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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I was surprised to see the chemical reaction on the seiryu stone in the video, for how popular it is in aquascapes.
  2. Stay strong @laritheloud! 💪 You can do this!
  3. I called the LFS and spoke to the nice guy that helped me (Adam). First off, thanked him for the free fish! He said he was happy to do it. 😍 Again- shop local! (I also think he may have charged less per fish too, because I thought the price check discussion with his coworker was a dollar more? But I was looking at the other tanks and only half paying attention.) But I also asked what other tetras were in the pristella tank. Wondering what I got that has the red “eyelid”? He said from time to time they have jumpers (the store is a bunch of acrylic cubes side by side with open tops), but he went back to the tank and looked. He’s saying they are all definitely pristellas. 🤨 We are just going to have to see what kind of color development we have. I told him all is well and they have designated themselves black neons and are schooling around in quarantine with them. I think he got a kick out of that.
  4. That’s such a cool photo, it looks like they are all being kissed by a ray of sunshine. & Lemony Snickets looks right at home.
  5. I saw that. It was tragic. Poor guy. Like many of us, he has an emotional attachment to his fish and inverts, and that was tough for him to go through and to share.
  6. It seems like they are figuring that out just fine. 😂 That’s awesome! 😍 It’s funny they are called bandits when actually they are security guards.
  7. Thank you! Seems he is on the mend. He had some vertigo but they figured out it was something with the ear, easily resolved. He’s a senior citizen so he does not spring back so well from health issues as he did in his younger days. That was not an easy issue because he already uses a walker and needs assistance with things. But he should be released soon because he’s improving. After the reverse respiration, the Aponogeton Crispus seems a little… crisper? Hehehe. But a number of stems are broken and some leaves are translucent. 🫤 I trimmed off slimy/brown stuff and stuck it in the tank. The snails can help sort out the other parts that may decline. It doesn’t look half bad though. They are nice and tall and help create the background. Class is in session for the quarantine crew. Everyone are friends. I’m so charmed watching them school around. (It’s the little things in life…) Also the pristellas are already starting to show their pretty red eyeshadow. 🙂 Hmm.. but… my other pristellas don’t seem to have red eyeshadow? I think I have 2 mystery fish. Also I did watch everyone closely and see no signs of illness in anyone. The co op heater is doing well. It runs a degree hotter than what I set but I don’t care. I just set it one degree lower, and it’s perfect. This is the rock background they see (prevents cats from seeing in and bothering them - Mouse got busted trying to claw her way into the tote before, when Pippin was there). Really it’s 2 Dollar Tree backsplash pieces for a kitchen. Good enough for me.
  8. Punk’s colors are really poppin against that dark substrate. I have lighter substrate which in turn makes my Bolivian ram appear lighter.
  9. I suppose you may be wondering, why tetras? Well, a friend had an aquarium in his apartment and the landlord found out about it. It was against his lease. And so he brought his fish to me. They just so happen to live a long time, because that was maybe 9 or 10 years ago? Tetras are very hardy fish. LOL And so I’m just rolling with it. I’m increasing their school size because I know that makes them feel safe and happy. I did lose a few over time, one by one. Old age perhaps. There was an ich situation one time (the last time I tried to increase the school).
  10. Everybody is situated now and are relaxing. The co op order came today, a day early! I like the insulated plant pack. So fancy! But the Crispus are sad. The bulbs look good though, and I think that’s what counts. Maybe a little RR will perk them up. I am now soaking the heater for 30 minutes and will make the changeover from the Hygger. Lastly here is the gang. Everyone is schooling with everyone. They are mostly just staying still while they get used to their new surroundings. I am so very glad I bought a new tote. This one is so very clear and it’s easy to see them. I taped a rock background on there so that my fur babies will leave them alone. Of course, you guys can’t see the rocks but they can. 🙂 I think it’s going to also prevent them from getting stressed when I’m walking around in that area, doing maintenance and such. And they already made a whole bunch of detritus. Wow! Sheesh. All that in just 1 hour. I’m used to having 1 fish (Pippin) in QT so the mess appearing so quickly took me by surprise. Admittedly, it’s been a minute since I’ve quarantined a group.
  11. Hooray! Pippin’s buddies have arrived. A stop at the LFS on my way home. They look nice & healthy and are a good size. I got 7 black neons so after all is said & done I will have 11 total. The guy that bagged my fish labeled it 6, so that means I got one free. That was sweet. I didn’t catch it until I got home. Shop local. 😍 Also to be fair, I got 2 pristella tetras as well and that will put me at 7 total. They are very washed out in color so my mission is to take them from this: to this: Also I did have a helper. Actually, I ALWAYS have a helper. I really prefer to drip acclimate but since my QT tote is on the floor, we are floating and adding, floating and adding. They were initially really freaked out when the bags were laying flat and were slamming against the sides of the bag, but now that the bags are upright and held in place with a binder clip they are a lot more calm. I’m adding 1/2 c. water every 10 min after their initial 15 min. float.
  12. On another note: I can already tell the Badis Badis have a cute personality. Reminds me of my ram: stop, look, back up, decide.. not just mindless swimming like some of the schooling fish. I love cichlids so very much. 😍 And those cories are ADORABLE. Of course I have to tag the cory NERM @nabokovfan87 to have a look at those beauties.
  13. I know, I'm the party pooper. 😐 But yeah, just something to monitor. I had a dude that had wasting disease for quite some time, a pristella tetra. He ate like a pig, very energetically, but he kept shrinking, and I couldn't figure out what his deal was (this was in my pre-forum days). Eventually I learned to put him in QT and medicate, and he did make a full recovery.
  14. The one fishy has a concave belly indicating possible wasting disease. A round of paracleanse may be in order.
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