tested my water until I started with cichlids and dabbled with saltwater. I think breeding has a lot to do with it. I’ve rescued a few in bad shape from the chain pet stores and have had mixed luck. I just lost the last one that had a terrible case of fin rot. He started getting better then it just came back with a vengeance. I absolutely recommend them. They have fun personalities. When I was doing all of this stuff to his tank he would literally follow me until I would stop moving so he could curl up in my hand. So cool. Thank you so much, very happy days!!!
  12. He’s hard to get a good picture of but you can kind of see the little white spots of fin regrowth. And happy hugs for his home no longer being a toxic place ♥️
  13. Super cute little fin bump from Moby today!
  14. I definitely am happy to be hopefully at the end of this. I can’t believe what a roller coaster this has been. Definitely was a lot more tolerable with all your support. Thank you!
  15. No, I’m finishing what’s left of the spring water still. So it’s definitely not from the tap. I think maybe I just got a sample of where he just peed or something lol. It was weird. Or maybe I put in too many drops. Who knows. But I tested two more times after that and both had just a tiny amount. The passed few days have been pretty good with no ammonia or just trace amounts. I’ve also noticed some brown algae starting to grow. And a bit of fin regrowth on Moby from the touch of fin rot he got from all of this. Today is a good day!! 🥹
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