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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Literally hanging. ☺️ Yeah I actually cut back my post since then. I looked at it later on and I was like, man, that was long winded and way off topic. Thanks for the reply! I did dig a little ditch under the pfs but I still have to take the intake tube off to get the sponge off because there’s not enough clearance for the sponge alone to be removed. Taking the tube off creates the swirl of mulm.
  2. That’s great @xXInkedPhoenixX! I guess this is her norm.
  3. I’d recommend keeping that temperature where it is until symptoms are gone, and try the recipe from Colu and see how things go.
  4. Made some Repashy Community Blend for tomorrow but I had this little scrap piece so I tossed it in. Someone likes it!
  5. I think you are referring to stress ich. Yep, that’s a thing (see article link above and in it you will find another link to stress ich). Stress ich is not contagious and does not react to meds. To combat stress ich, it’s all about conditions: is the water quality good, do fish that need cover (plants/caves) have it, is lighting too bright, are species compatible, etc.
  6. That’s such a pretty fish. Maybe it is epistylis as Colu suggested because it seems their fins are the only affected parts?
  7. Fiddler crabs are brackish! And nerite snails as well.
  8. Here’s some mischief happening… https://youtube.com/shorts/2Cgc8_KKtW8?feature=share
  9. Huh. I didn't know guppies ate all that. I kinda thought they'd be top feeders.
  10. Plexiglass/acrylic could be an option. Still fine for lighting.
  11. It's beneficial to let it be. Sand has an aerobic layer and an anerobic layer, and different bacteria reside in each layer to break down waste. Further, accumulated waste in the sand does provide food for plants. You can angle the gravel siphon to suck the detritus from the top of the sand. Then you can "turn" the sand by using a turkey baster to suck some sand up and put it back down. That will refresh the layer and make it look less dingy. I do vacuum my sand with the hose pinching method as well, but I believe the practicality of this depends on the type of sand. I use pool filter sand which is heavier and doesn't usually make it all the way up the siphon anyway.
  12. YESSSS... They don't ever fit right, or lay flat - why must we DIY stuff? Why can't there be decent glass lids for purchase? (R&D opportunity for @Cory ? Fill the need? 😉)
  13. Blanch them, just what you'll feed in a week. The rest of the fresh veg you can freeze and blanch a little bit the following week. For my snails I just pull2 greenbeans out of the freezer and blanch. I feed chunks off of those a few times during the week with other foods like Repashy in the days in between. Cucumbers, green beans, zucchini, squash, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, sweet potato. That's what I've tried thus far. (Well, I did try spinach, but they didn't like it). I do not have any plecos, but I see the pleco folks giving green beans and zucchini most often. Seems that's popular w/ BOTH plecos & snails.
  14. Do you have any photos? Ich symptoms should start to go away in 5 days, and if they do not, you may be dealing with another illness that looks similar to ich (velvet, for example). Also ich can live in the tank as it goes through its life cycle and come back up out of the substrate to reinfect the fish, but if you've had the temp at 86 degrees for 2 weeks, that's an excellent prevention since ich is a cool water disease. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/how-to-treat-ich-on-freshwater-fish What I did when I had ich was make a garlic infusion. It involved taking a garlic clove and crushing or grinding it down til it was pulpy, then pouring hot dechlorinated water over it. Once it cooled, I dumped just the juice into the tank. Warning - if you try it, it will make your tank stinky. @Colu
  15. And ya know, I have a tube holder too. But did I use it? NooOOOoooo....
  16. Glass top must have had a coating on it that the solution ate away. Don’t tell my husband. LOL
  17. I’ve heard of an illness called hole-in-head disease. I wonder if that might relate to the head issue your betta is having?
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