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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I think this is a good idea @redfish. Maybe put a little school in there to add some other activity to create some distraction from little guy ram.
  2. Very good to know. I'll have to make sure I get some down to the bottom of the tank, especially the 29g where the mob gobbles all things that float. Of course, Snoopy always retrieves his "supply drop" at the entrance to his little tunnel.
  3. I had a squirrel splooter the other day. Would come and steal some bird seed off the pile I keep on the ground (I think my package is mislabeled. It says bird seed, but all I get is squirrels. I need to phone the manufacturer.) and then he'd go back under his tree and sploot flat on the dirt! Sometimes he would turn/reposition while staying in the sploot just to see what the other squirrels were doing.
  4. Picked up some frozen bloodworms on Monday at the LFS. Gave every tank some bloodworms today. The long bloodworms looked so big for Pippin's little mouth, but he happily chomped onto it and then slurped it like spaghetti, never letting it go. He's got his strategy down. 😄 A few fell into the snail dish. I wonder if the snails will actually eat those. We will see if they are there when I get home later. I know there are some snello recipes out there that call for bloodworms, so I think maybe they would. Even so, I gave crab cuisine as well so they've got choices. Had reservations about feeding the quarantine tank bloodworms, but I made sure everyone ate every worm so I wouldn't find a worm later and think "OH NO! PARASITES!" 😲 Did my water change today on the 29, and as usual Snoopy wouldn't get out of the way. LOL
  5. Alrighty. Everyone ate eagerly and looks fine. Even brighter tail lights today. Looks cool, but now I have a school of 2 of that species. 😞 I am wondering if that’s gonna be a problem later, like I had with Pippin being bullied.
  6. Based on your photo @flyingcow I think your little one is a guy.
  7. Do the theronts die at higher temp since they are outside of a host?
  8. I've been to the Seattle aquarium. I could watch those otters forever. They are soooo cute. Even better than sea grass is something(s) I really enjoy when diving! Garden eels. They have the cutest little goby faces and they pretend to be grass.
  9. I just caught this. Two illnesses that look similar. One dies at higher temperature. One spreads at higher temperature. (!!!!)
  10. Every time I think my Ram (now named Snoopy) needs a friend, I am going to remember this post. 😳 (The little gold snail is Woodstock. ) @redfish maybe you need more rams because in some species there needs be a certain male-to-female ratio for them to be peaceful.
  11. Oh, I misread the post. Yeah, don't put shrimp in with the betta. 😉
  12. Shrimp? @Guppysnail don't the CPD have aggression in small tanks?
  13. You can cheat and use synthetic plants. Some of them are pretty realistic looking these days. You just have to shop around.
  14. As far as the snail, I have found no need to quarantine. It's my understanding snail problems do not infect fish. I do float the bag to get them adjusted to temp, adding a half cup of my water every 10-15 minutes for 30-45 minutes total, then I throw away the bag water. I take some of my tank water in a little dish and I give the snail a "car wash" - I just hold him in there and rub gently on his shell to remove any debris or algae. Then he goes into the tank and is cleaning the glass in no time.
  15. Time for another @nabokovfan87. You are equipped with ram knowledge and will have success and enjoyment.
  16. @ 7:00 Cory is talking about how dechlorinators remove oxygen from the water. I think you'll be fine now that you've added the airstones back.
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