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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I haven’t changed water since you guys said wait it out. I also haven’t fed the fish, only the snail babies. And things keep improving. Everything is rebalancing itself. I did add a teeny smidge of Prime yesterday to ensure the ammonia is nontoxic, because the last 2 water changes I used AquaSafe Plus. I wasn’t sure how much if any Prime was still in the tank.
  2. I learned how to keep live plants! And how to prepare driftwood. Also added a sand cap. I moved away from store-bought decorations and into a more natural habitat. New hobbyists - welcome! Rule 1 is have fun. Continuously learn, stay connected on the forum here. Everyone is nice and supportive! Watch Aquarium Co Op videos and research the needs of any new animals you plan to add - temperature, pH, habitat, tankmates, etc. Plus, try a live plant! It’s pretty and it’s fun! The knowledge on the Co Op videos is gold!
  3. Some snails are getting adventurous! I found one on the lid of the breeder box and another one or two taking air baths. York repeatedly returns to the breeder box even though I feed her at the same time. She is a bottomless pit, it seems. Since I put the breeder box in the tank she has stopped laying eggs. Also here a cute snail at the antique shop that holds baby snail appetizer picks. 🙂
  4. So true! And these days I rent most everything from the library e-reader app on my tablet! I just find what I want and click borrow. It sends me an email reminder when it’s due back and I just click the return button. I never have to leave home! Also archive.org is a site where you can read a ton of books for free. It’s the Library of Congress, but it’s not law books, etc - it’s all kinds of books. Available to everyone.
  5. Of course! You’re very welcome. 🙂 Heck, I’m learning all kinds of tips too by being on this thread. If you’re going to change water, yep. Do it before the ammonia and bacteria goes in. Otherwise you’ll just be diluting that stuff. Also don’t gravel vac into the sand. You just kind of keep the gravel vac at the top (if waste is there) of the sand at an angle.
  6. @sweetpoison the discus are so beautiful.
  7. Omg I finally now know what ORD means 🤣 Yes! That was the funniest thing! I was rolling when I read that!!! @sweetpoison you rock!
  8. For free?? That’s super lucky. You don’t have to buy a library card or anything Library cards don’t cost anything; all you have to do is go into a library and ask for one. Your tax dollars hard at work. 🙂
  9. Well I’m a dummy. I started with a cloudy bottle. It was scratched up from last sand project. So I pour into glass. I am not looking for absolute clarity. Just looking to see if the dust settles to bottom quickly. Oh! Important! Anyone who attempts this, don’t pour any water from this project into your drain! You guys know, but just sayin. (That’s what the bucket is for. I pour the bottle water out into the bucket, then take the bucket outside later to dump it.) I dechlorinated the aquarium water. Probably not necessary. Added sand to aquarium. Slowly immersed bottle. Let tank water flow in to put pressure on the sand. Slowly tipped out. But then wait? What about planting plants & stuff? No problem. Here’s a little test showing result.
  10. Materials. apple juice bottle with “handle” funnel pool filter sand Also- not pictured- a bucket I fill the bottle about this much, add tap water. Cap it. Invert the bottle a lot so sand filters through the water like an hour glass. Also I turn the bottle on its side and rotate it “rotisserie style” Do this like a million times. Here’s a photo after every rinse.
  11. Hey guys! Today I’m setting up a new 10 gallon for baby snails! I am doing the grunt work… adding sand! Stay tuned for how I do it! @sweetpoison
  12. @Guppysnail and I were talking about this yesterday. She likes them because they detect toxic ammonia but don’t show readings for “false ammonia” (what some dechlorinators cause) @sweetpoison This is how I think of the nitrogen cycle. Ammonia is food for bacteria A. Bacteria A eats it all & gives off nitrite. Nitrite is food for Bacteria B. Bacteria B eats it all & gives off nitrate. If at the end of things you’re only reading is nitrate, the tank is cycled. And also plants like these things too! Plants’ first preference is ammonia, second preference is nitrite, third preference is nitrate. That’s why we dose Easy Green for plants. To keep nitrate up a bit for plant food.
  13. Mine is green on one side and white on the other. It came in a big roll and I just cut it to size.
  14. I’m going to start a new tank with Fritz Zyme too and an extra sponge filter I have going in my main tank. And of course, gunk and dirty tank water from water changes.
  15. @Dallasp Congratulations on your snail babies! Nicely done with the baffle. It seems to be doing a good job. Make sure you seal all gaps in the lid. They are escape artists, so I’ve heard. What type of snails are they? Looks like a ramshorn on the glass.
  16. @nabokovfan87 yep, the Penguin (which YOU helped me fix ❤️ - thanks again for that) is for tanks up to 50. The outflow is noisy due to flow rate and the fact that I have to leave a 1” gap for the Nerite to hang out in the air and that’s also where the mystery snail lays her eggs. So I stuff two strips of coarse sponge into the outflow and it’s perfect. Sponges are an extra bacteria surface too. Never can have too many. Snails won’t remain in this tank, but while they are teeny tiny they will, in the breeder box. And 100 more eggs are about to hatch. Lord help me. 😳 I wonder if the 100 (mainly feeding them all their powdery foods) will crash the cycle yet again. I’m nervous! @nabokovfan87 I have 2 coarse sponge, bio rings and filter floss in there. Found the filter floss to be necessary. There were too many floating particulates & mulm without it.
  17. My library uses an ebook rental app now! So I just go in the app and click borrow and presto, it shows up on my tablet. Free! I will see if this book is in there.
  18. Thanks so much for your insightful response. I will monitor. Harmless ammonia? (Ammo-locked?)
  19. Maybe I'll go super old school and get a good ol' undergravel filter. I used those for years, and they're great. There's still one at the bottom of my 29 gallon but I disabled it because I wanted sand.
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