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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Very nice! Welcome to the forum! There is a diseases section on this site. If you haven’t already, navigate there and create a topic with the issue that’s going on. Someone is bound to know something. We have hobbyists of all levels here.
  2. I don’t. I only have Soilent Green. I gave them some frozen brine shrimp this morning and a few Xtreme Krill.
  3. Can I use a 100w heater in a 5.5 gal or is that too many watts?
  4. Yeah I looked on this chart but the tidal 35 sure isn’t on there. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/faqs/which-pre-filter-sponge-should-i-get Maybe @nabokovfan87 can help. He keeps filter diagrams in his back pocket.
  5. Hi Lilian! The results were: Ultimate design - @nabokovfan87 Tubbin Time - @Atitagain Taco eating - @DannyBWell Re-written directions - unknown/cannot find results Best Scape - @Mmiller2001 Best Breeding setup - @Hobbit Best invert tank - @Minanora Congrats again everyone!
  6. That was very satisfying to watch 100 fish added to a tank.
  7. Can't tell from the pic, but do you have a prefilter sponge? Wouldn't want any little ones to get slurped! You could always keep the bladder snails in a breeder box with a lid. You'd need to drop in some food for them, but that would solve the problem, just until the eggs hatch.
  8. Presto! Black background. cost $0 adhesive: n/a water application: n/a Didn’t even leave home! How did I do it? Magic!
  9. I did reverse respiration on new plants, then found this. It was dead.
  10. It’s been one week since the last checkup. Here they are today. I’m really not sure when to return them to the tank. I assume this is scarring. Otherwise if they had an active infection still they’d be dead, based on the timeline of this disease. Yet I still worry the disease could spread. @Colu @nabokovfan87
  11. Me: "Check out these blackwater tanks. Aren't they cool?" Friend: "Uhhh.. no? The water's all brown. It looks dirty!" Me (showing photo): "Yeah but look at the aquascaping on these!" Friend (hesitantly): "I guess it's ok. But I wouldn't do it." Next week - text from friend - Friend: "Guess what! I bought Indian almond leaves! Look how big they are (shows photo - leaf size of hand)! I'm going to put them in my tank! I read that the axolotl likes these! Let me know if you want some; I have extra!" The next day.... text from friend: Friend: "I guess I will be having one of those blackwater tanks after all." 😂 (This is also the friend that's about to add driftwood for her bristlenose, in the other tank. Dare I tell her?)
  12. My next question is, for water changes on a low level tank, would the siphon that has the blue bulb work to get that going or no? I wouldn't have the gravity on my side.
  13. LOL! The thought did cross my mind when I thought about digital scale and separating out maracyn. If there's a mirror, a razor blade, and a dollar bill, go the other direction!* 🤣 *note: I only know this from movies! (ie: pulp fiction, scarface, etc) - Just sayin!
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