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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. @xXInkedPhoenixXoh wow yeah, super swollen. Does she act territorial and chase others away?
  2. @Odd Duck thanks for responding so quickly. Her territorialism does make a lot of sense if she is holding eggs. Let’s see if she can find some romance. Actually whenever I feed brine shrimp everybody likes to get busy. I should try that now that she has a school again. I should also note that it wasn’t my intention for her to be alone for a few months but there had been an ick situation that wiped out her school.
  3. I saw something else that says it could resolve by adding males. I just added 4 of her species, so maybe this could work itself out.
  4. There is something called gill disease which may be worth researching. It’s normally treated with Maracyn Two (different from Maracyn).
  5. What can be done for egg binding? She eats like a hog too.
  6. For years I’ve had this fish and over time the fish has become more swollen in the belly. It has been the only black neon in the tank and schools with pristella tetra. I thought maybe it mated with one of them, but now I’m not so sure because the swelling has not gone down. The fish stays at mid level, looks right at me and “treads water” by flapping its side fins. It also opens & closes it’s mouth while doing this (like it’s saying blub blub blub). It does not look like gasping or struggling for air. More like it’s chatting. It has begun to act territorial and chases away other fish that approach it. Then it schools as normal without the mouth movements. It alternates between treading water, chasing, and schooling. Illness? or behavior? Other black neons in the photo were just added yesterday, but the swelling and behavior are ongoing. Ph 7.5 temp 81 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10 80/180 for gh and kh- I’m not sure I listed those two in the right order, I don’t have the test kit in front of me
  7. Is the fish flashing, darting, and rapid swimming or is it hiding, sluggish, not eating?
  8. I thought of something else. If you are just using coarse sponge in your HOB and your sponge filter, you may want to add filter floss to it also. I found that coarse only was not enough to keep my water clear. This is the stuff I use, in addition to my coarse sponge.
  9. I used pool filter sand in mine. I'm not too good with the different types of sand, but I've heard that in general it just take time for the cloudiness to resolve itself.
  10. On today’s menu we have hard boiled egg yolk and Snello since yesterday’s menu was not popular. I also added a little more Java moss since some of them liked it. I removed the unpopular algae wafers and cichlid pellet by using a syringe. Anything I sucked out was inspected in this dish to ensure no snails went along for the ride. I also did a 1 cup “water change” for the breeder box. Used syringe for that too, high up in the middle box of the box away from everyone. New tank water automatically comes back in through the slats. I’m OCD about water quality.
  11. That's awesome! I have a lot of work to do. Getting my husband to watch snails hatching was out of the question. He's a gamer and prefers to absorb himself in that instead. (I did text him a photo of a baby snail though. I couldn't help myself.) However, when I scaped the tank (changed from gravel to sand, added driftwood & live plants) he did walk up to it and say, the tank looks pretty good! Also when I got the Bolivian Ram and added him to quarantine, I got hubby to come and see him. So he's not a complete lost cause? LOL
  12. If I am really bored and can’t find ANYTHING else to do, I will remove calcium deposits from my hood. 😝
  13. About 20 now and some still hatching. This is not a big clutch. I have another also. I’m nervous! I put a little Java moss in and some babies have latched onto that. And a piece of boiled cucumber. Just a small piece. I haven’t seen anyone eat the algae wafers, sinking pellet, or calcium yet, but they just ate their eggs so I guess it is OK.
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