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  1. I have a 29 gallon tank and want to get angelfish for the tank and i know you can have a pair in the tank but i cant locate any pairs in my area and was wondering if i could keep one angelfish with some cory catfish or if anybody knows any other way to get pairs?
  2. I have a 29 gallon tank with black sand and want to do a simple mangrove root style tank and have found zoo med sells mangrove roots but cant find them for sale online anywhere besides amazon but there they are marked up 20 more dollars and don't even come with free shipping. IF anybody has any ideas on how to achieve the mangrove root look your help would be appreciated very much.
  3. I have recently set up my 29 gallon and have done a river black sand aquascape and have my 6 guppy's in the tank. I would like to put some corys into my tank but don't want to over stock. How many corys should i put in there? Also does anybody know of some harder floating plants beside duck weed that has nice roots for fry to hid in?
  4. In January i bought my first tank which was a ten gallon i got a nice hang on the back sand fake plants and the other basics. I even used some many i had saved up to by guppy grass which ended up dying in less than a week. I have sense been donated a 29 gallon for a friend and have lots of fake sand and rocks but no substrate. I use the tank as a grow out for the 4 batches of fry my two female guppy have had. I now have a good deal with the local fish store for 1 dollar for each guppy over 3/4 of a inch. Now i have some spare money i want to really get some live plants live java fern and some flouting plants for the 29 gallon along with substrate. Am concerned that i will have to fertilize and use root tabs. If anybody has experience with the plants feel free to reply. I don't have a lot of money and on a very tight budget i was wondering if anybody had any ideas for the tank.
  5. I have a trio of guppy and want to add live plants that are good to hide fry but look nice. What would you recommend.
  6. I just setup a new tank with sand i washed it thoroughly and when i put it in the tank and added water it mad bubbles it has been a week and they are still there what do i do?
  7. I set up my first tank and have let it cycle i did research and got a trio of guppy's. I know they like hard water and was wondering if anyone Knows how i can bring my soft tap water up?
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