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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I think your background looks nice @sweetpoison! Pretty tank @Kaylish.
  2. It’s my understanding that snails can’t get ick but they can get other things. They don’t do well in water that has fish meds or salt; some meds are fatal to them.
  3. The word got out that a zucchini was floating and a Friday night party started at the top of the box! Also a little snail was taking a ride on a big snail. And for as much as I fret about clutch 2, I seem to have snails of THREE different sizes? (And the limpets too.) Things might be hatching when I’m not aware or around. 🤨 I think they are running the show and they know what they’re doing.
  4. They are little guys, huh? I like their shells. Looks kind of pearly. You could throw a piece of cuttlebone in there for them to eat. It will help with shell development.
  5. Got some sort of algae in the snail grow out tank. If only I had some way to remove it? 🐌 This tank is ready. I’m just not sure how old the snails should be before I move them. And I would not move any newborns. The first crew was born 6/8. What do you guys think? I will use 100% same tank water the day they get moved.
  6. Plant was a couple months old and was doing well. Then it just turned brown, but the leaves were still rigid. They then started to deteriorate and cause ammonia, so I removed the dead leaves. Oddly enough, the dying plant produced a bunch of babies. This article says when the plant starts to die, it will do that. Pretty cool. It's like getting 10x my money's worth on 1 java fern. Do you think there is a way I can glue to babies to the driftwood underwater? Or would I have to take the whole driftwood out (I'd rather not).
  7. Well, the babies don't like broccoli, but York was happy to have it. They don't like canned green beans either. 🤷‍♀️ I guess baby snails are picky. York has eaten everything I've offered her except for spinach. When I checked on the babies yesterday afternoon, they had eaten pretty much everything I put in there in the morning (except the broccoli). In the morning I had added 2 algae wafers, a piece of calcium chip, 5 crab cuisine, and broccoli. So, in the afternoon I dropped in 5 more crab cuisine. This morning I gave them 10 crab cuisine (the pellets are quite small) and a zucchini round which I know they like. And they still have their java moss. During breeder box cleanout I did find an empty shell. A tiny one. Bummer. I do keep a small journal about how much they are eating so I know what quantity to feed because in the beginning I just had to guess. Every day I marvel at how much the snails are growing. Often when I look at them in the afternoon I swear they are bigger than in the morning. The rest of clutch 2 seems dormant. I'm disappointed. I hope it does something. I misted it. I don't know if that helps it or not. At least I got like 6 babies hatched out of it so far. Also my HOB was not hardly working today! Barely a trickle and a film forming on top of the water. Clogged intake floss. So guess who was doing filter maintenance early in the morning before going to work? Heh.. not my favorite thing. Anyway, all I had to do was swap it out for coarse ACO prefilter sponge. I had planned to swap it anyway during the next water change because the floss looked ugly. I know finer sponge and floss is better for the baby snails, but it clogs too quickly. Much better now. I still think this sponge will be ok because even though it is coarse, it is quite thick.
  8. Mine like blanched zucchini quite a bit. Be careful with "copper sulfate" though - it's my understanding copper sulfate is harmful to snails, if you want to keep the snails. Not sure how it affects shrimp.
  9. I like this handy tool to calculate stock % https://aqadvisor.com/
  10. I really like this video for mystery snail care basics.
  11. I recently discovered that the nerites burrow into the substrate! Yes, she is a godsend and has been my crutch ever since my snail laid eggs.
  12. Just curious, what kind of food do you normally offer the snails? And do your other tanks have snails?
  13. I have a "snail food kit" on order. I'm looking forward to making a repashy recipe for the first time. I have made snello before with boiled vegetables, crushed eggshells, Knox gelatin, and algae wafers, fish food, etc. It had a bunch of stuff in it. They like it, but I didn't like using the eggshells; it was hard to get them to a powder, and if they are not powdery enough they don't want to suck up into the turkey baster. Not horrible; they'll just sit and release calcium into the water column, but this time I'm going with calcium carbonate to avoid all that.
  14. This looks alot like a worm I saw in a video. The person who made the video called it a microworm. This is the video and it is at 6:02.
  15. AHH! Too CUTE! FACT. A good quality turkey baster is your friend for cleaning out that gook. @DarthMollusk how old are your baby snails?
  16. This morning I found 3 snails in the tank (outside of breeder box), each having their own grand adventure! They found plants and stuff that they wanted to help clean. They too, got "beamed up" with the turkey baster. 😆 I'm sure they would have been fine. My HOB intake is wrapped in filter floss & rubber banded. The fish didn't seem interested, not even the Bolivian Ram which likes to pick at stuff on the bottom, and I saw that she noticed one, but she didn't care or attempt to approach it. But I'm not ready to have the group disperse just yet, so back in the box they go. It seriously does look like a UFO abduction when I suck them up! 👽 I'm certain there are more snails in the tank. On day 1 when they could fit through the slats of the breeder box, that is the first thing they went for, ignoring all food. I've heard they are escape artists! P.S. Thanks @TeeJay - I got the new turkey baster you recommended, and the stuff doesn't fall out of this one. It was critical for this mission! (Also the cleaning brush that comes with it can be used for cleaning filter intake tubes or sponge filter tubes)
  17. Aquatic plants create allelochemicals* which deter snails and other foragers. If a plant leaf begins to rot and die, the leaf no longer produces the allelochemicals and the snails/shrimps/etc know they can now eat that. This is why snails are known to eat decaying plant matter. The process of creating these chemicals is called allelopathy. I agree with @Guppysnail that you are looking at some sort of nutrient deficiency. Also, side note - snails will climb on plants and clean algae off of them. Watch them closely to see the results of what they are doing. 🙂 *Source: Ecology of the Planted Aquarium: A Practical Manual and Scientific Treatise for the Home Aquarist by Diana Walstad
  18. Some people make a “corral” out of an airline tube with a suction cup on each end.
  19. Snail Uber 🤣 @Anjum your ramshorn snail’s shell is beautiful 😍
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