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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Well, my Snoopy post got a 💙 and a 😍 so Snoopy it is. And the last gold mystery snail baby that I hadn't named yet is now called Woodstock.
  2. I collected all the ingredients in case we go this route next. The LFS had the Expel-P and the floating pellets, and I will make my own Garlic Guard for $.99 by pressing garlic cloves and letting them sit in hot water vs. the $12.99/bottle at the LFS. The LFS only had the big bottle in stock.
  3. Observation is postponed until this evening as I didn't have enough time before work. I like to spend some time watching, to be thorough. The one dose of paracleanse is still in there but I'm just going to go off of the ACO [preventative] instructions to leave that one packet in for 7 days. Why add more meds unnecessarily? I don't see a reason yet, and more meds contributes to stress. Haven't seen any more of the brown worms, and I did inspect waste that I removed yesterday, which had no signs of life. Maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me after all. So the QT is pretty much on autopilot for now. I did add a little salt today to help with slime coat and electrolytes, as @nabokovfan87 suggested. I'm phasing in the salt these days, 1 T. per day, as I learned on another thread that too much salt too soon will cause an ammonia spike as the bacteria go into shock and it takes them time to recover. That's a problem I repeatedly had with salt in the past.
  4. 2 customers today at the dish. Button ate her way through the calcium chip dust and latched onto the cucumber. Nibbles is really enjoying the calcium chip dust. Nibbles likes cuttlebone too. I’ve found him there on more than one occasion. Also I named my Bolivian Ram Snoopy since he’s all up in my business, always. Investigates all things new in the tank, tastes all the snail foods, photobombs all the tank photos. So that means the last gold mystery snail that hadn’t been named must be Woodstock. 🐥 Here’s Woodstock cleaning a plant: And here is Snoopy.
  5. I vote the little guy gets the big tank. That will give him an opportunity to establish territory. Put the big guy in timeout. 😉 Click here for DIY ram tunnel
  6. You’ll want to make sure the bottom one stays damp with tank water, and the top one should stay dry. Replace the top one if necessary.
  7. I dunno. Maybe I’ll call him Snoopy because he investigates everything: me, whatever I drop in the tank, aquascaping tools, the camera, and he tastes every vegetable. 🙂
  8. Technically, yes, but I’d recommend just hatching the one because the first one is pretty big and has the potential for a lot of snails. I would recommend waiting the day for this clutch to harden and then removing it, freezing it in a ziplock. Later crush and dispose. Most humane way.
  9. Hmm.. I spent some time observing this evening. I did not see any worms or weird behavior. Everyone looks good. They were upset I turned the light on. They don’t like it. They hide in the cube or stay still. But after awhile some swam around. The mystery tetras are developing “tail lights”. Can you see them? Looks like they could be head-and-tail light tetras. 🙂 I realize the lighting is not the best. Just using the extra light I have on hand.
  10. Sorry - Zucchini, cucumber & squash can all be fed raw or blanched.
  11. There was at least one fish that this could apply to. I thought the fish was having a bowel movement, but I never usually see a long bowel movement attached to tetras, as one would see happen with mollies/platies, etc. I thought hmm, ok? But I didn't really take a closer look; I wasn't even thinking about worms at the time. But then it was the same day I saw that worm on the bottom. Actually within about a half hour of seeing the fish bowel. And there was a little bit of salt in the tank. Not even at a level 1 salt. I know you guys are probably thinking, it's just poop! But I'm telling you, there was more squiggles than what you see in the video.
  12. technically, I'm not sure. I just know the worm was brown and looked different than waste, and it wiggled on the bottom of the tank. I'm guessing paracleanse just treats the worms that are white?
  13. That's awesome. You organized the information really well so you can find it easily, and it's nice that you help everybody else.
  14. @Colu @nabokovfan87 I don't think I should finish the paracleanse treatment, do you? If camallanus, paracleanse won't work?
  15. Do I have to finish the Paracleanse and water change all of that out before starting on the expel-p? @nabokovfan87 @Colu
  16. @Colu what made you become interested in fish disease? I know you've read some books on the topic. Just curious. 🙂
  17. In my experience, cuttlebone has had no effect on parameters and takes months to dissolve. I have hard water.
  18. Really? Mine is constantly photobombing every pic I try to take and wants to be the center of attention. Both of these were "supposed to be" snail pics. 😂
  19. I don't have a name yet. I will have to give that some thought.
  20. Aw, poor fella. It does sound like the big guy has an issue. @Colu do you have a food recipe to help w/ bloating like this? I think you are on the right track with the peas. I've noticed other hobbyists use peas to help with digestion.
  21. Guys I hadn’t really sexed my ram because I do not have plans to breed, but um.. I think my ram is a dude. @Guppysnail @nabokovfan87 @redfish source
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