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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Well, after all those power blips, I couldn’t sleep anymore. It’s still clicking on and off every half hour or so. Internet seems ok but none of the streaming services are working on the tv. I don’t feel like troubleshooting it; it’s too early. So I’ve been watching cable. Just a bit of news, then I changed the channel. Purple Rain was just starting. Got about 45 minutes into it and then poof. Cable went out. Booooo… Called my brother and chatted for a bit. He’s a night shift trucker. Conditions still the same. Lot of wind, lot of rain. Nothing that is worrisome.
  2. My goodness, you’ve been busy. Sounds like at least one tank was in a high traffic area before; maybe both tanks were far apart or in different rooms? Glad it’s a better setup now for you and for them.
  3. Drop an extra airstone in there when medicating as some medications change the viscosity of the water which in turn makes it hard for fishes to breathe. For a 20 gallon tank, I’d recommend using 2 air stones if at all possible. Anytime a fish is medicated, it causes stress on the fish. As such, it is sometimes advisable to use one medication at a time. Aquarium salt also helps in conjunction with medications, as it stimulates slimecoat (protects the fish) and provides electolytes.
  4. So far so good, 6 power blips but power still on. 🤞
  5. Hey gang. Storm is right over us. Seems ok. Windy, sure, but not house rattling or anything. I can just hear it blowing through the trees. Very relaxing rain to sleep to. I love sleeping during rain. Lost power and immediately regained it 6 times so sleep has been interrupted quite a bit as gadgets make their noises. I know this because my security system sends me texts every time it goes onto its backup battery. The aquariums are hooked to a nice size CyberPower UPS, so they shouldn’t have been affected at all. We are getting super drenched as this is a slow-moving storm. If this is all it does, this is OK with us.
  6. Looks pretty mild so far @rockfisher
  7. Since the quarantine gang looks great after 3 weeks, I allowed Pippin to join them. He was bored in the snail tank and would just stare at me. Now he’s following along with whoever he meets. ☺️
  8. I moved the decorations around and into the drink Pippin went. His whole attitude changed and he was instantly following along with anyone who passed by. Alone in the snail tank he was bored, and he was always looking at me like, “Now what?” It warms my heart to see him excited to socialize again.
  9. Today is just about 3 weeks for quarantine crew. So I decided today is the day for Pippin to make friends. Everyone has already come up to greet him while he acclimates.
  10. There is a theme here.. 😉 your turn @rockfisher - post a song with the same theme 🙂
  11. Don’t watch the news “constantly”. It will drive you crazy. You can briefly check it every hour or so.
  12. I had success with treating ick with no meds (garlic) and higher temp. (86 degrees F)
  13. The eye itself is a good thing. It’s the calmest part.
  14. “Hunker down!” as they say, @rockfisher My work uses bags of mulch as sandbags. Maybe that’s an option for you if there’s time to grab some? And do keep us posted when your power and internet comes back on. @FLFishChik how are you faring? Did you get all of your supplies? I filled up my water change buckets and bought a bunch of canned goods.
  15. I think they’ve been here awhile and I’ve been mistaking them for hair algae. I love excuses to buy more snails 😍
  16. Here’s a shot of the whole tank. Couple of snails and the black neon that has been recovering. @TOtrees Right now there seems to be a constant layer of plant matter that settles on the bottom. Just little bits that come off of the anacharis. I do vac that during water changes. Sponge filters are not clogged.
  17. If you click on the words You Tube in the video window it should take you to the vid on the You Tube site where it should play ok. I have this little pipsqueak black neon in that tank. He was recovering from bullying and columnaris. I wonder if he will be OK with the hydra. Now I'm getting curious. This tank also has limpets. Do limpets eat hydra or do hydra eat limpets? I kinda think the limpet population is dwindling. Hmm.... (in the lower right corner of the video you can see a big limpet)
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