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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I would recommend putting an additional airstone in there for them, as medications change the water consistency and that may be causing the little guy some trouble. It could be that he's the weakest dude of the bunch, and that's why he is the one showing symptoms.
  2. A time lapse plant growth video would be neat to see, with some relaxing background music
  3. I agree with @xXInkedPhoenixX on the pH level. They should have a pH above 7. What type of diet do you give them?
  4. When I shop for ACO plants, I use the filters on their site. They are so helpful! What I like to do is hover over Shop, then click live aquarium plants. There are 3 gray bubbles that come up that say type, placement, and light requirements. If you click any one of those gray bubbles it will give you choices. For example, I usually click light requirements, and then it gives me the choice to click Low, Medium, or High. I click my light requirement choice, then I click a plant I am interested in. If I scroll down, I can look for Directions and click the + sign next to it. And it tells me what fertilizer the plant needs. Using these filters on the site has made me super successful with plants, whereas in the past I never had luck.
  5. There is so much good info on the channel. I especially love the videos where Irene creates a quarantine box and Dean creates a fry box. (Oddly enough I ended up creating that quarantine box in an emergency when a 10-gal tank leaked and I had to quickly evacuate the crew.) Little instructional videos like how to clean a sponge filter, how to gravel vac, and how to water test are critical for new hobbyists. Cory does a great job explaining those type of things step by step without scolding or being condescending - he simply presents the information with a positive attitude, assuming that the viewer knows nothing and takes them from the ground up. And that helps the newbies get a great start in the hobby, learn, and remain interested. I also believe that those videos help experienced hobbyists because there are little tips/hacks given in them. I especially love the videos that single out a specific species and explains their preferences - pH, hiding places/environment, temperature, how to breed, etc. Those really help when a hobbyist is thinking about introducing a new type of fish to the community and want to ensure that the fish/community have the best care.
  6. Yeah, I know! I have one like that too, but I can't make heads or tails of it, so I just stick a digital meat thermometer into the water to get an instant read on the temp.
  7. My tetras are laying eggs on the roots of java fern that are freely swaying in the current. I love this! How clever!
  8. Clutch 4 (size 1” x .75”) was laid this morning. I think I need to get up 30 minutes earlier because York is always next to the clutch when I first look at the tank in the morning. It would be fascinating to watch the process. This clutch has been frozen. 🥺 I gave York a snack, though. Also I found that an awesome snail egg removal tool is the test kit color card. I didn’t notice any damage when using that.
  9. Just a little video of some tetras enjoying a treat of frozen brine shrimp. That is all. Happy Saturday everyone!
  10. I wonder if you could wrap them in this or something similar? Wood grain contact paper I don’t know how it would adhere to the block but it would adhere to itself, right?
  11. Check this one out too. He used metal rods to hold it up and pumps water into the fry box also.
  12. I was wondering if rubber bands are safe for the tank? I want to rubber band Java moss to rocks because I don’t have the skill or eyesight for thread.
  13. I’ve used them for years. It’s supposed to be just air, nothing else. It has no scent or anything, but they are loud enough to scare a human walking by too! 😆
  14. So basically that's to keep them from eating their own eggs. I will check out the journal. Nice tanks!
  15. This stuff is awesome for covering gaps. Easy to cut with scissors and make notches for tubing, cords, etc. I recently bought some. It was $2.65 for 6 sheets of it. Also I know these are pricey but they work like a dream. Has a motion sensor on it and sprays a loud blast of air when there is movement. ssscat
  16. I love the swamp darter! What's the name of the fish that joined him for a meal? Is it a goby? Is your container of rocks the breeding ground?
  17. Shove some filter floss in the gaps. It will help grow more beneficial bacteria for you in the meantime as well.
  18. It has a sideways heart next to its tail. Awesome looking fish, @Scapexghost
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