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  1. Interesting that some sites/people say Melanotaenia praecox do better in harder, alkaline water, while other people say they prefer and do better in acidic water. What would be the right answer?
  2. Trying to find out if I can keep 6 dwarf rainbowfish (Praecox) happy in a 36" x 20" tank? I don't have a 4ft tank but I don't want them to be stunted or miserable so if this tank is too small for a small school (6) I'll choose another fish. Thanks in advance!
  3. You guys are absolutely right. So since I don't want to ship fish (we all know how risky that is), I've decided to give away for free all the fish I breed to local hobyists who are looking for the fish I breed. This way everybody is happy. Thanks for the advice.
  4. Cory, Although I agree with everything you said, that is looking from the LFS perspective. And the answer to all your questions is yes, licensed business, reporting taxes, can take credit card and provide receipts, although I wasn't even asked about that nor I was asked to show pictures of the fish, so it's like "well we are not interested". And on the other hand, looking from the customer perspective we can ask the same number of questions when we do business with a store. Do you quarantine? Do you accept returns? Will you store my credit card number safely or will it be stolen/hacked? And it goes on. Like you said, you only buy from a handful of breeders, probably because they produce good quality livestock (aside the business requirements). So if I had an LFS and someone approached me asking if I want to buy their fish, I would ask tons of questions and look at their fish and then I'd make a decision. Otherwise if this person actually has great fish and I dismiss the guy immediately, he will become a competitor that may sell better quality livestock than the LFS. But it's all good. I do this because I am passioned about the hobby and I have dealt with selling livestock that I've bred over the many years including saltwater corals fish seahorses you name it. Feels like it always works out better selling directly to other hobbyists than to stores, until someone can prove me wrong.
  5. Cory I did watch the latest one, where you mentioned the additional work and space for the stores to take fry from a hobbyist, which I understand. However, I feel like it should be a 2-way street, where we are OK in paying more buying equipment/livestock from the store to support them, and they willing to allocate some of their space to take in hobbyist fry, which as we all know, is much better quality than imports. I don't know, just feels like a punch in the face after spending all the money at the store knowing that I could have bought much cheaper online.
  6. Hello, I am a long time shrimp breeder. I started breeding fish for my own enjoyment and perhaps a small profit but I don't want to ship fish directly to customers. I only want to continue shipping shrimps. So I asked the LFS if they want to take my fry for either store credit or cash but they said.. well i quite didn't understand the response, something to the effect of "it's a little more work than getting from distributors", but it's a bit disappointed that I support the store buying equipment and livestock, paying their higher prices for than online vendors, to support them. But apparently it's not a 2-way street. Oh well. In any case, I am wondering if I should sell them at local meetings or to another online vendor? Thanks in advance.
  7. I use Brightwell Florin Multi per instructions. Lights vary per tank. GH=4 kH from 0 to 3 depending on the rocks I have on the tank.
  8. Pretty much all my tanks have snails. I only know how to identify the Ramshorns. I don't typically feed the snails. They get the leftovers from fish and shrimp.
  9. Hi all, thank you for the responses so far. This tank only has a betta and snails but I have this happening in other tanks as well (i'll get more pics when the lights are on). When I started seeing the holes I started dosing with Brightwell Florin Multi but it is just getting worse.
  10. Hello everyone, I have been getting mixed answers on this so I thought I'd post here. My plants starting getting lots and lots of holes. I am wondering if it is potassium deficiency or something else? Some people say it definitely is snail damage, some other people say it is definitely *not* snail damage. So I am confused 🙂
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