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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Leave in as much as you can if you’ve started to cycle the tank. Or change out just part of it if you haven’t added fish yet @sweetpoison
  2. Here’s a video honoring the little black neon. She had a good life. I took this video about a week ago.
  3. I've seen people in videos put an airline tube in a bottle with water, sugar, & yeast. They cap the bottle (the cap has a hole in it). The airline tubing goes into the cap and the other end goes into the aquarium. So just the CO2 goes in but none of the fluids. Haven't tried it myself. SimplyBetta made the video I saw.
  4. I think I got this goin on. 10 year old tank, 0 ammonia reading always. Can't remember last time I had ammonia. Within the last week switched from AquaSafe Plus to Prime. I now have .2 ammonia reading every day. So, I've been changing 25-30% water every day (and consequently, using Prime with the new water going back into the tank). Have not seen the .2 reading go down. Another variable is I added 5 fish from quarantine, but I honestly don't think that is the issue because my tank is quite a bit understocked. I have a dirty old HOB filter, a 2-week old sponge filter, plus sand is helping with filtration as well.
  5. I thought he was suffering/dying? I was freaking out. But then afterwards it was business as usual. 😯
  6. I like their color. Kind of a chalky-looking finish on their shells.
  7. Daily check of clutch 2 - not ready but still progressing. 🙂 The cucumber was a hit with the minis. Also they love love love 💗 java moss 🌿. Swapped cucumber with green bean this morning. Using up what's on hand. Extra green beans & boiled cukes go into the freezer in little to-go condiment containers. I don't have too many of those so I might utilize ice cube trays next. Because if you think about it, you have to open a whole can of green beans to give them half of a green bean per day. Two babies were pale and their status was questionable. I observed them for a long time, maybe 30-45 minutes under magnifying glass but did not detect motion. I've heard newborn snails are highly vulnerable and it's important to monitor this for the sake of water quality. I have them in a cup of tank water while I'm off at work. Same temperature as the tank. Will see if they are latched on to the surface of the cup when I get home. Also my nerite snail (Hampshire) is absolutely creeping me out. It did a lot of weird things this morning, and afterwards just went back to normal cleaning driftwood and other tank stuff.
  8. Mystery snails really do like java moss. I also heard FritzZyme is very good for seasoning tanks.
  9. I love them, TeeJay! Did you know cory cats are carnivores, and schooling fish? I recently learned that.
  10. I thought my Nerite was dead but then I saw movement, at some points turning completely over holding sand. Then, if you think THAT’S weird, it dropped the sand, righted itself and started cruising around the tank again as usual. (???) Is it burrowing? Or sick? It left a hole behind in that spot. Now it’s just casually munching on driftwood and here’s the hole it left. I am thoroughly freaked out.
  11. This is awesome! Congrats! I’m raising some babies now too! Gold ones.
  12. It sounds interesting! Perhaps my next read!
  13. @xXInkedPhoenixX @Odd Duck Guys my fish died. The belly is completely blown out? Pics if you guys are ok with it but I realize it might bother some people to see a dead fish.
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