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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I love it @Anjum! You guys want to see something reallyyyyyyyyy weird? My nerite was sifting through sand, on its back, looking for snacks. I had no idea what on earth...?! I thought oh man, I'm going to have a dead nerite later. But no. It did this craziness, and then it went back upright and started cruising around the tank as if nothing had happened. It left a little hole behind too.
  2. I put them in pretty shallow, at a 45 degree angle so they don't float up. Probably 1/2 - 1". I don't bother with removing leaves. And when they develop roots, the roots will go down and find the nutrients, when they are ready. They can get nutrient burn, if planted deep & before they are ready to take the nutrients up.
  3. In sand substrate, the Ludwigia will grow if just a cutting is planted. It does not need to have roots to grow.
  4. To tell you the truth, my favorite thing in the tank is the snails! They are fascinating to watch! Now I have snail babies. 😍
  5. I use a pond pump attached to a Python hose and this doohickey. Just to make sure my sand is undisturbed. I put a bucket in my sink and I let the faucet fill it up. The pond pump goes in the bucket. I add a tall cup of ice to the bucket and test w/ meat thermometer. I add ice until I can get it as close to tank temp as possible. Then after dosing tank w/ dechlorinator, I plug in the pump and it sends the proper temperature water to my tank. I keep the faucet running until I'm done. I had to check flow rate of faucet and distance I was going w/ the hose in order to select the proper pond pump. If you plan to use this approach, tag me and I can show you where I found the information.
  6. Thanks so much for sharing this! I tried the yeast thing last month, but I didn't notice any development. I didn't give it light though, and I didn't split it. I used tank water and mulm and kept it at room temperature. Maybe the lack of light was my problem?
  7. Weird question but do you remember what brand? My turkey baster is bad. The stuff I suck up just wants to fall back out before I can get the baster out of the tank.
  8. I like Fritz Zyme. Easy way to add bacteria to your tank and prevents new tank syndrome, or helps tanks that need a bacteria boost.
  9. Grr. No hatching. During breeder box cleaning I always take the styrofoam (that floats the eggs) out so I can work. Well, it had some hitchhikers and one of them took a ride to the bottom of the tank and had to get turkey basted back up! Beam me up, Scotty! I bet she was pretty dizzy after that adventure. She is safe & sound in the breeder box again. Here’s some pics of them hitchhikers!
  10. My friend and I were joking about snail names the other day. Here are a few suggestions: Scooter Marble Slime Shady Qbert
  11. Ooh Teejay is spoiling his snails! Yeahhh! Mine got some boiled zucchini today. When I gave York the carrot, there was orange “dust” everywhere in the tank the next morning. I thought I had some weird strain of algae at first, then it dawned on me. I think I will stick with the greens… although she LOVED the carrot and carried it around. So it could be an occasional treat, I suppose. 🙄
  12. Hey! Welcome to the forum! Glad you're here!
  13. Hahaha I love that. Sometime my big snail carries things. Here she is carrying her carrot
  14. Haha, cute little guys. Would you believe I only have 1 mystery snail? But a mystery snail can get impregnated at the pet store or whatnot and hold onto the eggs for months! And sure enough, she laid eggs 4 times for me. You can drop a cuttlebone in there or some crab cuisine. Either contains calcium and it's great for shell development. Your are a lot bigger than the ones from my first clutch, which was a tiny, marble-sized clutch. I needed a magnifying glass to see them for a bit. It's been about 2 weeks now and they are a little bigger than peppercorns.
  15. Na, I embrace the critters. Let's see what they do. 🙂 They're probably munching on the baby snail food and having a good time. That's cool @DarthMollusk. What color are yours? I started a snail hatching journal if it interests you.
  16. Hmm.. @DarthMollusk I will try to relink vid which shows how it moves and here’s a photo too. Do they have shells? Too small for me to see. Perhaps the shells are clear? I just left ‘em in there to do what they wanna do. I wonder if the shell will color up once they eat the calcium chips I have in there.
  17. It is in a closed breeder box with mystery snail eggs and baby mystery snails. I think it is a mystery “slug”. Some of these showed up when my first egg clutch was ready to hatch, before the actual snails hatched. It moves and it is suctioned to the plastic. There are several in the breeder box and they showed up this morning. One or two baby snails hatched prior.
  18. Mystery Slugs So, this happened on my last clutch. Before the “real hatching” I got what I believe were mystery slugs. Well, it happened again. Is that what these are? Any thoughts? This is inside the breeder box which has a lid. I was doing my usual leftover food clean out and noticed this. Multiple! And boy, do they have strong suction. Just like a snail.
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