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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. @xXInkedPhoenixX Try giving the ram a sinking pellet. If you don’t have one try an algae wafer as an experiment. They love picking at stuff on the bottom.
  2. Oh no! You ok? You might want to glove up before doing any tank stuff.
  3. Hey @nabokovfan87! I saw something at the LFS and thought of you! 🤣 Ok that was mean, sorry
  4. Ignore the bloating. He just binged heavily on live brine shrimp. Do you think this is fungus? I have on hand: quarantine trio salt Empty quarantine tank 2nd pic, brine shrimp chomp in progress Sorry for the sediment, I moved some stuff around and stirred up the substrate!
  5. I think I have found an even better solution. Went to a few LFS today. The one I initially didn’t want to sell to has changed owners. The mother retired and gave the business to her son. The tanks look better. This is what their snail tank looks like today. And they said I could come in tomorrow to talk to the son, and that he likes to support locals. Buying from the community also saves him fees.
  6. Went into 3 LFS today. Bought check valves and test strips. But check out the cool stuff I saw. Goby the Earthmover Coral “flowers” opening and closing: https://youtube.com/shorts/-JMOcaVlyxg?feature=share Oh yeah, actually I did buy some live brine shrimp. I love how it’s ready to serve. And check out these guys.
  7. I don't even know where to purchase bags! 🙄 Other than buy rice and oatmeal from the bulk section of the grocery store and then use those bags. Also I suppose I could transport them in tupperware & wet paper towels and bag them when I get there. But then i don't know if it would be a shock to them to drop them in water - I have no way other than the cooler to control the temperature of the water. The meeting is tomorrow. Another occurs in 1 month. Maybe I will pay another LFS a visit rather than taking such a journey.
  8. I found a local aquarium club. It's actually 2 hours away. They will allow me to auction snails but they require them to be bagged. I am hesitant due to ammonia build up in the bag. They'd be in there for the trip, throughout the meeting/auction, and then, potentially, on the drive home if they don't get sold. What do you guys think? @Guppysnail Today York laid clutch 7 behind the outflow. A little marble-sized clutch.
  9. I don’t understand the red-shrimpness. I’d expect to see a red line in the shrimp where their digestive track is full of xtreme krill flakes, but otherwise not sure? Although if anyone has seen the molting video for Leon the Lobster, his colors were brighter and different after his molt.
  10. Maybe I can stick the turkey baster tip into the side of the log, and she can swim in the front. I think the tetras are too dumb to figure that out, and they don’t go in caves. She doesn’t shy away from the baster or aquascaping tools.
  11. Oh! I have a swim through one I made! It’s in the back. Also I have this log thing. I saw her swim through it before but usually she’s out in the open. Check this out. This is how I made the pot; I followed the girl on this video. Easy!
  12. I tried to put food in the flower pot cave once but she didn’t seem to understand and just looked at me. I will have to try some different strategies. In the smaller pellet video she is showing some more gold.
  13. She’s usually right out in front. She likes to greet me.
  14. Well here is a demo of the tetras being jerks. Seems like the crushed pellet still sank ok though. She thought it was very chewy! 🤣😍 So maybe I could toss this in at the same time as the krill flakes. I think the tetras will go for the flakes first which will buy her time. Agreed! 😳
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