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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Try this : and afterwards gently scrub the walls and ornaments with a new toothbrush
  2. Guys I think today is another hatch day?! I inspected clutch 2 and one egg was open and I saw the snail inside. I added the clutch to the breeder box, floating on a paper towel on top of styrofoam. The edge of the paper towel is in the water to keep it continually moist. @pcb09 Here is a link to the calcium chips I’m using. These are meant to be a supplement. Snails also need protein and vegetation. Here are some other great snail foods. Algae wafers Crab cuisine Banquet block Nano banquet block Green beans, canned, no salt Green beans, fresh, boiled 20 min Zucchini or squash, boiled 15 min You were on the right track with the cuttlebone! Calcium helps with their shells!
  3. That’s really cool, @Odd Duck. Do you have cold temps at times and how do you manage that? Wow, plant growth explosion! 😍 Are you doing CO2?
  4. Do you have driftwood? Usually it creates a thick biofilm when first added to a tank but it does go away shortly thereafter. Actually fish and snails will eat it. If you don’t like it, it can be scrubbed off with a toothbrush and gravel vacuumed out if you can manage.
  5. Yeah I’m not overly concerned with it because I’m using an old gunky established filter. I’m just adding some food to see how the tests run, really. 🙂
  6. Makes a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience!
  7. My mind is spinning. I thought about using ammonia and I’m kinda glad I didn’t. I’m ghost feeding, using old tank gunk, and doing fritz zyme. Ammonia seems complicated!
  8. @Guppysnail some of the eggs are turning white and are possibly looking more plump. I saw black specks in the last clutch when it was about to hatch. I don’t see that in this one but I haven’t done a super close up look yet. Clutch 1 was real little. Maybe that’s why it hatched fast.
  9. I like Hygger for that reason and it also has a 24/7 mode where it cycles through the day very slowly: sunrise, daylight, moonlight.
  10. Sometimes you can ask the local fish store for used media and they will give it to you. & don’t be embarrassed. This is what the forum is for. We have people of all experience levels here. We want people to learn; to keep this hobby alive and growing.
  11. Been a few days since last water change. Think I should or continue to let things settle?
  12. If we’re talking about parameters, I read something recently in the Walstad book, ecology of the planted aquarium I believe it was called. Plants eat ammonia. It’s their first choice of nutrients. Their second choice is nitrite. Their last choice is nitrate. Also if a plant is decomposing, the decomposition process removes heavy metals from the tank (awesome). I recently saw a video where Cory was talking about cycling a tank with plants. He said people are talking about the test kits and why certain things aren’t testing while people are cycling. Why did ammonia go away when there is no nitrite reading? Well, did the plant grow a new leaf? Yes? Then the plant ate the ammonia vs the bacteria eating the ammonia. I’m super new to plants but I’m having success. I focused on the lighting. I bought a Hygger that has 24/7 mode. It does a gentle orange in the morning which it gradually brightens up, then it does gentle white light and that brightens up to midday, then it does bright blue, dimmer, dimmer, moonlight, off. It seems to be natural for the fish and the spectrum is for plants. I chose all low light plants. I envisioned myself planting into the substrate. But then I read that most of the plants that get planted need extra ferts. I decided I didn’t want to mess with root tabs or iron and stuff. I don’t want the extra task and I hesitate to put metal derivatives basically, into the tank with snails, even though lots of people do it successfully. So everything is java fern and Java moss but they are thriving. The java fern made like 10 babies on the tips of the leaves. The only thing I do is Easy Green. Now, I do have some red ludwigia that I bought before I “knew stuff” and it melted. Was going to toss it but I was reading the book at the time and it said I can replant ludwigia stems, even if they don’t have roots. I did that. They all grew back. Some of them the snail chewed off at the base. 🙄 Stuck back in the sand. They grew back. I followed along with some tips from Father Fish. He answers every comment on YouTube. I put 2” sand cap on top of cruddy nasty gravel. The depth is important. The top layer will have aerobic bacteria and the stuff under that, anaerobic. Different bacteria live in each and provide filtration. If planting plants, he says to only go 1” into the sand. Because plants can get “burned” if forced into nutrients that they are not ready to take up. When they are ready, they will reach their roots toward the nutrients: the anaerobic sand layer and the cruddy gravel stuff. Here are some shots of the ludwigia where the stem melted and I put it back into the sand anyway. Anything that floated off got replanted.
  13. I fill with a hose and pond pump based on faucet flow rate and a number of other factors: distance, height of tank, etc so I have to dose the tank itself. I found information that a snail breeder posted stating keeping the snails in a breeder box increases their survival rate. That’s why I do it. It makes sense to me. They don’t need to travel far for food, they won’t get eaten, or sucked into a filter, they won’t fall from a large height, and they won’t have food stolen by fish or other tankmates. The little guys are about the size of a sesame seed when they are born. For anyone who is interested click the link to my snail journal in my signature line to see the one week old mystery snail babies. 😍
  14. @sweetpoison Yep, although some people keep adding more ammonia afterwards to try to be extra sure. I think we should ask @Pepere.
  15. Now that I have nice clear water, I wrecked it by squishing an old pre filter sponge into it and adding a cruddy sponge filter. That should clear up quickly. Also added baby java fern and driftwood. The rock and the old sponge don’t stay. They are just there for now to weigh down the driftwood and provide bacteria. Added the light for the Java fern and dosed with Easy Green. More plants on the way.
  16. I didn’t have an old photo either but I had an old video that I paused and took a screenshot.
  17. @nabokovfan87 this is a nice topic! I am looking forward to everyone’s before & afters!
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