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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I agree, try to quarantine him first. You can do it in a bucket or a plastic box, as long as there have been never been any chemicals in whatever container you are using. Add air and heater, sponge filter. Set it up like a regular tank. Measure your water level. 10 gal if you can if you are dosing meds directly in the water. The medication instructions usually start at 10 gallon. @Colu I really like your suggestion of medicating the food instead of the water. I'm sure that is less stressful to the fish.
  2. Thanks @JettsPapa. My issue is that during a power failure, all of the water leaves the filter. Then when the power comes back on, the filter is running with no water in it, and that's what makes the noise. It is a problem when I'm not home because I cannot prime the pump by dumping water into the filter box.
  3. I have several UPS sitting around. I could either hook one up to the Aquaclear, or I could take the Aquaclear back because I only bought it last week. I have another filter I can use that doesn't dump water in outages. P.S. @Wrencher_Scott your profile pic is BEAUTIFUL. 😍
  4. So yeah, yesterday I came home to find my Aquaclear grinding and the clocks flashing from a storm that had rolled through. I am sure it was running dry for hours. Is there REALLY no way to prevent this? We need some kind of hack for this nonsense. I'm in FL and it is storm season.
  5. Yeah this video says the same, toward the end of the video. It says the ice melts too quickly and then the temperature is up & down too often when you try to keep adding ice.
  6. That's good. A little progress. 🙂
  7. Hi @DarylB924 and welcome to the forum! I like to use this disease chart, but instead of the medicines it recommends I use Aquarium Co Op products such as the ones in the quarantine trio. But I at least attempt to diagnose with this. I wonder if it could be dropsy? Also this video was super helpful to me in regards to new fish or sick fish. Around 2:57 in the video Irene says that her live plants did not tolerate salt well. P.S. I have pristella tetras too, and I just ❤️ them.
  8. Oh yeah!!! That looks awesome @Taco Playz! Hey speaking of axolotls, my friend recently got one. How do you chill your water? She is using fans for now. P.S. The artwork is a nice touch.
  9. OK. We are at 11 days now for this clutch. Will just monitor and if nothing new happened, remove the food when I get home. I may just keep the clutch in the breeder box since it's all set up now. Oh I should also mention that inside some of the open eggs it was dry, and inside others it was slimy looking.
  10. I had to go to work. Arg!!!! Stupid adulting getting in the way of all the fun stuff. But I modified the foam setup because I couldn’t get the foam to stay wet. I put a piece of power towel on top but left the edge in the water so it keeps wicking tank water. Checked the clutch one more time and it looks “active”. They’ve got food if they want to come out. At least I only work a half day today.
  11. 6/7- omg! Snails hatching? I woke up and clutch 1 looked like this. I don’t know which of these eggs I damaged when removing from the tank glass but there are MORE open. For sure. I don’t see any snails in incubator? I know the ones on the bottom were damaged from using a razor to get it off the glass (yeah..rookie mistake) and a few on the side. But now some on the top are opening. Unfortunately I have to go to work so I floated the clutch in the breeder box and loaded the breeder box with food. Should I crumble this? @Guppysnail
  12. It is a matter of personal preference. I like to just observe. I have a fish in quarantine now, and it was eating great and socializing with me when I approached the tank. But after 2 weeks I noticed the fish was pooping white, so at that point I medicated with paracleanse. After the paracleanse was done I did a 30% water change. I waited like another week and then I just did the level one salt treatment. The poops are normal again and all seems to be going well. I use the Fritz disease chart to diagnose if any of my fish act weird (you can do a google image search on that one), but any meds I use come from Co Op because I trust them.
  13. Another air pump would be best, but if you don't have one, a second stone would help, especially if it is placed on the opposite side of the aquarium from the first air source. That way the air is more dispersed throughout the tank. That's what I do in my quarantine tank. I use a gang valve to split the air and I have the first air source in the sponge filter and the other is an airstone diagonal from that.
  14. I'm so sorry you lost your fish. That stinks and has happened to all of us at one point or another. Have you tried running any tests on the water (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH)? Was the tank cycled? What temp was the water? Did you use a dechlorinator? I noticed you are using a 5 gallon tank. The med trio has a 10-gallon dosage. Did you halve the medication level?
  15. https://aqadvisor.com/ is a neat tool @nabokovfan87 introduced us to the other day. You can plug in the fish that you're stocking and your filtration and it will tell you your capacity level of the tank. Some people like frogbit for floating plants. Frogbit has nice long roots.
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