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  1. I have a 29g with 12 Harlequin Rasboras, 6 Albino Corys, 1 Bolivian Ram, and 3 Nerite Snails. On Aqadvisor my tank is at 85% and and I was thinking about adding 6 Amano Shrimp which would be 88%. I was just wondering if that would make my bottom/clean up crew overcrowded?
  2. I have 6 Cory's and 12 harlequin rasboras that school I have 6 Cory's and 12 harlequin rasboras that school
  3. I use a 24/7 setting which goes completely off at 10:50pm. Been thinking about just setting it to a 10 hr timer instead. Thanks for all the help!
  4. I switch between Flakes(I get them to the ground), Nano Pellets, Harkari Vibra Bites, and once a week I do blood worms. They got the blood worms once and I didn't see them eat them but they were really fat when I got back home so I assumed they ate them and that was yesterday.
  5. They'll eat but it's not every time I put food in there. Like today they could care less about the food they just stayed still. And I have 12 Harlequin Rasboras, 1 Bolivian and 3 nerite snails. So should I feed them the bloodworms at night?
  6. Hey Im new to fish keeping and was wondering if my Cory's not being active is normal. I've had them for 5 days now and they were only swimming around for one day out of the five. Other than that they just lay at the bottom chilling. They don't look stressed and they aren't breathing hard. My ammonia is 0, Nitrite is 0, and Nitrate 5. The only thing I can think of is that I don't have a sand substrate but I thought smooth pebbles would work.
  7. I think you should go with the tetras or Cory's first so they won't be stressed with a new tank and aggressive fish. Should be easier on them if one the rams become aggressive but that only happens when they breed. So if you have if enough cover they should be fine when you add the rams. And You are right about the rams it is very hard to sex them when they are young.
  8. I have 12 Harlequin Rasboras, 1 Bolivian Ram, and 3 Nerite snails right now. I am looking to get one more species and that will be it. I was wanting Panda Corys but I have a preset heater set to 78 degrees and Im not going to replace it. From what I have read that is too hot for them. So I don't know what to finish the stocking with. Should I get a Bristlenose Pleco, Different type Cory's, or maybe Shrimp? Just looking for Ideas Thank You!
  9. I have 12 Harlequin Rasboras, 1 Bolivian Ram, and 3 Nerite snails right now. I am looking to get one more species and that will be it. I was wanting Panda Corys but I have a preset heater set to 78 degrees and Im not going to replace it. From what I have read that is too hot for them. So I don't know what to finish the stocking with. Should I get a Bristlenose Pleco, Different type Cory's, or maybe Shrimp? Just looking for Ideas Thank You!
  10. I have 29G and I'm planning on adding 6 Platies, 6 panda Corys, 1 bolivian ram, and maybe a bristlenose or nerite snails later down the road.
  11. I’ve been doing a fishless cycle for about a month and a half. I’m at the point where when I add 1–2 ppm ammonia it will be gone the next day but the nitrite takes 5-7 days to reach zero ppm. It has been doing this for 3 weeks. Just wondering if this is normal or do I need to do something?
  12. I am doing a fishless cycle on a 29g tank and I'm going to get 6 platies. What are some stocking ideas for a 29g to go with my platies?
  13. Cycling a new tank and wondering if this would be overstocked? I plan on getting 12 harlequin rasboras, 1 bolivian ram, and 6 cory catfish. I have a 29 gallon tank.
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